The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Participation in Public Life and Institutions
- English…
(3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
(a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
(b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others, or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.
(4) A law or an administrative action taken under a law may not directly or indirectly impose a limitation or restriction on any person on a prohibited ground.
(8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—
(f) excludes persons from holding certain public offices;
… (Sec. 26) - iTaukei…
(3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
(a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete;
(b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so, se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
(4) Na lawa se dua na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa ena sega ni rawa ni vakayagataka na yavu e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3) me yalana na nona dodonu e dua.
(8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—
(f) vakatabui na tamata me taura na itutu ena so na valenivolavola ni lewenivanua;
… (Sec. 26)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- English…
(3) A person must not be unfairly discriminated against, directly or indirectly on the grounds of his or her—
(a) actual or supposed personal characteristics or circumstances, including race, culture, ethnic or social origin, colour, place of origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, birth, primary language, economic or social or health status, disability, age, religion, conscience, marital status or pregnancy;
(b) opinions or beliefs, except to the extent that those opinions or beliefs involve harm to others or the diminution of the rights or freedoms of others, or on any other ground prohibited by this Constitution.
(4) A law or an administrative action taken under a law may not directly or indirectly impose a limitation or restriction on any person on a prohibited ground.
(8) A law, or an administrative action taken under a law, is not inconsistent with the rights mentioned in this section on the ground that it—
(e) makes provision with respect to adoption, marriage, devolution of property9 on death, and pension;
(g) to the extent necessary and without infringing the rights or freedoms set out in any other section of this Chapter, gives effect to the communal ownership of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban lands and access to marine resources, or the bestowing of iTaukei, Rotuman and Banaban chiefly title or rank. (Sec. 26) - iTaukei…
(3) Na veivakaduiduitaki e vakatabui vakalawa kevaka e yaco vua e dua na tamata ena vuku ni—
(a) nona ivakarau se kena ituvaki, oka kina na veimatatamata e lewena, nona itovo vakavanua, kawatamata, kuliniyago, na nona yavutu, kevaka e yalewa se tagane, kevaka e tagane, na nona digitaka me vinakata na tagane, kevaka e yalewa, na nona digitaka me vinakata na yalewa, se nona digitaka me vinakata ruarua na yalewa kei na tagane, nomu digitaka se vakaraitaka mo bulataka na bula vakatagane se bula vakayalewa, kevaka e gone susu se sucu ena daku ni vakamau, vosanisucu, ituvaki ni bula se bula vakailavo, vakaleqai vakayago, yabaki ni bula, nomu vakabauta, lewa e loma, vakawati se sega, se kevaka e bukete; se
(b) nomu vakasama se vakabauta, vakavo kevaka na vakasama se vakabauta qo e vakamavoataka tale e so na tamata se na kena vakalailaitaka na nona dodonu se galala tale e so, se ena dua tale na tikina e vakatabui ena Yavunivakavulewa qo.
(4) Na lawa se dua na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa ena sega ni rawa ni vakayagataka na yavu e vakamacalataki ena wasetiki (3) me yalana na nona dodonu e dua.
(8) Na lawa se na vakatulewa e vakayacori ena dua na lawa tabaki, e sega ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu e virikotori ena tikina qo kevaka e—
(e) vakarautaka na veika vakaivola me baleta na gone vakacabecabe, vakamau, dewa na taukeni ni iyau ena vuku ni mate kei na peniseni;
(g) me yalani ena gauna e gadrevi kina ka me kua ni veicoqacoqa kei na dodonu se na galala e virikotori ena dua na tikina ena Wase qo, e vakatara na kena taukeni vakavanua na kedra qele kei na nodra vakayagataka na iyaubula mai waitui o ira na iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi se na ivakarau ni kena soli na itutu ni veiliutaki ni iTaukei, Rotuma kei na Rabi. (Sec. 26)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
RECOGNISING the indigenous people or the iTaukei, their ownership of iTaukei lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language;
RECOGNISING the indigenous people or the Rotuman from the island of Rotuma, their ownership of Rotuman lands, their unique culture, customs, traditions and language;
… (Preamble) - iTaukeiO KEIMAMI NA LEWEI VITI,
ROKOVA na itaukei ni vanua se kawa itaukei, na nodra taukena na kedra qele, na nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;
ROKOVA na itaukei ni vanua o Rotuma, mai na yanuyanu o Rotuma, na nodra taukena na kedra qele, nodra itovo, ivakarau kei na vosa;
… (Ikau)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- English(1) All ownership of land, and all rights and interests in land leases and land tenancies that existed immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall continue to exist under this Constitution.
(2) No law shall be made to diminish or adversely affect the rights and interests in land leases and land tenancies, whether existing immediately before the commencement of this Constitution or made or issued after the commencement of this Constitution.
(3) All land lessees and land tenants have the right not to have their land leases or land tenancies terminated other than in accordance with their land leases or land tenancies.
(4) Parliament and Cabinet, through legislative and other measures, must ensure that all land leases and land tenancies provide a fair and equitable return to the landowners whilst protecting the rights of land lessees and land tenants, including security and protection of tenure of land leases and land tenancies and terms and conditions of land leases and land tenancies which must be just, fair and reasonable.
(5) All land that existed as freehold land immediately before the commencement of this Constitution shall remain as freehold land even if it is sold or purchased, unless it is sold to the State or is acquired by the State for a public purpose under section 27.
(6) For the purposes of this section—
“land leases” or “land tenancies” includes sub-leases, sub-tenancies and tenancies-at-will, but shall not include leases, agreements or tenancies for any building, structure or dwelling, whether used for residential, commercial, industrial or for tourism purposes, and shall not include any leases, agreements or tenancies for any fixture, equipment, plant or fittings on any land; and “land lessees” or “land tenants” includes sub-lessees, sub-tenants or tenantsat-will of land leases or land tenancies. (Sec. 29) - iTaukei(1) Na qele ni iTaukei mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
(2) Ke dua na qele ni iTaukei e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
(3) Na qele ni Rotuma mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
(4) Ke dua na qele ni Rotuma e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
(5) Na qele kece era oka me qele voli vakadua ni bera na taurivaki ni Yavunivakavulewa qo me na oka tiko ga vaka qele volivakadua, vakavo kevaka e volitaki vua na Matanitu se taura na Matanitu ena inaki raraba me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
(6) Ena vuku ni tikina qo—
“qele lisitaki” se “qele saumi” oka kina na lisitiki ni qele lisitaki kei na lisitiki ni qele saumi, ia e sega ni okati kina na lisi se veidinadinati ni vale, vale nibisinisi, vale nibuliyaya kei na vuku ni saravanua, ena sega ni oka kina na lisi se veidinadinati ni yaya tudei ni vale, na misini, se na gacagaca ni vale ena dua na tikiniqele; kei na“ira na saumi lisi” se “ira na saumi qele” e wili kina ira na saumi lisitiki, se na yalovinaka ni taukei ni qele me toso na lisi. (Sec. 29)
Property, Inheritance and Land Tenure
- English(1) The ownership of all iTaukei land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and iTaukei land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
(2) Any iTaukei land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.
(3) The ownership of all Rotuman land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and Rotuman land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
(4) Any Rotuman land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State.
(5) The ownership of all Banaban land shall remain with the customary owners of that land and Banaban land shall not be permanently alienated, whether by sale, grant, transfer or exchange, except to the State in accordance with section 27.
(6) Any Banaban land acquired by the State for a public purpose after the commencement of this Constitution under section 27 or under any written law shall revert to the customary owners if the land is no longer required by the State. (Sec. 28) - iTaukei(1) Na qele ni iTaukei mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
(2) Ke dua na qele ni iTaukei e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
(3) Na qele ni Rotuma mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
(4) Ke dua na qele ni Rotuma e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu.
(5) Na qele ni Rabi mera taukena tiko ga na itaukei ni qele, ena sega tale ga ni rawa ni volitaki, soli, tokitaki se veisautaki, vakavo ni tauri Vakamatanitu me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27.
(6) Ke dua na qele ni Rabi e taura na Matanitu ena dua na inaki raraba ni oti na kena taurivaki na Yavunivakavulewa qo me vaka e virikotori ena tikina 27 se ena dua na lawa tabaki, me na vakasukai tale vei ira na kena itaukei ke sa sega ni vakayagataka na qele na Matanitu. (Sec. 28)
Protection from Violence
- English…
(2) Freedom of speech, expression, thought, opinion and publication does not protect—
(a) propaganda for war;
(b) incitement to violence or insurrection against this Constitution; or
(c) advocacy of hatred that—
(i) is based on any prohibited ground of discrimination listed or prescribed under section 26; and
(ii) constitutes incitement to cause harm.
… (Sec. 17) - iTaukei…
(2) Galala ni vosa doudou, kena matanataki, vakasama, nanuma kei na itukutuku tabaki e sega ni wili kina—
(a) na kena vakau na itukutuku me baleta na ivalu;
(b) na kena bukani na vakacaca se na sasaga me saqata na Yavunivakavulewa qo; se
(c) na kena navuci na veicati ka—
(i) yavutaki ena dua na yavu tabu ni veivakaduiduitaki e volai e na tikina 26; ka
(ii) okati kina na kena bukani na vakacaca.
… (Sec. 17)
Protection from Violence
- English(1) Every person has the right to freedom from torture of any kind, whether physical, mental or emotional, and from cruel, inhumane, degrading or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment.
(2) Every person has the right to security of the person, which includes the right to be free from any form of violence from any source, at home, school, work or in any other place.
(3) Every person has the right to freedom from scientific or medical treatment or procedures without an order of the court or without his or her informed consent, or if he or she is incapable of giving informed consent, without the informed consent of a lawful guardian. (Sec. 11) - iTaukei(1) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu me galala mai na veivakararawataki vakayago, vakavakasama se vakayalo kei na dodonu me galala mai na veivakalolomataki, itovo lolovira, se ivalavala se totogitaki vakaca.
(2) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu ni nona taqomaki, wili kina na galala mai na veivalavala kaukauwa mai vale, koronivuli, vanua ni cakacaka se dua tale na vanua.
(3) Na tamata taucoko e tu vua na dodonu me kua ni vakayacori vua e dua na ivakarau ni vakadidike se vakadidike vakavuniwai, se ivalavala e sega ni vakarota na mataveilewai se a sega ni kerei na nona veivakadonui, se kevaka e sega ni rawa ni solia na nona veivakadonui qai sega ni kerei na veivakadonui ni itubutubu se dauniveisusu. (Sec. 11)
Protection from Violence
- English(1) A person must not be held in slavery or servitude, or subjected to forced labour or human trafficking.
… (Sec. 10) - iTaukei(1) Na tamata e sega ni dodonu me vakayacori vua na cakacaka ni veivakabobulataki se veivakasaurarataki se na veivolitaki vakabutobuto ni tamata.
… (Sec. 10)
Protection from Violence
- English(1) Every child has the right—
(d) to be protected from abuse, neglect, harmful cultural practices, any form of violence, inhumane treatment and punishment, and hazardous or exploitative labour;
… (Sec. 41) - iTaukei(1) Na gone yadua e tu vua na dodonu—
(d) me taqomaki mai na kena rawa ni vakayacori vua e dua na itovo e veivakamavoataki, sega ni kauwaitaki, itovo vakavanua e rawa ni veivakamavoataki, itovo kaukauwa, itovo vakamanumanu kei na nona totogitaki, kei na veivakacakacakataki e rawa ni mavoa kina se lolovira;
… (Sec. 41)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe values and principles of State service include—
(e) prompt response to requests and questions from the public, and delivery of service to the public, in a manner that is respectful, effective, impartial, fair, and equitable;
… (Sec. 123) - iTaukeiNa veika me vakabibitaki ka rokovi ena veiqaravi vakamatanitu e okati kina na—
(e) na kena rogoci ka saumi totolo na vakatataro ni lewenivanua kei na nodra qaravi e na sala e veidokai, dodonu, veiganiti, savasava ka vakatautauvata;
… (Sec. 123)