The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishWe, the representatives of the people of Guatemala, … recognizing the family as the primary and fundamental genesis of the spiritual and moral values of the society … (Preamble)
- SpanishNosotros, los representantes del pueblo de Guatemala, … reconociendo a la familia como génesis primario y fundamental de los valores espirituales y morales de la sociedad … (Preámbulo)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishInvestigation of paternity is authorized. The procedure shall be determined by law. (Art. 115)
- SpanishSe autoriza la investigación de la paternidad. La Ley determinará el procedimiento. (Art. 115)
Marriage and Family Life
- English
It is [a] right of Nicaraguans to constitute a family. Family inheritance [patrimonio familiar], which is not subject to seizure and exempt from any public charge [carga], is guaranteed. The law will regulate and protect these rights.
... (Art. 71) - Spanish
Es derecho de los nicaragüenses constituir una familia. Se garantiza el patrimonio familiar, que es inembargable y exento de toda carga pública. La ley regulará y protegerá estos derechos.
... (Art. 71)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishRules of periodic adjustment of the minimum salary or wage of the worker shall be set by law, to cover the normal requirements of his/her family, to improve worker's standard of living according to specific conditions of each economic region and activity. The law may also determine the method of fixing minimum salaries or wages for professions or trades.
… (Art. 66) - SpanishLa Ley establecerá la manera de ajustar periódicamente el salario o sueldo mínimo del trabajador, con el fin de cubrir las necesidades normales de su familia, mejorar su nivel de vida, según las condiciones particulares de cada región y de cada actividad económica; podrá determinar asimismo el método para fijar salarios o sueldos mínimos por profesión u oficio.
… (Art. 66)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe law will established the obligatory and complete [integral] system of social security for the dependent workers and their families.
… (Art. 95) - SpanishEl sistema obligatorio e integral de seguridad social para el trabajador dependiente y su familia será establecido por la ley.
… (Art. 95)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe State supports responsible paternity and the education appropriate for the promotion of the family. (Art. 25)
- SpanishEl Estado propugna la paternidad responsable y la educación apropiada para la promoción de la familia. (Art. 25)
- FrenchL'État soutient la paternité responsable et une éducation appropriée dans le but de promouvoir la famille. (Art. 25)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishMotherhood and fatherhood are fully protected, whatever the marital status of the mother or father. Couples have the right to decide freely and responsibly how many children they wish to conceive, and are entitled to access to the information and means necessary to guarantee the exercise of this right. The State guarantees overall assistance and protection for motherhood, in general, from the moment of conception, throughout pregnancy, delivery and the puerperal period, and guarantees full family planning services based on ethical and scientific values.
The father and mother have the shared and inescapable obligation of raising, training, educating, maintaining and caring for their children, and the latter have the duty to provide care when the former are unable to do so by themselves. The necessary and proper measures to guarantee the enforceability of the obligation to provide alimony shall be established by law. (Art. 76) - SpanishLa maternidad y la paternidad son protegidas integralmente, sea cual fuere el estado civil de la madre o del padre. Las parejas tienen derecho a decidir libre y responsablemente el número de hijos e hijas que deseen concebir y a disponer de la información y de los medios que les aseguren el ejercicio de este derecho. El Estado garantizará asistencia y protección integral a la maternidad, en general a partir del momento de la concepción, durante el embarazo, el parto y el puerperio, y asegurará servicios de planificación familiar integral basados en valores éticos y científicos.
El padre y la madre tienen el deber compartido e irrenunciable de criar, formar, educar, mantener y asistir a sus hijos e hijas, y éstos tienen el deber de asistirlos cuando aquél o aquella no puedan hacerlo por sí mismos. La ley establecerá las medidas necesarias y adecuadas para garantizar la efectividad de la obligación alimentaria. (Art. 76)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishI. The following are the areas of prerogative authority of the central level of the State:
21. Substantive and procedural codification in civil, family, criminal, tax, labor, commercial, mining and electoral matters.
… (Art. 298) - SpanishI. Son competencias privativas del nivel central del Estado:
21. Codificación sustantiva y adjetiva en materia civil, familiar, penal, tributaria, laboral, comercial, minería y electoral.
... (Art. 298)
Marriage and Family Life
- English…
The State organizes institutions and services that facilitate the ability of working families to carry out their responsibilities. (Art. 64) - Spanish…
El Estado organiza instituciones y servicios que faciliten a las familias trabajadoras el desempeño de sus responsabilidades. (Art. 64)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe State shall guarantee equal rights and equal opportunity to men and women in access to property and decision-making in the management of their common marital estate. (Art. 324)
- SpanishEl Estado garantizará la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades de mujeres y hombres en el acceso a la propiedad y en la toma de decisiones para la administración de la sociedad conyugal. (Art. 324)