The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English(1) The entire school system shall be under the supervision of the state.
… (Art. 7) - German(1) Das gesamte Schulwesen steht unter der Aufsicht des Staates.
… (Art. 7)
- English
Education [L 'einseignement] is obligatory until the age of sixteen.
The State guarantees the right to gratuitous public education at all levels. It sees to provide the necessary resources at the service of an education, teaching and training of quality.
The State also sees to the rooting of the younger generations in their Arab and Islamic identity and their national belonging. It sees to the consolidation of the Arabic language, its promotion and its generalization. It encourages openness to foreign languages and civilizations. It sees to the dissemination of the culture of human rights. (Art. 44) - Arabic
التّعليم إلزاميّ إلى سنّ السّادسة عشرة.
تضمن الدّولة الحقّ في التّعليم العموميّ المجاني ّبكامل مراحله، وتسعى إلى توفير الإمكانيّات الضّروريّة لتحقيق جودة التّربية والتّعليم والتّكوين. كما تعمل على تأصيل النّاشئة في هويّتها العربيّة الإسلاميّة وانتمائها الوطنيّ وعلى ترسيخ اللّغة العربيّة ودعمها وتعميم استخدامــها والانفتاح على اللّغات الأجنبيّة والحضارات الإنسانيّة ونشر ثقافة حقوق الإنسان. (الفصل 44) - French
L’enseignement est obligatoire jusqu’à l’âge de seize ans.
L’État garantit le droit à l’enseignement public gratuit à tous ses niveaux. Il veille à fournir les ressources nécessaires au service d’une éducation, d’un enseignement et d’une formation de qualité.
L’État veille également à l’enracinement des jeunes générations dans leur identité arabe et islamique et leur appartenance nationale. Il veille à la consolidation de la langue arabe, sa promotion et sa généralisation. Il encourage l’ouverture sur les langues étrangères et les civilisations. Il veille à la diffusion de la culture des droits de l’Homme. (Art. 44)
- English(1) The State shall endeavour to provide adequate educational opportunities at all levels of study for all citizens.
(2) The State shall pursue policies to ensure basic education for all citizens and shall endeavour to provide adequate resources so that such tuition for basic education shall be free for all citizens.
(3) The State shall endeavour to provide skills training centres.
(4) The State shall take measures to create an adult literacy programme, rehabilitative vocational training for the disabled, and continuing education programmes. (Sec. 217)
- English1. Everyone shall have the right to education. The programs and duration of compulsory education shall be stipulated by law. Secondary education in state educational institutions is free of charge.
2. Everyone shall have the right to receive, in the cases and manner stipulated by law, free education in state higher and other vocational education institutions on the basis of competition.
3. The institutions of higher education shall, within the framework stipulated by law, have the right to self-governance, including to academic and research freedom. (Art. 38) - Armenian1. Յուրաքանչյուր ոք ունի կրթության իրավունք: Պարտադիր կրթության ծրագրերը և տևողությունը սահմանվում են օրենքով: Պետական ուսումնական հաստատություններում միջնակարգ կրթությունն անվճար է:
2. Յուրաքանչյուր ոք օրենքով սահմանված դեպքերում և կարգով ունի մրցութային հիմունքներով պետական բարձրագույն և այլ մասնագիտական կրթական հաստատություններում անվճար կրթություն ստանալու իրավունք:
3. Բարձրագույն ուսումնական հաստատություններն օրենքով սահմանված շրջանակներում ունեն ինքնակառավարման իրավունք, ներառյալ ակադեմիական և հետազոտությունների ազատությունը: (Հոդված 38)
- EnglishEducation shall be compulsory for persons under the age of 16.
Education at state and municipal schools of general education, vocational schools, and schools of further education shall be free of charge.
Higher education shall be accessible to everyone according to individual abilities. Citizens who are good at their studies shall be guaranteed education at state schools of higher education free of charge. (Art. 41) - LithuanianAsmenims iki 16 metų mokslas privalomas.
Mokymas valstybinėse ir savivaldybių bendrojo lavinimo, profesinėse bei aukštesniosiose mokyklose yra nemokamas.
Aukštasis mokslas prieinamas visiems pagal kiekvieno žmogaus sugebėjimus. Gerai besimokantiems piliečiams valstybinėse aukštosiose mokyklose laiduojamas nemokamas mokslas. (41 straipsnis)
- EnglishEducation shall promote civic-mindedness, intercultural dialogue and ethical moral values. The values shall incorporate gender equality, non differentiation of roles, non-violence, and the full enforcement of human rights. (Art. 79)
- SpanishLa educación fomentará el civismo, el diálogo intercultural y los valores ético morales. Los valores incorporarán la equidad de género, la no diferencia de roles, la no violencia y la vigencia plena de los derechos humanos. (Art. 79)
- EnglishEvery child has the right to instruction and to education under the responsibility of the parents within respect for their freedom of choice.
The State engages itself to develop professional training. (Art. 23) - FrenchTout enfant a droit à l’instruction et à l’éducation sous la responsabilité des parents dans le respect de leur liberté de choix.
L’Etat s’engage à développer la formation professionnelle. (Art. 23)
- English…
6. The State shall take care … of the development of education,
… (Art. 5) - Georgian…
6. სახელმწიფო ზრუნავს … განათლების, … განვითარებაზე.
… (მუხლი 5)
- English1. In order to ensure the effective fulfilment of their economic, social and cultural rights, young people shall enjoy special protection, particularly:
a) In education, vocational training
... (Art. 70) - Portuguese1. Os jovens gozam de protecção especial para efectivação dos seus direitos económicos, sociais e culturais, nomeadamente:
a) No ensino, na formação profissional
… (Art. 70)
- English
Minimum curricula shall be established for elementary schools in order to ensure a common basic education and respect for national and regional cultural and artistic values.
Paragraph 1. The teaching of religion is optional and shall be offered during the regular school hours of public elementary schools.
Paragraph 2. Regular elementary education shall be given in the Portuguese language and Indian communities shall also be ensured the use of their native tongues and their own learning methods. (Art. 210) - Portuguese
Serão fixados conteúdos mínimos para o ensino fundamental, de maneira a assegurar formação básica comum e respeito aos valores culturais e artísticos, nacionais e regionais.
§ 1º O ensino religioso, de matrícula facultativa, constituirá disciplina dos horários normais das escolas públicas de ensino fundamental.
§ 2º O ensino fundamental regular será ministrado em língua portuguesa, assegurada às comunidades indígenas também a utilização de suas línguas maternas e processos próprios de aprendizagem. (Art. 210)