The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Protection from Violence
- English1. Every person's dwelling house is inviolable.
2. There shall be no entry in any dwelling house or any search therein except when and as provided by law and on a judicial warrant duly reasoned or when the entry is made with the express consent of its occupant or for the purpose of rescuing the victims of any offence of violence or of any disaster. (Art. 16) - Greek1. Η κατοικία εκάστου είναι απαραβίαστος.
2. Η είσοδος εις οιανδήποτε κατοικίαν ή οιαδήποτε έρευνα εντός αυτής δεν επιτρέπεται, ειμή ότε και όπως ο νόμος ορίζη και κατόπιν δικαστικού εντάλματος δεόντως ητιολογημένου ή οσάκις η είσοδος ενεργήται τη ρητή συναινέσει του ενοίκου ή προς τον σκοπόν διασώσεων θυμάτων οιουδήποτε αδικήματος βίας ή οιασδήποτε καταστροφής. (Αρθρον 16) - Turkish1. Hiçbir şahsın konutuna dokunulamaz.
2. Kanunla konulduğu zaman ve gösterildiği tarzda ve gerekçeli bir adli izin belgesine dayanılarak veya evi işgal eden şahsın açık rızasıyla ya da bir cebri suçun mağdurunu veya herhangi bir afetin kurbanlarını kurtarmak amacıyla olanlar dışında, hiçbir konuta herhangi bir şekilde girilemez veya içinde herhangi bir arama yapılamaz. (Madde 16)
Public Institutions and Services
- English
1. The family, being the cornerstone of the preservation and the advancement of the Nation, as well as marriage, motherhood and childhood, shall be under the protection of the State. The State shall take care to ensure that all citizens enjoy a decent standard of living by means of a system of minimum guaranteed income, as specified by law.
2. Families with many children, disabled war and peace-time veterans, war victims, widows and orphans, as well as persons suffering from incurable bodily or mental ailments are entitled to the special care of the State.
3. The State shall care for the health of citizens and shall adopt special measures for the protection of youth, old age, disability and for the relief of the needy.
4. The acquisition of a home by the homeless or those inadequately sheltered shall constitute an object of special State care.
… (Art. 21) - Greek
1. H οικογένεια, ως θεμέλιο της συντήρησης και προαγωγής του Έθνους, καθώς και ο γάμος, η μητρότητα και η παιδική ηλικία τελούν υπό την προστασία του Kράτους. Το Κράτος μεριμνά για τη διασφάλιση συνθηκών αξιοπρεπούς διαβίωσης όλων των πολιτών μέσω ενός συστήματος ελάχιστου εγγυημένου εισοδήματος, όπως νόμος ορίζει.
2. Πολύτεκνες οικογένειες, ανάπηροι πολέμου και ειρηνικής περιόδου, θύματα πολέμου, χήρες και ορφανά εκείνων που έπεσαν στον πόλεμο, καθώς και όσοι πάσχουν από ανίατη σωματική ή πνευματική νόσο έχουν δικαίωμα ειδικής φροντίδας από το Kράτος.
3. To Kράτoς μεριμνά για την υγεία των πoλιτών και παίρνει ειδικά μέτρα για την πρoστασία της νεότητας, τoυ γήρατoς, της αναπηρίας και για την περίθαλψη των απόρων.
4. H απόκτηση κατoικίας από αυτoύς πoυ την στερoύνται ή πoυ στεγάζoνται ανεπαρκώς απoτελεί αντικείμενo ειδικής φρoντίδας τoυ Kράτoυς.
… ('Αρθρο 21)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe eligibility of any person to receive a pension under the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund shall, on and after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, continue to be subject to the same terms and conditions as were in force immediately before the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution and shall not be altered to the disadvantage of any such person so long as such eligibility remains. (Art. 194)
- GreekΤο επί συντάξεως εκ του ταμείου συντάξεων χηρών και ορφανών δικαίωμα οιουδήποτε προσώπου από της ημερομηνίας ενάρξεως της ισχύος του Συντάγματος και εφεξής θα εξακολουθή να υπόκειται εις τας προϋποθέσεις και τους όρους συνταξιοδοτήσεως τους ισχύοντας αμέσως προ της ημερομηνίας ενάρξεως της ισχύος του Συντάγματος, δεν δύνανται δε να μεταβληθώσιν ούτοι δυσμενώς δι’ οιονδήποτε πρόσωπον, εφ’ όσον χρόνον υφίσταται δικαίωμα αυτού επί της συντάξεως. (Αρθρον 194)
- TurkishHerhangi bir şahsın Dul ve Yetim Maaşları Fonundan bir maaş alma hakkı, bu Anayasanın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihte ve ondan sonra, bu Anayasanın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihten hemen önce yürürlükte olan aynı kayıt ve şartlara tabi olmaya devam eder ve bunlar, söz konusu hak devam ettiği müddetçe söz konusu şahsın aleyhine olarak değiştirilemez. (Madde 194)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishAny person who, immediately before the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, was in receipt of any pension or other retirement benefit out of the public Funds, including the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund of the Colony of Cyprus shall on and after the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution, continue to be paid such pension or other retirement benefit out of the public Funds of the Republic under the same terms and conditions as were applicable to such pensions or other retirement benefits immediately before the date of the coming into operation of this Constitution or under terms and conditions made thereafter not less favourable to that person and applicable to his case. (Art. 193)
- GreekΠας όστις αμέσως προ της ημερομηνίας της ενάρξεως της ισχύος του Συντάγματος ελάμβανεν εκ του δημοσίου ταμείου της αποικίας της Κύπρου περιλαμβανομένου του ταμείου συντάξεων χηρών και ορφανών οιανδήποτε σύνταξιν ή έτερον επίδομα λόγω αποχωρήσεως εκ της υπηρεσίας θα εξακολουθή από της ημερομηνίας της ισχύος του Συντάγματος λαμβάνων την σύνταξιν ή το επίδομα λόγω αποχωρήσεως εκ της υπηρεσίας εκ του δημοσίου ταμείου της Δημοκρατίας, υπό τας προϋποθέσεις και τους όρους τους ισχύοντας περί των συντάξεων ή των ετέρων ειρημένων επιδομάτων αμέσως προ της ημερομηνίας ενάρξεως της ισχύος του Συντάγματος ή υπό προϋποθέσεις και όρους θεσπιζομένους μεταγενεστέρως, ουχί όμως ολιγώτερον ευμενείς δια τον δικαιούχον και εφαρμοζομένους εις την περίπτωσιν αυτού. (Αρθρον 193)
- TurkishBu Anayasanın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihten hemen önce, Kıbrıs Kolonisi Dul ve Yetim Maaşları Fonu da dâhil olmak üzere kamu Fonlarından herhangi bir emeklilik maaşı alan veya emeklilikten dolayı diğer bir hakka sahip olan herhangi bir şahsa, bu Anayasanın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihte ve sonra Cumhuriyetin kamu Fonlarından, söz konusu emeklilik maaşı veya emeklilikten dolayı sahip olduğu diğer hakları, söz konusu emeklilik maaşına veya emeklilik dolayısıyla sahip olduğu diğer haklara bu Anayasanın yürürlüğe girdiği tarihten hemen önce uygulanan aynı kayıt ve şartlar altında veya bu tarihten sonra konulan ve kendi durumuna uygulanabilecek ve daha az lehinde olmayacak olan kayıt ve şartlara göre verilmeye devam olunur. (Madde 193)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishEvery person has the right to a decent existence and to social security. A law shall provide for the protection of the workers, assistance to the poor and for a system of social insurance. (Art. 9)
- GreekΈκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα αξιοπρεπούς διαβιώσεως και κοινωνικής ασφαλείας. Ο νόμος θα προβλέψη περί προστασίας των εργατών, αρωγής προς τους πτωχούς και συστήματος κοινωνικών ασφαλίσεων. (Αρθρον 9)
- TurkishHer insanın düzgün bir varoluşa ve sosyal güvenliğe hakkı vardır.Bir yasa, işçilerin korunmasını, yoksullara yardım ve sosyal sigorta sistemini sağlayacaktır. (Madde 9)
Status of the Constitution
- English1. Subject to the provisions of Article 1A, this Constitution shall be the supreme law of the Republic.
2. No law or decision of the House of Representatives or of any of the Communal Chambers and no act or decision of any organ, authority or person in the Republic exercising executive power or any administrative function shall in any way be repugnant to, or inconsistent with, any of the provisions of this Constitution or any obligation imposed on the Republic as a result of its participation as a member state of the European Union. (Art. 179) - Greek1. Τηρουμένων των διατάξεων του άρθρου 1Α, το Σύνταγμα είναι ο υπέρτατος νόμος της Δημοκρατίας.
2. Ουδείς νόμος ή απόφασις της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων ή εκατέρας Κοινοτικής Συνελεύσεων ως και ουδεμία πράξις ή απόφασις ιουδήποτε οργάνου, αρχής ή προσώπου εν τη Δημοκρατία ασκούντος εκτελεστικήν εξουσίαν ή οιονδήποτε διοικητικόν λειτούργημα δύναται να είναι καθ’ οιονδήποτε τρόπον αντίθετος ή ασύμφωνος προς οιανδήποτε των διατάξεων του Συντάγματος ή προς οποιαδήποτε υποχρέωση επιβάλλεται στη Δημοκρατία ως αποτέλεσμα της συμμετοχής της ως κράτους μέλους στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. (Αρθρον 179) - Turkish1. Madde 1A hükümleri saklı kalmak şartıyla, bu Anayasa Cumhuriyetin en yüksek kanunudur.
2. Temsilciler Meclisinin veya Cemaat Meclislerinden herhangi birinin hiçbir kanun veya kararı ve Cumhuriyet dâhilinde yürütme gücünü kullanan veya herhangi bir idari görev gören herhangi bir organ, makam veya şahsın hiçbir muamele veya kararı hiçbir suretle, bu Anayasa hükümlerinden herhangi birine ya da Avrupa Birliğine üye devlet olarak katılımının sonucu olarak Cumhuriyetin yüklendiği herhangi bir yükümlülüğe aykırı veya uyuşmaz olamaz. (Madde 179)
Status of the Constitution
- English…
2. In the discharge of their duties, judges shall be subject only to the Constitution and the laws; in no case whatsoever shall they be obliged to comply with provisions enacted in violation of the Constitution.
… (Art. 87) - Greek…
2. Oι δικαστές κατά την άσκηση των καθηκόντων τους υπόκεινται μόνο στο Σύνταγμα και στους νόμους και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν υποχρεούνται να συμμορφώνονται με διατάξεις που έχουν τεθεί κατά κατάλυση του Συντάγματος.
… ('Αρθρο 87)
Status of the Constitution
- English…
3. In case the Supreme Constitutional Court is of the opinion that such law or decision or any provision thereof is repugnant to or inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution such law or decision or such provision thereof shall not be published by the President or the Vice-President of the Republic, as the case may be. (Art. 142) - Greek…
3. Eις ην περίπτωσιν το Aνώτατον Συνταγματικόν Δικαστήριον γνωματεύση ότι ο νόμος ή η απόφασις ή διάταξις αυτών ευρίσκεται εις αντίθεσιν ή ασυμφωνίαν προς διάταξίν τινα του Συντάγματος, ο νόμος ή η απόφασις ή ωρισμένη διάταξις αυτών δεν δύναται να δημοσιευθή υπό του Προέδρου ή του Aντιπροέδρου της Δημοκρατίας αναλόγως της περιπτώσεις. (Αρθρον 142) - Turkish…
3. Yüksek Anayasa Mahkemesi, bu gibi bir kanun veya kararın veya onun herhangi bir hükmünün bu Anayasanın herhangi bir hükmüne aykırı olduğu veya ona uygun olmadığı görüşünü ileri sürdüğü takdirde, söz konusu kanun veya karar ya da hüküm, Cumhurbaşkanı ve Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı tarafından ilan olunmaz. (Madde 142)
Status of the Constitution
- English1. The Government shall define and direct the general policy of the Country, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the laws.
… (Art. 82) - Greek1. H Kυβέρνηση καθορίζει και κατευθύνει τη γενική πολιτική της Xώρας, σύμφωνα με τους ορισμούς του Συντάγματος και των νόμων.
… ('Αρθρο 82)
Status of the Constitution
- English…
3. In case the Supreme Constitutional Court is of the opinion that such law or decision or any provision thereof is repugnant to or inconsistent with any provision of this Constitution or the law of the European Communities or of the European Union such law or decision or such provision thereof shall not be promulgated by the President and the Vice-President of the Republic. (Art. 140) - Greek…
3. Eις ην περίπτωσιν το Aνώτατον Συνταγματικόν Δικαστήριον γνωματεύση ότι ο νόμος ή η απόφασις ή διάταξίς τις αυτών ευρίσκεται εις αντίθεσιν ή ασυμφωνίαν προς διάταξίν τινα του Συντάγματος, ή του δικαίου των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων ή της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενώσεως, ο νόμος ή η απόφασις δεν δύναται να εκδοθή υπό του Προέδρου και του Aντιπροέδρου της Δημοκρατίας. (Αρθρον 140) - Turkish…
3. Yüksek Anayasa Mahkemesi, bu gibi bir kanun veya kararın veya onun herhangi bir hükmünün bu Anayasanın veya Avrupa Toplulukları ya da Avrupa Birliği kanununun herhangi bir hükmüne aykırı olduğu veya ona uygun olmadığı görüşünü ileri sürdüğü takdirde, söz konusu kanun veya karar ya da hüküm, Cumhurbaşkanı ve Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı tarafından ilan olunmaz. (Madde 140)