The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Court is the judge of the constitutionality of the laws and of the regularity of the elections. It guarantees the fundamental rights of the human person and the public freedoms. It is the regulatory organ of the functioning of the institutions and of the activity of the public powers.
... (Art. 83)3 - French
La Cour constitutionnelle est la plus haute juridiction de l'État en matière constitutionnelle. Elle est juge de la constitutionnalité des lois et de la régularité des élections. Elle garantit les droits fondamentaux de la personne humaine et les libertés publiques. Elle est l’organe régulateur du fonctionnement des institutions et de l’activité des pouvoirs publics.
... (Art. 83)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishWhen a judge, by virtue of his/her office or at the request of a party, considers that a legal norm is contrary to the Constitution or to international human rights instruments that provide for rights that are more favorable than those enshrined in the Constitution, it shall suspend the case and refer it for consultation to the Constitutional Court, which within no more than forty-five (45) days shall rule on the constitutionality of the norm.
If the Court issues no ruling within the established time-limits, the affected party is entitled to file the corresponding complaint. (Art. 428) - SpanishCuando una jueza o juez, de oficio o a petición de parte, considere que una norma jurídica es contraria a la Constitución o a los instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos que establezcan derechos más favorables que los reconocidos en la Constitución, suspenderá la tramitación de la causa y remitirá en consulta el expediente a la Corte Constitucional, que en un plazo no mayor a cuarenta y cinco días, resolverá sobre la constitucionalidad de la norma.
Si transcurrido el plazo previsto la Corte no se pronuncia, el perjudicado podrá interponer la acción correspondiente. (Art. 428)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Court shall rule on:
controversies on the constitutional legitimacy of laws and measures having force of law issued by the State and Regions;
conflicts of authority between central institutions, between State and Regions, and between Regions;
charges brought against the President of the Republic, according to the provisions of the Constitution. (Art. 134) - Italian
La Corte costituzionale giudica:
sulle controversie relative alla legittimità costituzionale delle leggi e degli atti, aventi forza di legge, dello Stato e delle Regioni;
sui conflitti di attribuzione tra i poteri dello Stato e su quelli tra lo Stato e le Regioni, e tra le Regioni;
sulle accuse promosse contro il Presidente della Repubblica, a norma della Costituzione. (Art. 134)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe President of the Republic, the President of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate, the Prime Minister or one-quarter (1/4) of the members of each Chamber of the Parliament may refer a request for [its] opinion to the Constitutional Court. (Art. 97)
- FrenchLe Président de la République, Ie Président de l'Assemblée Nationale, Ie Président du Sénat, Ie Premier Ministre ou un quart (1/4) des membres de chaque chambre du Parlement peuvent saisir la Cour Constitutionnelle d'une demande d'avis. (Art. 97)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe international engagements specified in Article 150 are deferred before ratification to the Constitutional Court, either by the President of the Republic, or by the President of the National Assembly or by one Deputy.
… (Art. 97) - FrenchLes engagements internationaux prévus à l'article 150 sont déférés avant ratification à la Cour constitutionnelle, soit par le président de la République, soit par le président de l'Assemblée nationale ou par un député.
… (Art. 97)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Court of Constitutionality is a permanent tribunal of privative jurisdiction, of which the essential function is the defense of the constitutional order; [it] acts as a collegiate tribunal with independence from the other organs of the State and exercises [the] specific functions assigned to it by the Constitution and the law of the matter.
… (Art. 268) - SpanishLa Corte de Constitucionalidad es un tribunal permanente de jurisdicción privativa, cuya función esencial es la defensa del orden constitucional; actúa como tribunal colegiado con independencia de los demás organismos del Estado y ejerce funciones específicas que le asigna la Constitución y la ley de la materia.
… (Art. 268)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court is the high jurisdiction of the State in constitutional matter.
It is [the] judge of the constitutionality of the laws, [and] of the international treaties and agreements.
The Constitutional Court is the regulatory organ of the functioning of the institutions and of the activities of the public powers. (Art. 175) - FrenchLa Cour constitutionnelle est la haute juridiction de l’Etat en matière constitutionnelle.
Elle est juge de la constitutionnalité des lois, des traités et accords internationaux.
La Cour constitutionnelle est l’organe régulateur du fonctionnement des institutions et des activités des pouvoirs publics. (Art. 175)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. Where any question as to the interpretation of this Constitution arises in any proceedings in any subordinate court or tribunal and the court or tribunal is of the opinion that the question involves a substantial question of law, the court or tribunal may, and shall, if any party to the proceedings so requests, refer the question to the High Court.
… (Sec. 128)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Council sees to and decides when it is referred to a matter:
• on the constitutionality of the laws before their promulgation;
• on the constitutionality of the internal regulations of the Senate and of the Chamber of Deputies before their implementation
• on the orders
For the same purposes, the laws in general may be referred to the Constitutional Council, before their promulgation, by the President of the Republic, the President of the Senate, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, a group of fifteen (15) Deputes or of (10) Senators.
The law determines the modalities of organization and of functioning of the Constitutional Council as well as the other entities enabled to refer a matter to it. (Art. 190ter-5) - FrenchLe Conseil Constitutionnel veille et statue lorsqu'il est saisi:
a. sur la constitutionnalité des lois organiques avant leur promulgation;
b. sur la constitutionnalité des règlements intérieurs du Sénat et de la Chambre des Députés avant leur mise en application.
c. sur les arrêtés.
Aux mêmes fins, les lois en général peuvent être déférées au Conseil constitutionnel, avant leur promulgation, par le Président de la République, le Président du Sénat, le Président de la Chambre des Députés, un groupe de quinze (15) députés ou de dix Sénateurs.
La loi détermine les autres entités habilitées à saisir le Conseil Constitutionnel. (Article 190ter.5)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court shall repeal or invalidate a law if it determines that the law does not conform to the Constitution. The Constitutional Court shall repeal or invalidate a collective agreement, other regulation or enactment, statute or programme of a political party or association, if it determines that it does not conform to the Constitution or law. The decisions of the Constitutional Court are final and executive. (Art. 112)
- MacedonianУставниот суд ќе укине или поништи закон ако утврди дека не е во согласност со Уставот. Уставниот суд ќе укине или поништи друг пропис или општ акт, колективен договор, статут или програма на политичка партија или здружение, ако утврди дека тие не се во согласност со Уставот или со закон. Одлуките на Уставниот суд се конечни и извршни. (Член 112)