The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishThe State shall guarantee the rights of pregnant and breast-feeding women to:
1. Not be discriminated for their pregnancy in education, social, and labor sectors.
… (Art. 43) - SpanishEl Estado garantizará a las mujeres embarazadas y en periodo de lactancia los derechos a:
1. No ser discriminadas por su embarazo en los ámbitos educativo, social y laboral.
… (Art. 43)
- EnglishNo Congolese person may, in matters of education … be subject to a discriminatory measure, that results from the law or from an act of the executive, for reason of his religion, of his family origin, of his social condition, of his residence, of his opinion or political convictions, or his belonging to a certain race, to an ethnicity, to a tribe, [or] to a cultural or linguistic minority. (Art. 13)
- FrenchAucun Congolais ne peut, en matière d’éducation … faire l’objet d’une mesure discriminatoire, qu’elle résulte de la loi ou d’un acte de l’exécutif, en raison de sa religion, de son origine familiale, de sa condition sociale, de sa résidence, de ses opinions ou de ses convictions politiques, de son appartenance à une race, à une ethnie, à une tribu, à une minorité culturelle ou linguistique. (Art. 13)
- English(1) Everyone has the right to education. School attendance shall be obligatory for the period specified by law.
(2) Citizens have the right to free elementary and secondary school education, and, depending on particular citizens’ ability and the capability of society, also to university-level education.
(4) The conditions under which citizens have the right to assistance from the state during their studies shall be set by law. (Charter, Art. 33) - Czech(1) Každý má právo na vzdělání. Školní docházka je povinná po dobu, kterou stanoví zákon.
(2) Občané mají právo na bezplatné vzdělání v základních a středních školách, podle schopností občana a možností společnosti též na vysokých školách.
(4) Zákon stanoví, za jakých podmínek mají občané při studiu právo na pomoc státu. (Listina, Čl. 33)
- EnglishEducation has as its primary objective the integral development of the human person, the knowledge of reality and national and universal culture.
Education, instruction, social development and the systematic teaching of the Constitution of the Republic and of the human rights are declared to be of national interest. (Art. 72) - SpanishLa educación tiene como fin primordial el desarrollo integral de la persona humana, el conocimiento de la realidad y cultura nacional y universal.
Se declaran de interés nacional la educación, la instrucción, formación social y la enseñanza sistemática de la Constitución de la República y de los derechos humanos. (Art. 72)
- English…
(6) Every Swazi child shall within three years of the commencement of this Constitution have the right to free education in public schools at least up to the end of primary school, beginning with the first grade.
… (Sec. 29)
- EnglishEveryone has the right to education. The State shall ensure that everyone may acquire primary and secondary education without charge. Primary education shall be compulsory. (Art. 112)
- LatvianIkvienam ir tiesības uz izglītību. Valsts nodrošina iespēju bez maksas iegūt pamatizglītību un vidējo izglītību. Pamatizglītība ir obligāta. (Art. 112)
- EnglishThe State and the territorial collectivities have as a duty to make all the provisions necessary with a view to intensify the campaign of literacy of the masses. They encourage all private initiatives directed to this end. (Art. 32-9)
- FrenchL'État et les collectivités territoriales ont pour devoir de prendre toutes les dispositions nécessaires en vue d'intensifier la campagne d'alphabétisation des masses. Ils encouragent toutes les initiatives privées tendant à cette fin. (Art. 32.9)
- English(1) Every child has the right—
(b) to free and compulsory basic education;
… (Art. 53) - Swahili(1) Kila mtoto ana haki—
(b) ya kupata elimu ya msingi kwa lazima na bila malipo;
… (Kifungu cha 53)
- English
1. Education shall be the constant concern of the Government.
2. All persons shall be free to provide education, without prejudice to the authorities’ right of supervision and, with regard to forms of education designated by law, their right to examine the competence and moral integrity of teachers, to be regulated by Act of Parliament.
3. Education provided by public authorities shall be regulated by Act of Parliament, paying due respect to everyone’s religion or belief.
4. The authorities shall ensure that primary education is provided in a sufficient number of public-authority schools in every municipality and in each of the public bodies referred to in Article 132a. Deviations from this provision may be permitted under rules to be established by Act of Parliament on condition that there is opportunity to receive the said form of education, whether in a public-authority school or otherwise.
… (Art. 23) - Dutch
1. Het onderwijs is een voorwerp van de aanhoudende zorg der regering.
2. Het geven van onderwijs is vrij, behoudens het toezicht van de overheid en, voor wat bij de wet aangewezen vormen van onderwijs betreft, het onderzoek naar de bekwaamheid en de zedelijkheid van hen die onderwijs geven, een en ander bij de wet te regelen.
3. Het openbaar onderwijs wordt, met eerbiediging van ieders godsdienst of levensovertuiging, bij de wet geregeld.
4. In elke gemeente en in elk van de openbare lichamen, bedoeld in artikel 132a, wordt van overheidswege voldoend openbaar algemeen vormend lager onderwijs gegeven in een genoegzaam aantal openbare scholen. Volgens bij de wet te stellen regels kan afwijking van deze bepaling worden toegelaten, mits tot het ontvangen van zodanig onderwijs gelegenheid wordt gegeven, al dan niet in een openbare school.
… (Art. 23)
- English
The access to education [educación] is free and equal for all Nicaraguans. Primary education [enseñanza] is gratuitous and obligatory in the centers of the State. Secondary education [enseianza] is gratuitous in the centers of the State, without prejudice to the voluntary contributions which parents may make. No one may be excluded in any form from a state center for economic reasons. The indigenous peoples and the ethnic communities of the Caribbean Coast have right in their region to intercultural education [educación] in their mother tongue, in accordance with the law. (Art. 121)
- Spanish
El acceso a la educación es libre e igual para todos los nicaragüenses. La enseñanza primaria es gratuita y obligatoria en los centros del Estado. La enseñanza secundaria es gratuita en los centros del Estado, sin perjuicio de las contribuciones voluntarias que puedan hacer los padres de familia.
Nadie podrá ser excluido en ninguna forma de un centro estatal por razones económicas. Los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades étnicas de la Costa Caribe tienen derecho en su región a la educación intercultural en su lengua materna, de acuerdo a la ley. (Art. 121)