The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishA constitutional appeal against the acts of public authorities impairing fundamental rights may be lodged by:
a) Those having been party or accessory to the previous legal proceedings referred to in article 41.2 of this Constitution.
b) Those having a legal interest relating to non-enforceable provisions or acts of the General Council.
c) The Office of the Attorney General in case of violation of the fundamental right of jurisdiction. (Art. 102) - CatalanContra els actes dels poders públics que lesionin drets fonamentals, estan legitimats per demanar empara davant el Tribunal Constitucional:
a) Els qui hagin estat part o siguin coadjuvants en el procés judicial previ al que es refereix l'article 41.2 d'aquesta Constitució.
b) Els qui tinguin un interès legítim en relació a disposicions o actes sense força de llei del Consell General.
c) El Ministeri Fiscal en cas de violació del dret fonamental a la jurisdicció. (Art. 102)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English…
If the Riigikogu, for the second time and without amending it, passes a law which has been returned to it by the President, the President either promulgates the law or applies to the Supreme Court for a declaration of unconstitutionality in respect of that law.
… (Sec. 107) - Estonian…
Kui Riigikogu võtab Vabariigi Presidendi poolt tagasi saadetud seaduse muutmata kujul uuesti vastu, kuulutab Vabariigi President seaduse välja või pöördub Riigikohtu poole ettepanekuga tunnistada seadus põhiseadusega vastuolus olevaks.
… (§ 107)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Court shall rule on:
controversies on the constitutional legitimacy of laws and measures having force of law issued by the State and Regions;
conflicts of authority between central institutions, between State and Regions, and between Regions;
charges brought against the President of the Republic, according to the provisions of the Constitution. (Art. 134) - Italian
La Corte costituzionale giudica:
sulle controversie relative alla legittimità costituzionale delle leggi e degli atti, aventi forza di legge, dello Stato e delle Regioni;
sui conflitti di attribuzione tra i poteri dello Stato e su quelli tra lo Stato e le Regioni, e tra le Regioni;
sulle accuse promosse contro il Presidente della Repubblica, a norma della Costituzione. (Art. 134)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishAny person may file an initiative to start the procedure for the assessment of constitutionality and legality.
The procedure before the Constitutional Court for the assessment of constitutionality and legality may be initiated by the court, other state authority, local self-government authority and five Members of the Parliament.
The Constitutional Court itself may also initiate the procedure for the assessment of constitutionality and legality.
During the procedure, the Constitutional Court may order to stop the enforcement of an individual act or actions that have been taken on the basis of the law, other regulation or general act, the constitutionality, i.e. legality of which is being assessed, if the enforcement thereof could cause irreparable damage. (Art. 150) - MontenegrinSvako može dati inicijativu za pokretanje postupka za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti.
Postupak pred Ustavnim sudom za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti može da pokrene sud, drugi državni organ, organ lokalne samouprave i pet poslanika.
Ustavni sud može i sâm pokrenuti postupak za ocjenu ustavnosti i zakonitosti.
U toku postupka, Ustavni sud može narediti da se obustavi izvršenje pojedinačnog akta ili radnje koji su preduzeti na osnovu zakona, drugog propisa ili opšteg akta čija se ustavnost ili zakonitost ocjenjuje, ako bi njihovim izvršenjem mogle nastupiti neotklonjive štetne posljedice. (Član 150)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. The President of the Republic may ask the Constitutional Court to undertake the prior consideration of the constitutionality of any norm contained in an international treaty that is submitted to him for ratification, in any decree that is sent to him for enactment as a law or executive law, or in any international agreement, the decree approving which is sent to him for signature.
2. Representatives of the Republic may also ask the Constitutional Court to undertake the prior consideration of the constitutionality of any norm contained in a regional legislative decree that is sent to them for signature.
4. In addition to the President of the Republic himself, the Prime Minister or one fifth of all the Members of the Assembly of the Republic in full exercise of their office may ask the Constitutional Court to conduct a prior review of the constitutionality of any rule laid down by any decree that is sent to the President of the Republic for enactment as an organisational law.
… (Art. 278) - Portuguese1. O Presidente da República pode requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a apreciação preventiva da constitucionalidade de qualquer norma constante de tratado internacional que lhe tenha sido submetido para ratificação, de decreto que lhe tenha sido enviado para promulgação como lei ou como decreto-lei ou de acordo internacional cujo decreto de aprovação lhe tenha sido remetido para assinatura.
2. Os Representantes da República podem igualmente requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a apreciação preventiva da constitucionalidade de qualquer norma constante de decreto legislativo regional que lhes tenha sido enviado para assinatura.
4. Podem requerer ao Tribunal Constitucional a apreciação preventiva da constitucionalidade de qualquer norma constante de decreto que tenha sido enviado ao Presidente da República para promulgação como lei orgânica, além deste, o Primeiro-Ministro ou um quinto dos Deputados à Assembleia da República em efectividade de funções.
… (Art. 278)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
(1) The Constitutional Court shall decide on the conformity of negotiated international treaties to which the assent of the National Council of the Slovak Republic with the Constitution and constitutional law is necessary.
(2) The President of the Slovak Republic or the Government may submit a proposal for a decision pursuant to paragraph 1 to the Constitutional Court prior to the presentation of a negotiated international treaty for discussion of the National Council of the Slovak Republic.
… (Art. 125a) - Slovak
(1) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o súlade dojednaných medzinárodných zmlúv, na ktoré je potrebný súhlas Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky, s ústavou alebo s ústavným zákonom.
(2) Návrh na rozhodnutie podľa odseku 1 môţe podať ústavnému súdu prezident Slovenskej republiky alebo vláda pred tým, ako predloţí dojednanú medzinárodnú zmluvu na rokovanie Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky.
… (Čl. 125a)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court of Ukraine, upon submission of the President of Ukraine or not less than forty-five People's Deputies of Ukraine, or the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, provides opinions on compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine of international treaties of Ukraine that are in effect, or the international treaties submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for approval of their binding nature.
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine upon submission of the President of Ukraine or not less than forty-five People's Deputies of Ukraine provides opinions on compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of questions that are proposed to be put for the all-Ukrainian referendum upon people's initiative.
The Constitutional Court of Ukraine upon the submission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine provides an opinion on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case on removing the President of Ukraine from office by the impeachment procedure. (Art. 151) - UkrainianКонституційний Суд України за зверненням Президента України, або щонайменше сорока п’яти народних депутатів України, або Кабінету Міністрів України надає висновки про відповідність Конституції України чинних міжнародних договорів України або тих міжнародних договорів, що вносяться до Верховної Ради України для надання згоди на їх обов’язковість.
Конституційний Суд України за зверненням Президента України або щонайменше сорока п’яти народних депутатів України надає висновки про відповідність Конституції України (конституційність) питань, які пропонуються для винесення на всеукраїнський референдум за народною ініціативою.
За зверненням Верховної Ради України Конституційний Суд України надає висновок щодо додержання конституційної процедури розслідування і розгляду справи про усунення Президента України з поста в порядку імпічменту. (Стаття 151)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThere is for all Belgium a Constitutional Court, the composition, competences and functioning of which are established by the law.
This Court rules by means of judgments on:
1° those conflicts referred to in Article 141;
2° the violation of Articles 10, 11 and 24 by a law, a federate law or a rule as referred to in Article 134;
3° the violation of constitutional articles that the law determines by a law, a federate law or by a rule as referred to in Article 134.
A matter may be referred to the Court by any authority designated by the law, by any person that can prove an interest or, pre-judicially, by any court.
The Court pronounces by a ruling, under the conditions and according to the terms specified by the law, on every referendum described in Article 39bis before it is organised.
In the cases, under the conditions and according to the terms that it specifies, the law can give the Court competence to pronounce by a judgment on appeals lodged against decisions made by legislative assemblies or bodies thereof regarding the control of electoral expenditure incurred in the elections for the House of Representatives.
… (Art. 142) - DutchEr bestaat voor geheel België een Grondwettelijk Hof, waarvan de samenstelling, de bevoegdheid en de werking door de wet worden bepaald.
Dit Hof doet, bij wege van arrest, uitspraak over:
1° de in artikel 141 bedoelde conflicten;
2° de schending door een wet, een decreet of een in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, van de artikelen 10, 11 en 24;
3° de schending door een wet, een decreet of een in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, van de artikelen van de Grondwet die de wet bepaalt.
De zaak kan bij het Hof aanhangig worden gemaakt door iedere bij wet aangewezen overheid, door ieder die doet blijken van een belang of, prejudicieel, door ieder rechtscollege.
Het Hof doet bij wege van beslissing uitspraak over elke in artikel 39bis bedoelde volksraadpleging, voorafgaandelijk aan de organisatie ervan, onder de voorwaarden en op de wijze bepaald door de wet.
De wet kan, in de gevallen en onder de voorwaarden en op de wijze die zij bepaalt, het Hof de bevoegdheid toekennen om, bij wege van arrest, uitspraak te doen over de beroepen die worden ingesteld tegen de beslissingen van wetgevende vergaderingen of hun organen, betreffende de controle van de verkiezingsuitgaven voor de verkiezingen voor de Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers.
… (Art. 142) - FrenchIl y a, pour toute la Belgique, une Cour constitutionnelle, dont la composition, la compétence et le fonctionnement sont déterminés par la loi.
Cette Cour statue par voie d’arrêt sur:
1° les conflits visés à l’article 141;
2° la violation par une loi, un décret ou une règle visée à l’article 134, des articles 10, 11 et 24;
3° la violation par une loi, un décret ou une règle visée à l’article 134, des articles de la Constitution que la loi détermine.
La Cour peut être saisie par toute autorité que la loi désigne, par toute personne justifiant d’un intérêt ou, à titre préjudiciel, par toute juridiction.
La Cour statue par voie de décision sur chaque consultation populaire visée à l’article 39bis, préalablement à son organisation, dans les conditions et selon les modalités fixées par la loi.
La loi peut, dans les cas et selon les conditions et les modalités qu’elle détermine, attribuer à la Cour la compétence de statuer, par voie d’arrêt, sur les recours formés contre les décisions des assemblées législatives ou de leurs organes, en matière de contrôle des dépenses électorales engagées pour les élections pour la Chambre des représentants.
… (Art. 142) - GermanEs gibt für ganz Belgien einen Verfassungsgerichtshof, dessen Zusammensetzung, Zuständigkeit und Arbeitsweise durch Gesetz bestimmt werden.
Dieser Verfassungsgerichtshof befindet im Wege eines Entscheids über:
1. die in Artikel 141 erwähnten Konflikte;
2. die Verletzung der Artikel 10, 11 und 24 durch ein Gesetz, ein Dekret oder eine in Artikel 134 erwähnte Regel;
3. die Verletzung der Verfassungsartikel, die das Gesetz bestimmt, durch ein Gesetz, ein Dekret oder eine in Artikel 134 erwähnte Regel.
Der Verfassungsgerichtshof kann angerufen werden von jeder durch Gesetz bezeichneten Behörde, von jedem, der ein Interesse nachweist, oder, zwecks Vorabentscheidung, von jedem Rechtsprechungsorgan.
Der Verfassungsgerichtshof befindet unter Bedingungen und gemäß Modalitäten, die das Gesetz festlegt, im Wege einer Entscheidung über jede in Artikel 39bis erwähnte Volksbefragung vor deren Organisation.
Das Gesetz kann in Fällen, unter Bedingungen und gemäß Modalitäten, die es bestimmt, dem Verfassungsgerichtshof die Zuständigkeit übertragen, im Wege eines Entscheids über Beschwerden zu befinden, die gegen die von gesetzgebenden Versammlungen oder ihren Organen gefassten Beschlüsse über die Kontrolle der Wahlausgaben für die Wahlen der Abgeordnetenkammer eingelegt werden.
… (Art. 142)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Law Committee shall issue statements on the constitutionality of legislative proposals and other matters brought for its consideration, as well as on their relation to international human rights treaties. (Sec. 74)
- Finnish
Eduskunnan perustuslakivaliokunnan tehtävänä on antaa lausuntonsa sen käsittelyyn tulevien lakiehdotusten ja muiden asioiden perustuslainmukaisuudesta sekä suhteesta kansainvälisiin ihmisoikeussopimuksiin. (74 §)
- Swedish
Riksdagens grundlagsutskott skall ge utlåtanden om grundlagsenligheten i fråga om lagförslag och andra ärenden som föreläggs utskottet samt om deras förhållande till internationella fördrag om mänskliga rättigheter. (74 §)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Government, not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas, and courts shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the acts specified in the first paragraph of Article 105.
Not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas and courts shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the conformity of the acts of the President of the Republic with the Constitution and laws.
Not less than 1/5 of all the Members of the Seimas, courts, as well as the President of the Republic, shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the conformity of the acts of the Government with the Constitution and laws.
Every person shall have the right to apply to the Constitutional Court concerning the acts specified in the first and second paragraphs of Article 105 if a decision adopted on the basis of these acts has violated the constitutional rights or freedoms of the person and the person has exhausted all legal remedies. The procedure for implementing this right shall be established by the Law on the Constitutional Court.
An application by the President of the Republic to the Constitutional Court, or a resolution of the Seimas, asking for an investigation into the conformity of an act with the Constitution shall suspend the validity of the act.
... (Art. 106) - LithuanianTeisę kreiptis į Konstitucinį Teismą dėl 105 straipsnio pirmojoje dalyje nurodytų aktų turi Vyriausybė, ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių, taip pat teismai.
Dėl Respublikos Prezidento aktų sutikimo su Konstitucija ir įstatymais į Konstitucinį Teismą turi teisę kreiptis ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių ir teismai.
Dėl Vyriausybės aktų sutikimo su Konstitucija ir įstatymais į Konstitucinį Teismą gali kreiptis ne mažiau kaip 1/5 visų Seimo narių, teismai, taip pat Respublikos Prezidentas.
Kiekvienas asmuo turi teisę kreiptis į Konstitucinį Teismą dėl Konstitucijos 105 straipsnio pirmojoje ir antrojoje dalyse nurodytų aktų, jeigu jų pagrindu priimtas sprendimas pažeidė šio asmens konstitucines teises ar laisves ir šis asmuo išnaudojo visas teisinės gynybos priemones. Šios teisės įgyvendinimo tvarką nustato Konstitucinio Teismo įstatymas.
Respublikos Prezidento teikimas Konstituciniam Teismui ar Seimo nutarimas ištirti, ar aktas sutinka su Konstitucija, sustabdo šio akto galiojimą.
... (106 straipsnis)