The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishEveryone has the right to address government agencies, local authorities, and their officials in Estonian and to receive responses in Estonian.
In localities where at least one half of the permanent residents belong to a national minority, everyone has the right to receive responses from government agencies, local authorities and their officials also in the language of the national minority. (Sec. 51) - EstonianIgaühel on õigus pöörduda riigiasutuste, kohalike omavalitsuste ja nende ametiisikute poole eesti keeles ja saada eestikeelseid vastuseid.
Paikkondades, kus vähemalt pooled püsielanikest on vähemusrahvusest, on igaühel õigus saada riigiasutustelt ja kohalikelt omavalitsustelt ning nende ametiisikutelt vastuseid ka selle vähemusrahvuse keeles. (§ 51)
- EnglishNational minorities have the right, in the interests of their culture, to establish self-governing agencies under such conditions and pursuant to such procedure as are provided in the National Minorities Cultural Autonomy Act. (Sec. 50)
- EstonianVähemusrahvustel on õigus luua rahvuskultuuri huvides omavalitsusasutusi vähemusrahvuste kultuurautonoomia seaduses sätestatud tingimustel ja korras. (§ 50)
- EnglishEveryone has the right to preserve his or her ethnic identity. (Sec. 49)
- EstonianIgaühel on õigus säilitada oma rahvuskuuluvus. (§ 49)
- EnglishThe official language of government agencies and local authorities is Estonian.
In localities where the language of the majority of the residents is not Estonian, local authorities may, to the extent and pursuant to a procedure provided by law, use the language of the majority of the permanent residents of the locality as their internal working language.
The use of foreign languages, including the languages of national minorities, in government agencies, in courts and in pre-trial procedure is provided by law. (Sec. 52) - EstonianRiigiasutuste ja kohalike omavalitsuste asjaajamiskeel on eesti keel.
Paikkondades, kus elanike enamiku keel ei ole eesti keel, võivad kohalikud omavalitsused seaduses sätestatud ulatuses ja korras kasutada sisemise asjaajamiskeelena selle paikkonna püsielanike enamiku keelt.
Võõrkeelte, sealhulgas vähemusrahvuste keelte kasutamise riigiasutuses ning kohtu- ja kohtueelses menetluses sätestab seadus. (§ 52)