The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Political Parties
- EnglishAn Act shall provide for the registration of political parties, qualifications for entitlement to be registered as a political party, conferment of corporate status on political parties, the maintenance of a register of political parties by the Electoral Commission, the submission of accounts and other prescribed particulars and information to the Commission by a registered political party, the provision of financial support from public funds to political parties, the control of financial and other contributions to political parties, the disposal of the assets of political parties on dissolution and the submission to the National Assembly by the Electoral Commission of an annual report in respect of the functions of the Commission under the Act. (Art. 118)
Political Parties
- English
The citizens of Mongolia are guaranteed to exercise the following rights and freedoms:
10/ right to form a party or other mass organizations and freedom of association to these organizations on the basis of social and personal interests and opinion. All political parties and other mass organizations shall uphold public order and state security, and abide by law. Discrimination and persecution of a person for joining a political party or other mass organization or for being their member shall be prohibited.
… (Art. 16) - Mongolian
Монгол Улсын иргэн дараахь үндсэн эрх, эрх чөлөөг баталгаатай эдэлнэ:
10) нийгмийн болон өөрсдийн ашиг сонирхол, үзэл бодлын үүднээс нам, олон нийтийн бусад байгууллага байгуулах, сайн дураараа эвлэлдэн нэгдэх эрхтэй. Нам, олон нийтийн бусад бүх байгууллага нийгэм, төрийн аюулгүй байдлыг сахиж, хуулийг дээдлэн биелүүлнэ. Аль нэгэн нам, олон нийтийн бусад байгууллагад эвлэлдэн нэгдсэний төлөө болон гишүүний нь хувьд хүнийг ялгаварлан гадуурхах, хэлмэгдүүлэхийг хориглоно.
… (Арван зургадугаар зүйл)
Political Parties
- English1. A political party in the multiparty political system shall conform to the following principles-
a. every political party shall have a national character;
b. membership of a political party shall not be based on sex, ethnicity, religion or other sectional division;
c. the internal organisation of a political party shall conform to the democratic principles enshrined in this Constitution;
d. members of the national organs of a political party shall be regularly elected from citizens of Uganda in conformity with the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this article and with due consideration for gender;
e. political parties shall be required by law to account for the sources and use of their funds and assets;
f. no person shall be compelled to join a particular party by virtue of belonging to an organisation or interest group.
2. Parliament shall by law prescribe a code of conduct for political organisations and political parties and provide for the establishment of a national consultative forum for political parties and organisations with such functions as Parliament may prescribe. (Art. 71)
Political Parties
- EnglishAny political party which sends a candidate for election on a constituency basis shall have the right to send a candidate for election on a party list basis.
In sending a candidate for election on a party list basis, each political party shall prepare one list of candidates, in which candidates for election of each political party shall not be the same as others’ and not be the same as the names of candidates for election on a constituency basis. Such list of candidates shall be submitted to the Election Commission prior to the end of the period for application for candidacy for election of Members of the House of Representatives on a constituency basis.
In the preparation of a list of candidates under paragraph two, the members of the political party shall be allowed to participate in the deliberations, and regard shall be had to the candidates for election from different regions and equality between men and women. (Sec. 90) - Thaiพรรคการเมืองใดส่งผู้สมัครรับเลือกตั้งแบบแบ่งเขตเลือกตั้งแล้ว ให้มีสิทธิส่งผู้สมัครรับเลือกตั้งแบบบัญชีรายชื่อได้
การส่งผู้สมัครรับเลือกตั้งแบบบัญชีรายชื่อ ให้พรรคการเมืองจัดทําบัญชีรายชื่อพรรคละหนึ่งบัญชี โดยผู้สมัครรับเลือกตั้งของแต่ละพรรคการเมืองต้องไม่ซ้ํากัน และไม่ซ้ํากับรายชื่อผู้สมัครรับเลือกตั้งแบบแบ่งเขตเลือกตั้ง โดยส่งบัญชีรายชื่อดังกล่าวให้คณะกรรมการการเลือกตั้งก่อนปิดการรับสมัครรับเลือกตั้งสมาชิกสภาผู้แทนราษฎรแบบแบ่งเขตเลือกตั้ง
การจัดทำบัญชีรายชื่อ ตามวรรคสอง ต้องอนุญาตให้สมาชิกของพรรคการเมืองมีส่วนร่วมในการพิจารณาด้วย โดยต้องคํานึงถึงผู้สมัครรับเลือกตั้งจากภูมิภาคต่างๆ และความเท่าเทียมกันระหว่างชายและหญิง (มาตรา ๙๐)
Political Parties
- EnglishThe State shall promote equality with respect to the representation of women and men in publicly appointed or elected office, in its executive and decision-making institutions, and political parties and movements. As for candidacies in multi-person elections, their participation shall be respected by rotation of power and sequencing.
The State shall adopt affirmative action measures to guarantee the participation of discriminated sectors. (Art. 65) - SpanishEl Estado promoverá la representación paritaria de mujeres y hombres en los cargos de nominación o designación de la función pública, en sus instancias de dirección y decisión, y en los partidos y movimientos políticos. En las candidaturas a las elecciones pluripersonales se respetará su participación alternada y secuencial.
El Estado adoptará medidas de acción afirmativa para garantizar la participación de los sectores discriminados. (Art. 65)
Political Parties
- EnglishAndorrans have the right freely to create political parties. Their functioning and organization must be democratic and their activities lawful. The suspension of their activities and their dissolution should be carried out by judicial organs. (Art. 26)
- CatalanEs reconeix als andorrans el dret de lliure creació de partits polítics. El seu funcionament i organització han d'ésser democràtics i les seves actuacions, conformes a la llei. La suspensió de les seves activitats i la seva dissolució hauran de ser efectuades pels òrgans judicials. (Art. 26)
Political Parties
- English...
The renewal of the Legislative and Executive powers will be realized by way of free, authentic and periodic elections, in accordance with the following bases:
I. The political parties are entities of public interest; the law will determine the norms and requirements for their legal registration, the specific forms of their participation [intervención] in the electoral process and the rights, obligations and prerogatives that correspond to them. In the nomination [postulación] of their candidatures, the principle of parity of gender will be observed.
The political parties have as [their] objective to promote the participation of the people in the democratic life, to promote the principle of parity of gender, to contribute to the integration of the organs of political representation and as citizen organizations, to make possible the access of them to the exercise of public power, in accordance with the programs, principles and ideas they postulate and by way of universal, free, secret and direct suffrage, as well as the regulations that the electoral law specifies [marque] to guarantee the parity of gender, in candidatures to the different offices of popular election. Only the citizens [masculine] and citizens [feminine] may form political parties and affiliate freely and individually with them;
II. The law will guarantee that the national political parties share [cuenten] in an equitable manner, the resources [elementos] that give rise to [llevar a cabo] their activities and will specify the rules to which the financing of the corresponding [propios] political parties and their electoral campaigns will be subject, which must guarantee that public resources prevail over those of private origin.
… (Art. 41) - Spanish…
La renovación de los poderes Legislativo y Ejecutivo se realizará mediante elecciones libres, auténticas y periódicas, conforme a las siguientes bases:
I. Los partidos políticos son entidades de interés público; la ley determinará las normas y requisitos para su registro legal, las formas específicas de su intervención en el proceso electoral y los derechos, obligaciones y prerrogativas que les corresponden. En la postulación de sus candidaturas, se observará el principio de paridad de género.
Los partidos políticos tienen como fin promover la participación del pueblo en la vida democrática, fomentar el principio de paridad de género, contribuir a la integración de los órganos de representación política, y como organizaciones ciudadanas, hacer possible su acceso al ejercicio del poder público, de acuerdo con los programas, principios e ideas que postulan y mediante el sufragio universal, libre, secreto y directo, así como con las reglas que marque la ley electoral para garantizar la paridad de género, en las candidaturas a los distintos cargos de elección popular. Sólo los ciudadanos y ciudadanas podrán formar partidos políticos y afiliarse libre e individualmente a ellos;
II. La ley garantizará que los partidos políticos nacionales cuenten de manera equitativa con elementos para llevar a cabo sus actividades y señalará las reglas a que se sujetará el financiamiento de los propios partidos y sus campañas electorales, debiendo garantizar que los recursos públicos prevalezcan sobre los de origen privado.
… (Art. 41)
Political Parties
- English1. The Republic of Poland shall ensure freedom for the creation and functioning of political parties. Political parties shall be founded on the principle of voluntariness and upon the equality of Polish citizens, and their purpose shall be to influence the formulation of the policy of the State by democratic means.
2. The financing of political parties shall be open to public inspection. (Art. 11) - Polish1. Rzeczpospolita Polska zapewnia wolność tworzenia i działania partii politycznych. Partie polityczne zrzeszają na zasadach dobrowolności i równości obywateli polskich w celu wpływania metodami demokratycznymi na kształtowanie polityki państwa.
2. Finansowanie partii politycznych jest jawne. (Art. 11)
Political Parties
- English1. Every citizen shall have the right to create a party with other citizens and the right to become a member of a party. No one shall be compelled to become a member of a party.
2. Judges, prosecutors, and investigators may not be members of a party. The law may prescribe restrictions on the right to create and become a member of a party by servicemen of the armed forces, the national security, the police, and other militarized bodies.
3. Parties shall publish annual reports on the sources of their financial means and expenditures, as well as on their property.
4. In cases stipulated by law, the activities of a party may be suspended by a decision of the Constitutional Court. Parties that advocate the violent overthrow of the constitutional order or use violence for overthrowing the constitutional order shall be unconstitutional and are subject to prohibition by decision of the Constitutional Court. (Art. 46) - Armenian1. Յուրաքանչյուր քաղաքացի ունի այլ քաղաքացիների հետ կուսակցություն ստեղծելու և որևէ կուսակցության անդամագրվելու իրավունք: Ոչ ոքի չի կարելի հարկադրել անդամագրվելու որևէ կուսակցության:
2. Դատավորները, դատախազները և քննիչները չեն կարող լինել կուսակցության անդամ: Օրենքով կարող են սահմանվել զինված ուժերում, ազգային անվտանգության, ոստիկանության և այլ ռազմականացված մարմիններում ծառայողների կողմից կուսակցություն ստեղծելու և որևէ կուսակցության անդամագրվելու իրավունքի սահմանափակումներ:
3. Կուսակցությունները տարեկան հաշվետվություններ են հրապարակում իրենց ֆինանսական միջոցների աղբյուրների և ծախսերի, ինչպես նաև իրենց գույքի մասին:
4. Օրենքով սահմանված դեպքերում կուսակցության գործունեությունը կարող է կասեցվել Սահմանադրական դատարանի որոշմամբ: Այն կուսակցությունները, որոնք քարոզում են սահմանադրական կարգի բռնի տապալում կամ բռնություն են կիրառում սահմանադրական կարգը տապալելու նպատակով, հակասահմանադրական են և ենթակա են արգելման Սահմանադրական դատարանի որոշմամբ: (Հոդված 46)
Political Parties
- English
Citizens have the right to form political parties and other public associations and to participate in their activities in order to pursue and satisfy their political, social, economic, cultural and other interests.
Political parties and other public associations shall be established and act in accordance with the law.
Judges, prosecutors, employees of the State Control Committee, paramilitary organisations and members of the armed forces may not be members of political parties. (Art. 36) - Belarusian
Грамадзяне для ажыццяўлення і задавальнення палітычных, сацыяльных, эканамічных, культурных і іншых інтарэсаў маюць права на стварэнне палітычных партый і іншых грамадскіх аб’яднанняў, удзел у іх дзейнасці.
Палітычныя партыі і іншыя грамадскія аб’яднанні ствараюцца і дзейнічаюць у адпаведнасці з законам.
Суддзі, пракурорскія работнікі, супрацоўнікі Камітэта дзяржаўнага кантролю, ваенізаваных арганізацый, ваеннаслужачыя не могуць быць членамі палітычных партый. (Артыкул 36) - Russian
Граждане для осуществления и удовлетворения политических, социальных, экономических, культурных и иных интересов имеют право на создание политических партий и других общественных объединений, участие в их деятельности.
Политические партии и другие общественные объединения создаются и действуют в соответствии с законом.
Судьи, прокурорские работники, сотрудники Комитета государственного контроля, военизированных организаций, военнослужащие не могут быть членами политических партий. (Статья 36)