The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishThe State shall endeavour to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years. (Art. 45)
- Hindiराज्य, सभी बालकों के लिए छह वर्ष की आयु पूरी करने तक, प्रारंभिक बाल्यावस्था देख-रेख और शिक्षा देने के लिए उपबंध करने का प्रयास करेगा। (अनुच्छेद 45)
- English
3. Parliament shall have the right to issue laws that regulate the most important public relations and establish fundamental principles and standards relating to:
7) education,
… (Art. 61) - Kazak
3. Парламент аса маңызды қоғамдық қатынастарды реттейтiн, мыналарға:
7) бiлiм беруге
... (61-бап)
- English(1) Without prejudice to the generality of Article 8, there shall be no discrimination against any citizen on the grounds only of religion, race, descent or place of birth—
(a) in the administration of any educational institution maintained by a public authority, and, in particular, the admission of pupils or students or the payment of fees; or
(b) in providing out of the funds of a public authority financial aid for the maintenance or education of pupils or students in any educational institution (whether or not maintained by a public authority and whether within or outside the Federation).
… (Art. 12) - Malay(1) Tanpa menjejaskan keluasan Perkara 8, tidak boleh ada diskriminasi terhadap mana-mana warganegara semata-mata atas alasan agama, ras, keturunan atau tempat lahir—
(a) dalam pentadbiran mana-mana institusi pendidikan yang disenggarakan oleh suatu pihak berkuasa awam, dan, khususnya, kemasukan murid-murid atau pelajar-pelajar atau pembayaran fi; atau
(b) dalam memberikan bantuan kewangan daripada wang sesuatu pihak berkuasa awam bagi penyenggaraan atau pendidikan murid-murid atau pelajar-pelajar di mana-mana institusi pendidikan (sama ada disenggarakan oleh suatu pihak berkuasa awam atau tidak dan sama ada di dalam atau di luar Persekutuan).
… (Perkara 12)
- EnglishThe State shall--
(a) promote, with special care, the educational and economic interests of backward classes or areas;
(b) remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period;
(c) make technical and professional education generally available and higher education equally accessible to all on the basis of merit;
… (Art. 37) - Urduمملکت--
(الف) پسماندہ طبقات یا علاقوں کے تعلیمی اور معاشی مفادات، کو خصوصی توجہ کے ساتھ فروغ دے گی؛
(ب) کم سے کم ممکنہ مدت کے اندر ناخواندگی کا خاتمہ کرے گی اور مفت اور لازمی ثانوی تعلیم مہیا کرے گی؛
(ج) فنی اور پیشہ وارانہ تعلیم کو عام طور پر ممکن الحصول اور اعلی تعلیم کو لیاقت کی بنیاد پر سب کے لیے مساوی طور پر قابلِ دسترس بنائے گی؛
… (آرٹیکل ۳۷)
- English…
2 and 3 Education and Educational Services – Education, except to the extent specified in items 3 and 4 of List 1.
… (Ninth Schedule, List III: Concurrent List) - Sinhala…
2 සහ 3 අධ්යාපනය සහ අධ්යාපන සේවා - I වැනි ලැයිස්තුවේ අංක (3) සහ (4) විෂයවල නිශ්චිතව දක්වා ඇති ප්රමාණයට හැර අධ්යාපනය.
… (නව වෙනි උපලේඛනය, III වෙනි ලැයිස්තුව: සමගාමී ලැයිස්තුව)
- English1. Development of education is a primary national policy for the purposes of elevating the people's intellectual standards, training human resources and fostering talents.
2. The State shall prioritise investment in and attraction of other investment sources for education; take care of pre-school education; guarantee compulsory primary education which is free of charge; gradually universalise secondary education; develop higher education and vocational education and provide an appropriate policy for scholarship and tuition.
3. The State shall prioritise the educational development in mountainous and island areas, (regions inhabited by ethnic minority people) and in regions that have extremely difficult socio-economic conditions; shall prioritise employment and development of the talented and provide favourable conditions for the disabled and the poor to access education and vocational learning. (Art. 61) - Vietnamese1. Phát triển giáo dục là quốc sách hàng đầu nhằm nâng cao dân trí, phát triển nguồn nhân lực, b i dưỡng nhân tài.
2. Nhà nước ưu tiên đầu tư và thu hút các nguồn đầu tư khác cho giáo dục; chăm lo giáo dục mầm non; bảo đảm giáo dục tiểu học là bắt buộc, Nhà nước không thu học phí; từng bước phổ cập giáo dục trung học; phát triển giáo dục đại học, giáo dục nghề nghiệp; thực hiện chính sách học bổng, học phí hợp lý.
3. Nhà nước ưu tiên phát triển giáo dục ở miền núi, hải đảo, vùng đồng bào dân tộc thiểu số và vùng có điều kiện kinh tế - xã hội đặc biệt khó khan; ưu tiên sử dụng, phát triển nhân tài; tạo điều kiện để người khuyết tật và người nghèo được học văn hoá và học nghề. (Điều 61)
- EnglishThe State shall adopt effective measures for the purpose of –
(a) establishing a uniform, mass oriented and universal system of education and extending free and compulsory education to all children to such stage as may be determined by law;
(b) relating education to the needs of society and producing properly trained and motivated citizens to serve those needs;
(c) removing illiteracy within such time as may be determined by law. (Art. 17) - Bengaliরাষ্ট্র
(ক) একই পদ্ধতির গণমুখী ও সার্বজনীন শিক্ষাব্যবস্থা প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য এবং আইনের দ্বারা নির্ধারিত স্তর পর্যন্ত সকল বালক-বালিকাকে অবৈতনিক ও বাধ্যতামূলক শিক্ষাদানের জন্য;
(খ) সমাজের প্রয়োজনের সহিত শিক্ষাকে সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ করিবার জন্য এবং সেই প্রয়োজন সিদ্ধ করিবার উদ্দেশ্যে যথাযথ প্রশিক্ষণপ্রাপ্ত ও সদিচ্ছাপ্রণোদিত নাগরিক সৃষ্টির জন্য;
(গ) আইনের দ্বারা নির্ধারিত সময়ের মধ্যে নিরক্ষরতা দূর করিবার জন্য;
কার্যকর ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করিবেন৷ (অনুচ্ছেদ ১৭)
- English
(1) Every citizen has the right to receive education.
(2) Every citizen has the obligation to undertake basic education, and the government has the obligation to fund this.
(3) The government shall manage and organise one system of national education, which shall increase the level of spiritual belief, devoutness and moral character in the context of developing the life of the nation and shall be regulated by law.
(4) The state shall prioritise the budget for education to a minimum of 20% of the State Budget and of the Regional Budgets to fulfil the needs of implementation of national education.
… (Art. 31) - Indonesian
(1) Setiap warga negara berhak mendapat pendidikan.
(2) Setiap warga negara wajib mengikuti pendidikan dasar dan pemerintah wajib membiayainya.
(3) Pemerintah mengusahakan dan menyelenggarakan satu sistem pendidikan nasional, yang meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan serta akhlak mulia dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, yang diatur dengan undang-undang.
(4) Negara memprioritaskan anggaran pendidikan sekurang-kurangnya dua puluh persen dari anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara serta dari anggaran pendapatan dan belanja daerah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penyelenggaraan pendidikan nasional.
… (Pasal 31)
- EnglishThe State shall maintain all children of preschool age in creches and kindergartens at State and public expense. (Art. 49)
- Korean국가는 학령전어린이들을 탁아소와 유치원에서 국가와 사회의 부담으로 키워준다. (제49조)
- English
Every citizen, in accord with the educational policy laid down by the Union :
(a) has the right to education;
(b) shall be given basic education which the Union prescribes by law as compulsory;
... (Sec. 366) - Burmese
နိုင်ငံသားတိုင်းသည် နိုင်ငံတော်ကချမှတ်ထားသော ပညာရေးဆိုင်ရာမူဝါဒများနှင့်အညီ -
(က) ပညာသင်ကြားပိုင်ခွင့်ရှိသည်၊
(ခ) ဥပဒေဖြင့်ပြဌာန်းသည့် မသင်မနေရအခြေခံပညာများကို သင်ကြားရမည်၊
... (ပုဒ်မ-၃၆၆)