The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe authorities of the State shall respect and ensure human rights as they are expressed in this Constitution and in the treaties concerning human rights that are binding for Norway. (Art. 92)
- NorwegianStatens myndigheter skal respektere og sikre menneskerettighetene slik de er nedfelt i denne grunnlov og i for Norge bindende traktater om menneskerettigheter. (§ 92)
Status of International Law
- English…
Treaties on matters of special importance, and, in all cases, treaties whose implementation, according to the Constitution, necessitates a new law or a decision by the Storting, are not binding until the Storting has given its consent thereto. (Art. 26) - Norwegian…
Traktater om saker som er av særlig stor viktighet, og i alle tilfeller traktater hvis iverksettelse etter Grunnloven nødvendiggjør en ny lov eller stortingsbeslutning, blir først bindende når Stortinget har gitt sitt samtykke dertil. (§ 26)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
In cases brought before the Courts, the Courts have the power and the duty to review whether applying a statutory provision is contrary to the Constitution, and whether applying other decisions under the exercise of public authority is contrary to the Constitution or the law of the land. (Art. 89)
- Norwegian
I saker som reises for domstolene, har domstolene rett og plikt til å prøve om det strider mot Grunnloven å anvende en lovbestemmelse, og om det strider mot Grunnloven eller landets lover å anvende andre beslutninger truffet under utøving av offentlig myndighet. (§ 89)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe authorities of the State shall respect and ensure human rights as they are expressed in this Constitution and in the treaties concerning human rights that are binding for Norway. (Art. 92)
- NorwegianStatens myndigheter skal respektere og sikre menneskerettighetene slik de er nedfelt i denne grunnlov og i for Norge bindende traktater om menneskerettigheter. (§ 92)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishOur values will remain our Christian and humanist heritage. This Constitution shall ensure democracy, a state based on the rule of law and human rights. (Art. 2)
- NorwegianVerdigrunnlaget forblir vår kristne og humanistiske arv. Denne Grunnlov skal sikre demokratiet, rettsstaten og menneskerettighetene. (§ 2)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishInfringement of the authorities against the individual must be founded on the law. (Art. 113)
- NorwegianMyndighetenes inngrep overfor den enkelte må ha grunnlag i lov. (§ 113)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishEveryone has the right to form, join and leave associations, including trade unions and political parties.
… (Art. 101) - NorwegianEnhver har rett til å danne, slutte seg til og melde seg ut av foreninger, herunder fagforeninger og politiske partier.
… (§ 101)
Political Rights and Association
- English
Those entitled to vote in elections to the Storting are Norwegian citizens who have reached the age of 18 or who turn 18 in the year when the election is held.
… (Art. 50) - Norwegian
Stemmerett ved stortingsvalg har norske borgere som har fylt 18 år eller fyller 18 år i det året valgtinget holdes.
… (§ 50)
Electoral Bodies
- English
After each election to the Storting, the Storting appoints a National Electoral Committee comprising five members.
... (Art. 72) - Norwegian
Etter hvert stortingsvalg oppnevner Stortinget et riksvalgstyre med fem medlemmer.
... (§ 72)
Electoral Bodies
- English
The elected Members of the Storting shall be furnished with credentials. The Storting decides whether the credentials are valid.
All those who have put up lists in elections to the Storting may appeal against the Storting’s decision. Specific provisions concerning the right of appeal and grounds for appeal shall be laid down by law. The Supreme Court makes the final decision on appeals.
If the Storting, the Supreme Court or the National Electoral Committee declares the election invalid, the elected Members of the Storting will remain in office until a new election has been finally approved. (Art. 64) - Norwegian
De valgte representantene får tildelt fullmakter. Stortinget avgjør om fullmaktene er lovlige.
Alle som har stilt liste ved stortingsvalget, kan klage på Stortingets avgjørelse. Nærmere bestemmelser om klagerett og klagegrunner fastsettes ved lov. Høyesterett avgjør klagene.
Hvis Stortinget, Høyesterett eller riksvalgstyret kjenner valget ugyldig, blir de valgte representantene sittende i vervet inntil et omvalg er endelig godkjent. (§ 64)