The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishThe President of the Republic:
21) shall grant citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania according to the procedure established by law;
… (Art. 84) - LithuanianRespublikos Prezidentas:
21) įstatymo nustatyta tvarka teikia Lietuvos Respublikos pilietybę;
… (84 straipsnis)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English1. Everyone shall have the right to determine and declare his (her) nationality. Nobody shall be forced to determine and declare his (her) nationality.
… (Art. 26) - Russian1. Каждый вправе определять и указывать свою национальную принадлежность. Никто не может быть принужден к определению и указанию своей национальной принадлежности.
… (Статья 26)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English
(1) A person born outside the United Kingdom and the qualifying territories after commencement shall be a British citizen if at the time of the birth his father or mother—
(a) is a British citizen otherwise than by descent; or
(b) is a British citizen and is serving outside the United Kingdom and the qualifying territories in service to which this paragraph applies, his or her recruitment for that service having taken place in the United Kingdom or a qualifying territory; or
(c) is a British citizen and is serving outside the United Kingdom and the qualifying territories in service under an EU institution, his or her recruitment for that service having taken place in a country which at the time of the recruitment was a member of the European Union.
… (British Nationality Act 1981, Sec. 2)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English
1. Everyone born of at least one parent with Albanian citizenship automatically gains the Albanian citizenship. Albanian citizenship is gained also for other reasons provided for by law.
2. An Albanian citizen may not lose his/her citizenship, except when he/she gives it up. (Art. 19) - Albanian
1. Kushdo që lind duke pasur qoftë edhe njërin prej prindërve me shtetësi shqiptare, e fiton vetiu shtetësinë shqiptare. Shtetësia shqiptare fitohet edhe për shkaqe të tjera të parashikuara me ligj.
2. Shtetasi shqiptar nuk mund ta humbasë shtetësinë, përveçse kur ai heq dorë prej saj. (Neni 19)
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishA child acquires Finnish citizenship at birth and through the citizenship of its parents, as provided in more detail by an Act. Citizenship may also be granted upon notification or application, subject to the criteria determined by an Act.
No one can be divested of or released from his or her Finnish citizenship except on grounds determined by an Act and only if he or she is in possession of or will be granted the citizenship of another State. (Sec. 5) - FinnishSuomen kansalaisuus saadaan syntymän ja vanhempien kansalaisuuden perusteella sen mukaan kuin lailla tarkemmin säädetään. Kansalaisuus voidaan myöntää laissa säädetyin edellytyksin myös ilmoituksen tai hakemuksen perusteella.
Suomen kansalaisuudesta voidaan vapauttaa vain laissa säädetyillä perusteilla ja sillä edellytyksellä, että henkilöllä on tai hän saa toisen valtion kansalaisuuden. (5 §) - SwedishBarn får finskt medborgarskap vid födelsen och genom föräldrarnas medborgarskap enligt vad som närmare bestäms genom lag. Enligt grunder som bestäms i lag kan medborgarskap också beviljas efter anmälan eller på ansökan.
Ingen kan fråntas eller befrias från sitt finska medborgarskap annat än på i lag bestämda grunder och under förutsättning att han eller hon har eller får medborgarskap i en annan stat. (5 §)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English…
3. All persons possessing the qualifications for citizenship as specified by law are Greek citizens. Withdrawal of Greek citizenship shall be permitted only in case of voluntary acquisition of another citizenship or of undertaking service contrary to national interests in a foreign country, under the conditions and procedures more specifically provided by law.
… (Art. 4) - Greek…
3. Έλληνες πολίτες είναι όσοι έχουν τα προσόντα που ορίζει ο νόμος. Eπιτρέπεται να αφαιρεθεί η ελληνική ιθαγένεια μόνο σε περίπτωση που κάποιος απέκτησε εκούσια άλλη ιθαγένεια ή που ανέλαβε σε ξένη χώρα υπηρεσία αντίθετη προς τα εθνικά συμφέροντα, με τις προϋποθέσεις και τη διαδικασία που προβλέπει ειδικότερα ο νόμος.
… ('Αρθρο 4)
Citizenship and Nationality
- EnglishThe circumstances in which Monegasque nationality may be acquired are laid down by law. The circumstances in which a person who has acquired Monegasque nationality by naturalization may be deprived of it are laid down in the law.
Loss of Monegasque nationality in any other circumstance may occur only, as prescribed by law, further to the intentional acquisition of another nationality or of service unlawfully carried out in a foreign army. (Art. 18) - FrenchLa loi règle les modes d'acquisition de la nationalité. La loi règle les conditions dans lesquelles la nationalité acquise par naturalisation peut-être retirée.
La perte de la nationalité monégasque dans tous les autres cas ne peut être prévue par la loi qu'en raison de l'acquisition volontaire d'une autre nationalité ou du service illégitimement accompli dans une armée étrangère. (Art 18)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English
(3) Every person has the right to freely decide which national group he or she is a member of. All manner of influence or coercion that may affect or lead to a denial of a person's original nationality shall be prohibited.
… (Art. 12) - Slovak
(3) Kaţdý má právo slobodne rozhodovať o svojej národnosti. Zakazuje sa akékoľvek ovplyvňovanie tohto rozhodovania a všetky spôsoby nátlaku smerujúce k odnárodňovaniu.
... (Čl. 12)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English
No one may be deprived of citizenship of the Republic of Belarus or of the right to change citizenship.
The acquisition and termination of citizenship shall be in accordance with the law. (Art. 10) - Belarusian
Ніхто не можа быць пазбаўлены грамадзянства Рэспублікі Беларусь або права змяніць грамадзянства.
Набыццё і страта грамадзянства ажыццяўляюцца ў адпаведнасці з законам. (Артыкул 10) - Russian
Никто не может быть лишен гражданства Республики Беларусь или права изменить гражданство.
Приобретение и утрата гражданства осуществляются в соответствии с законом. (Статья 10)
Citizenship and Nationality
- English1 1° On the coming into operation of this Constitution any person who was a citizen of Saorstát Éireann immediately before the coming into operation of this Constitution shall become and be a citizen of Ireland.
2° The future acquisition and loss of Irish nationality and citizenship shall be determined in accordance with law.
3° No person may be excluded from Irish nationality and citizenship by reason of the sex of such person.
2 1° Notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, a person born in the island of Ireland, which includes its islands and seas, who does not have, at the time of the birth of that person, at least one parent who is an Irish citizen or entitled to be an Irish citizen is not entitled to Irish citizenship or nationality, unless provided for by law.
2° This section shall not apply to persons born before the date of the enactment of this section.
… (Art. 9) - Irish Gaelic1 1° Ar theacht i ngníomh don Bhunreacht seo is saoránach d’Éirinn aon duine ba shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann díreach roimh theacht i ngníomh don Bhunreacht seo.
2° Is de réir dlí a chinnfear fáil agus cailleadh náisiúntacht agus saoránacht Éireann feasta.
3° Ní cead náisiúntacht agus saoránacht Éireann a cheilt ar dhuine ar bith toisc gur fireann nó toisc gur baineann an duine sin.
2 1° D’ainneoin aon fhorála eile den Bhunreacht seo, maidir le duine a shaolaítear in oileán na hÉireann, ar a n-áirítear a oileáin agus a fharraigí, agus nach bhfuil aige nó aici, an tráth a shaolaítear an duine sin, tuismitheoir amháin ar a laghad is saoránach d’Éirinn nó atá i dteideal a bheith ina shaoránach nó ina saoránach d’Éirinn, níl teideal ag an duine sin chun saoránacht nó náisiúntacht Éireann, mura ndéanfar socrú ina chomhair sin le dlí.
2° Ní bhainfidh an t-alt seo le daoine a saolaíodh roimh dháta achtaithe an ailt seo.
… (Airteagal 9)