The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of Private Parties
- English… That all Turkish citizens are united in national honour and pride, in national joy and grief, in their rights and duties regarding national existence, in blessings and in burdens, and in every manifestation of national life, and that they have the right to demand a peaceful life based on absolute respect for one another’s rights and freedoms, mutual love and fellowship, and the desire for and belief in “Peace at home; peace in the world”; … (Preamble)
- Turkish... Topluca Türk vatandaşlarının millî gurur ve iftiharlarda, millî sevinç ve kederlerde, millî varlığa karşı hak ve ödevlerde, nimet ve külfetlerde ve millet hayatının her türlü tecellisinde ortak olduğu, birbirinin hak ve hürriyetlerine kesin saygı, karşılıklı içten sevgi ve kardeşlik duygularıyla ve “Yurtta sulh, cihanda sulh” arzu ve inancı içinde, huzurlu bir hayat talebine hakları bulunduğu; ...(BAŞLANGIÇ)
Judicial Protection
- English1. A law shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, provide for the establishment, jurisdiction and powers of courts of civil and criminal jurisdiction other than courts to be provided by a communal law under Article 160.
2. Any such law shall provide for the establishment of adequate courts in sufficient number for the proper and undelayed administration of justice and for securing within the limits of their respective competence the efficient application of the provisions of this Constitution guaranteeing the fundamental rights and liberties.
… (Art. 158) - Greek1. Tηρουμένων των διατάξεων του Συντάγματος, νόμος θέλει ορίσει περί της ιδρύσεως, της δικαιοδοσίας και των εξουσιών των πολιτικών και ποινικών δικαστηρίων, πλην των δικαστηρίων, περί ων θέλει ορίση κατά το άρθρον 160 κοινοτικός νόμος.
2. Πάς τοιούτος νόμος θέλει προβλέψει δια την ίδρυσιν αποχρώντων δικαστηρίων εις επαρκή αριθμόν δια την πρόσφορον και άνευ καθυστερήσεων απονομήν της δικαιοσύνης και δια την διασφάλισιν, εντός των ορίων της δικαιοδοσίας αυτών, της πιστής εφαρμογής των διασφαλιζουσών τα θεμελιώδη δικαιώματα και ελευθερίας διατάξεων του Συντάγματος.
… (Αρθρον 158) - Turkish1. Bu Anayasanın hükümlerine tabi olmak şartıyla bir kanun, 160. Madde uyarınca bir cemaat hukuku ile kurulacak mahkemelerin dışında kalan, hukuki ve cezai yargı yetkisine sahip mahkemelerin kurulmasını, yetki ve vazifelerini gösterir.
2. Böyle bir kanun, adaletin gereği gibi ve gecikmeden sağlanması ve kendi yetkilerinin sınırları içinde bu Anayasanın ana hak ve hürriyetleri sağlayan hükümlerinin etkili uygulamasını temin etmeleri için yeter sayıda ve yeterlikte mahkemelerin kurulması için hükümler koyar.
... (Madde 158)
Judicial Protection
- English
The legislative, executive and judicial authorities of the Republic shall be bound to secure, within the limits of their respective competence, the efficient application of the provisions of this Part7. (Art. 35)
- Greek
Αι νομοθετικαί, εκτελεστικαί και δικαστικαί αρχαί της Δημοκρατίας υποχρεούνται να διασφαλίζωσι την αποτελεσματικήν εφαρμογήν των διατάξεων του παρόντος μέρους, εκάστη εντός των ορίων της αρμοδιότητος αυτής. (Αρθρον 35)
- Turkish
Cumhuriyetin yasama, yürütme ve yargı makamları, ilgili yetkileri dahilinde, bu Bölüm hükümlerinin verimli bir şekilde uygulanmasını güvence altına almakla yükümlüdür (Madde 35)
Judicial Protection
- English… Everyone may apply to the Constitutional Court on the grounds that one of the fundamental rights and freedoms within the scope of the European Convention on Human Rights which are guaranteed by the Constitution has been violated by public authorities. In order to make an application, ordinary legal remedies must be exhausted. … (Art. 148)
- Turkish… Herkes, Anayasada güvence altına alınmış temel hak ve özgürlüklerinden, Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi kapsamındaki herhangi birinin kamu gücü tarafından, ihlal edildiği iddiasıyla Anayasa Mahkemesine başvurabilir. Başvuruda bulunabilmek için olağan kanun yollarının tüketilmiş olması şarttır. … (Madde 148)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishEveryone whose constitutional rights and freedoms have been violated has the right to request prompt access to the competent authorities.
The State is obliged to indicate in its proceedings, the legal remedies and authorities the persons concerned should apply and time limits of the applications.
Damages incurred to any person through unlawful treatment by public officials shall be compensated for by the State as per the law. The state reserves the right of recourse to the official responsible. (Art 40) - TurkishAnayasa ile tanınmış hak ve hürriyetleri ihlâl edilen herkes, yetkili makama geciktirilmeden başvurma imkânının sağlanmasını isteme hakkına sahiptir.
Devlet, işlemlerinde, ilgili kişilerin hangi kanun yolları ve mercilere başvuracağını ve sürelerini belirtmek zorundadır.
Kişinin, resmî görevliler tarafından vâki haksız işlemler sonucu uğradığı zarar da, kanuna göre, Devletçe tazmin edilir. Devletin sorumlu olan ilgili görevliye rücu hakkı saklıdır. (Madde 40)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English… Everyone has the right to obtain information and appeal to the Ombudsperson.
The Institution of the Ombudsperson established under the Grand National Assembly of Turkey examines complaints on the functioning of the administration. …
The way of exercising these rights referred to in this article, the establishment, duties, functioning of the Ombudsperson Institution and its proceedings after the examination and the procedures and principles regarding the qualifications, elections and personnel rights of the Chief Ombudsperson and ombudspersons shall be laid down in law. (Art. 74) - Turkish... Herkes, bilgi edinme ve kamu denetçisine başvurma hakkına sahiptir.
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Başkanlığına bağlı olarak kurulan Kamu Denetçiliği Kurumu idarenin işleyişiyle ilgili şikâyetleri inceler. ...
Bu maddede sayılan hakların kullanılma biçimi, Kamu Denetçiliği Kurumunun kuruluşu, görevi, çalışması, inceleme sonucunda yapacağı işlemler ile Kamu Başdenetçisi ve kamu denetçilerinin nitelikleri, seçimi ve özlük haklarına ilişkin usul ve esaslar kanunla düzenlenir. (Madde 74)