The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Head of State
- EnglishThe order of succession is lineal, so that only a child born in lawful wedlock of the Queen or King, or of one who is herself or himself entitled to the succession, may succeed, and so that the nearest line shall take precedence over the more remote and the elder in the line over the younger.
An unborn child shall also be included among those entitled to the succession and shall immediately take her or his proper place in the line of succession as soon as she or he is born into the world.
The right of succession shall not, however, belong to any person who is not born in the direct line of descent from the last reigning Queen or King or a sister or brother thereof, or is not herself or himself a sister or brother thereof.
When a Princess or Prince entitled to succeed to the Crown of Norway is born, her or his name and time of birth shall be notified to the first Stoning in session and be entered in the record of its proceedings.
For those born before the year 1971, Article 6 of the Constitution as it was passed on 18 November 1905 shall, however, apply. For those born before the year 1990 it shall nevertheless be the case that a male shall take precedence over a female. (Art. 6) - NorwegianArvefølgen er lineal, således at bare i lovlig ekteskap født barn av konge eller dronning eller av en som selv er arveberettiget, kan arve, og at den nærmere linje går foran den fjernere og den eldre i linjen foran den yngre.
Blant arveberettigede regnes også den ufødte, som straks inntar sitt tilbørlige sted i arvelinjen når han eller hun fødes til verden.
Dog tilkommer arverett ikke noen som ikke er født i rett nedstigende linje fra den sist regjerende konge eller dronning eller fra dennes bror eller søster, eller selv er dennes bror eller søster.
Når en til Norges krone arveberettiget prins eller prinsesse fødes, skal hans eller hennes navn og fødselstid tilkjennegis førstholdende storting og antegnes i dets protokoll.
For dem som er født tidligere enn året 1971, gjelder dog denne Grunnlovs § 6 således som den ble vedtatt den 18. november 1905. For dem som er født tidligere enn året 1990, gjelder likevel at mann går foran kvinne. (§ 6)
Head of State
- English
(1) The Head of the Slovak Republic shall be the President. The President shall represent the Slovak Republic externally and internally, shall ensure the regular operation of Constitutional bodies by his or her decisions. The President shall perform the office according to his or her conscience and convictions, and shall not be bound by orders.
(2) Citizens of the Slovak Republic shall elect the President by secret ballot for a five-year term in direct elections. Citizens who have the right to vote for the National Council of the Slovak Republic shall have the right to vote for a President.
(3) Candidates for President shall be proposed by at least 15 Members of Parliament or by citizens who have the right to vote for the National Council of the Slovak Republic on the basis of a petition signed by at least 15,000 citizens. Proposals for elections shall be delivered to the President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic at the latest within 21 days of the announcement of elections.
… (Art. 101) - Slovak
(1) Hlavou Slovenskej republiky je prezident. Prezident reprezentuje Slovenskú republiku navonok i dovnútra a svojím rozhodovaním zabezpečuje riadny chod ústavných orgánov. Prezident vykonáva svoj úrad podľa svojho svedomia a presvedčenia a nie je viazaný príkazmi.
(2) Prezidenta volia občania Slovenskej republiky v priamych voľbách tajným hlasovaním na päť rokov. Právo voliť prezidenta majú občania, ktorí majú právo voliť do Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky.
(3) Kandidátov na prezidenta navrhuje najmenej 15 poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky alebo občania, ktorí majú právo voliť do Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky, a to na základe petície podpísanej najmenej 15 000 občanmi. Návrhy na voľbu sa odovzdávajú predsedovi Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky najneskôr do 21 dní od vyhlásenia volieb.
... (Čl. 101)
Head of State
- English
(1) The Head of State of Hungary shall be the President of the Republic who shall embody the unity of the nation and be the guardian of the democratic functioning of the state organisation.
… (The State, Art. 9) - Hungarian
(1) Magyarország államfője a köztársasági elnök, aki kifejezi a nemzet egységét, és őrködik az államszervezet demokratikus működése felett.
… (Az Állam, 9. cikk)
Head of State
- English(1) The Crown of Spain shall be inherited by the successors of H. M. Juan Carlos I de Borbón, the legitimate heir of the historic dynasty. Succession to the throne shall follow the regular order of primogeniture and representation, the first line always having preference over subsequent lines; within the same line, the closer grade over the more remote; within the same grade, the male over the female, and in the same sex, the elder over the younger.
(3) Should all the lines designated by law become extinct, the Cortes Generales shall provide for succession to the Crown in the manner most suitable to the interests of Spain.
(4) Those persons with a right of succession to the throne who marry against the express prohibition of the King and the Cortes Generales, shall be excluded from succession to the Crown, as shall their descendants.
… (Sec. 57) - Spanish1. La Corona de España es hereditaria en los sucesores de S. M. Don Juan Carlos I de Borbón, legítimo heredero de la dinastía histórica. La sucesión en el trono seguirá el orden regular de primogenitura y representación, siendo preferida siempre la línea anterior a las posteriores; en la misma línea, el grado más próximo al más remoto; en el mismo grado, el varón a la mujer, y en el mismo sexo, la persona de más edad a la de menos.
3. Extinguidas todas las líneas llamadas en Derecho, las Cortes Generales proveerán a la sucesión en la Corona en la forma que más convenga a los intereses de España.
4. Aquellas personas que teniendo derecho a la sucesión en el trono contrajeran matrimonio contra la expresa prohibición del Rey y de las Cortes Generales, quedarán excluidas en la sucesión a la Corona por sí y sus descendientes.
… (Art. 57)
Head of State
- English1. In accordance with the institutional tradition of Andorra, the Coprinces are, jointly and indivisibly, the Head of State, and they assume its highest representation.
2. The Coprinces, an institution which dates from the Pareatges and their historical evolution, are in their personal and exclusive right, the Bishop of Urgell and the President of the French Republic. Their powers are equal and derive from the present Constitution.
… (Art. 43) - Catalan1. D'acord amb la tradició institucional d'Andorra els coprínceps són, conjuntament i indivisa, el Cap de l'Estat, i n'assumeixen la representació més alta.
2. Els Coprínceps, institució sorgida dels Pareatges i de la seva evolució històrica són, a títol personal i exclusiu, el Bisbe d'Urgell i el President de la República Francesa. Llurs poders són iguals i derivats de la present Constitució.
… (Art. 43)
Head of State
- EnglishOnly a person who is a Swedish citizen and who has reached the age of eighteen may serve as Head of State. The Head of State may not at the same time be a minister, hold the office of Speaker or serve as a member of the Riksdag. (Instrument of Government, Chapter 5, Art. 2)
- SwedishSom statschef får endast den tjänstgöra som är svensk medborgare och har fyllt arton år. Han eller hon får inte samtidigt vara statsråd eller utöva uppdrag som talman eller riksdagsledamot. (Kungörelse (1974:152) om beslutad ny regeringsform, 5 kap, 2§)
Head of State
- English
A citizen of the Republic of Belarus by birth, not younger than 40 years of age, who is eligible to vote, has been permanently resident in the Republic of Belarus for at least 20 years immediately prior to the election, and who has not previously held a foreign citizenship or residence permit or other document of a foreign state entitling him to privileges and other advantages may be elected President. (Art. 80)
- Belarusian
Прэзідэнтам можа быць выбраны грамадзянін Рэспублікі Беларусь па нараджэнні, не маладзейшы за 40 гадоў, які валодае выбарчым правам, пастаянна пражывае ў Рэспубліцы Беларусь не менш за 20 гадоў непасрэдна перад выбарамі, не мае і не меў раней грамадзянства замежнай дзяржавы або віда на жыхарства ці іншага дакумента замежнай дзяржавы, што дае права на льготы і іншыя перавагі. (Артыкул 80)
- Russian
Президентом может быть избран гражданин Республики Беларусь по рождению, не моложе 40 лет, обладающий избирательным правом, постоянно проживающий в Республике Беларусь не менее 20 лет непосредственно перед выборами, не имеющий и не имевший ранее гражданства иностранного государства либо вида на жительство или иного документа иностранного государства, дающего право на льготы и другие преимущества. (Статья 80)
Head of State
- EnglishThe Saeima shall elect the President for a term of four years. (Art. 35)
- LatvianValsts Prezidentu ievēlē Saeima uz četriem gadiem. (Art. 35)
Head of State
- English(1) The executive authority of Malta is vested in the President.
… (Art. 78) - Maltese(1) L-awtorità esekuttiva ta’ Malta hija fil-President.
… (Art. 78)
Head of State
- EnglishThe President is elected by the Riigikogu or, in the case provided in paragraph four of this section, by the Electoral College.
The right to nominate a candidate for the election of the President rests with not less than one-fifth of the members of the Riigikogu.
Nominations of candidates for President may be made from among citizens of Estonia by birth who have attained at least forty years of age.
… (Sec. 79) - EstonianVabariigi Presidendi valib Riigikogu või käesoleva paragrahvi neljandas lõikes sätestatud juhul valimiskogu.
Vabariigi Presidendi kandidaadi ülesseadmise õigus on vähemalt viiendikul Riigikogu koosseisust.
Vabariigi Presidendi kandidaadiks võib seada sünnilt Eesti kodaniku, kes on vähemalt nelikümmend aastat vana.
… (§ 79)