The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Political Rights and Association
- English…
(5) All Spaniards entitled to the full exercise of their political rights shall be electors and may be elected.
... (Sec. 68) - Spanish…
5. Son electores y elegibles todos los españoles que estén en pleno uso de sus derechos políticos.
… (Art. 68)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishThe right of free association for the promotion of specific [distintas] activities that persons pursue in society is guaranteed. (Art. 38)
- SpanishSe garantiza el derecho de libre asociación para el desarrollo de las distintas actividades que las personas realizan en sociedad. (Art. 38)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishSovereignty resides exclusively with the people, from whom flow all of the powers, which they exercise through their representatives or directly in the terms established by this Constitution and the law. (Art. 2)
- SpanishLa soberanía reside exclusivamente en el pueblo, de quien emanan todos los poderes, los cuales ejerce por medio de sus representantes o en forma directa, en los términos que establecen esta Constitución y las leyes. (Art. 2)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishThe State guarantees the free formation and functioning of the political organizations and they shall only have the limitations determined by this Constitution and the law.
… (Art. 223) - SpanishEl Estado garantiza la libre formación y funcionamiento de las organizaciones políticas y sólo tendrán las limitaciones que esta Constitución y la ley determinen.
… (Art. 223)
Political Rights and Association
- English
Nicaraguan citizens have the right to organize or affiliate in political parties, with the objective to participate in, to exercise[,] and to opt for[,] power. (Art. 55)
- Spanish
Los ciudadanos nicaragüenses tienen derecho de organizar o afiliarse a partidos políticos, con el fin de participar, ejercer y optar al poder. (Art. 55)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishEvery citizen is a member of the sovereignty of the Nation; as such he is a voter and eligible for election in the cases and in accordance with the procedure which will be set forth. … (Art. 77)
- SpanishTodo ciudadano es miembro de la soberanía de la Nación; como tal es elector y elegible en los casos y formas que se designarán. … (Art. 77)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishThis Constitution guarantees the full exercise of political rights, in accordance with the principle of popular sovereignty and with the laws derived therefrom. Suffrage shall be universal, equal, secret and compulsory.
Actual equality of opportunities for men and women to elective and political party positions shall be guaranteed by means of positive actions in the regulation of political parties and in the electoral system. (Sec. 37) - SpanishEsta Constitución garantiza el pleno ejercicio de los derechos políticos, con arreglo al principio de la soberanía popular y de las leyes que se dicten en consecuencia. El sufragio es universal, igual, secreto y obligatorio.
La igualdad real de oportunidades entre varones y mujeres para el acceso a cargos electivos y partidarios se garantizará por acciones positivas en la regulación de los partidos políticos y en el régimen electoral. (Art. 37)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishThe inhabitants of the Republic have the right to associate for licit purposes. No one may be obligated to be a part of any association. (Art. 25)
- SpanishLos habitantes de la República, tienen derecho de asociarse para fines lícitos. Nadie podrá ser obligado a formar parte de asociación alguna. (Art. 25)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishEcuadorians benefit from the following rights:
1. To elect and be elected.
7. To hold and discharge public office and duties on the basis of merits and capacities and in a transparent, inclusive, equitable, pluralistic and democratic selection and designation system that guarantees their participation, on the basis of criteria of gender equity and parity, equal opportunities for persons with disabilities, and intergenerational participation.
8. To set up political parties and movements, join or withdraw from them and participate in all the decisions adopted by them.
… (Art. 61) - SpanishLas ecuatorianas y ecuatorianos gozan de los siguientes derechos:
1. Elegir y ser elegidos.
7. Desempeñar empleos y funciones públicas con base en méritos y capacidades, y en un sistema de selección y designación transparente, incluyente, equitativo, pluralista y democrático, que garantice su participación, con criterios de equidad y paridad de género, igualdad de oportunidades para las personas con discapacidad y participación intergeneracional.
8. Conformar partidos y movimientos políticos, filiarse o desafiliarse libremente de ellos y participar en todas las decisiones que éstos adopten.
… (Art. 61)
Political Rights and Association
- EnglishThe right to assemble or associate peacefully for any licit objective may not be restricted; but only the citizens of the Republic may do so to take part in the political matters of the country.
… (Art. 9) - SpanishNo se podrá coartar el derecho de asociarse o reunirse pacíficamente con cualquier objeto lícito; pero solamente los ciudadanos de la República podrán hacerlo para tomar parte en los asuntos políticos del país.
… (Art. 9)