The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Protection from Violence
- English...
3 Irrespective of their status under the law on foreign nationals, foreign nationals shall lose their right of residence and all other legal rights to remain in Switzerland if they:
a. are convicted with legal binding effect of an offence of intentional homicide, rape or any other serious sexual offence, any other violent offence such as robbery, the offences of trafficking in human beings or in drugs, or a burglary offence;
… (Art. 121) - French...
3 Ils sont privés de leur titre de séjour, indépendamment de leur statut, et de tous leurs droits à séjourner en Suisse:
a. s’ils ont été condamnés par un jugement entré en force pour meurtre, viol, ou tout autre délit sexuel grave, pour un acte de violence d’une autre nature tel que le brigandage, la traite d’êtres humains, le trafic de drogue ou l’effraction;
… (Art. 121) - German...
3 Sie verlieren unabhängig von ihrem ausländerrechtlichen Status ihr Aufenthaltsrecht sowie alle Rechtsansprüche auf Aufenthalt in der Schweiz, wenn sie:
a. wegen eines vorsätzlichen Tötungsdelikts, wegen einer Vergewaltigung oder eines anderen schweren Sexualdelikts, wegen eines anderen Gewaltdelikts wie Raub, wegen Menschenhandels, Drogenhandels oder eines Einbruchsdelikts rechtskräftig verurteilt worden sind;
… (Art. 121) - Italian...
3 A prescindere dallo statuto loro riconosciuto in base alla legislazione sugli stranieri, gli stranieri perdono il diritto di dimora in Svizzera e ogni diritto di soggiorno se:
a. sono stati condannati con sentenza passata in giudicato per omicidio intenzionale, violenza carnale o un altro grave reato sessuale, per un reato violento quale ad esempio la rapina, per tratta di esseri umani, traffico di stupefacenti o effrazione;
… (Art. 121)