The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe employee-employer relationship shall be based on the ideals of social justice and shall be regulated by law. (Art. 30)
- Arabicالعلاقة بين العمّال وأرباب العمل أساسها العدالة الاجتماعية وينظّمها القانون. (المادّة 30)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. Every citizen, regardless of gender, has the right and the duty to work and to choose freely his or her profession.
2. The worker has the right to labour safety and hygiene, remuneration, rest and vacation.
3. Dismissal without just cause or on political, religious and ideological grounds is prohibited.
4. Compulsory work, without prejudice to the cases provided for under penal legislation, is prohibited.
5. The State shall promote the establishment of co-operatives of production and shall lend support to household businesses as sources of employment. (Sec. 50) - Tetum1. Sidadaun hotu-hotu, feto ka mane, iha direitu no devér atu halo servisu no livre atu hili nia profisaun.
2. Traballadór sira iha direitu ba seguransa no hetan mós husi servisu fatin ba selu-kole, deskansu no mós férias.
3. Labele hasai ema serbisu na’in sira wainhira la iha kauza justa (loloos) eh tan de’it motive polítiku, relijozu ka idiolójiku.
4. Proibidu obriga ema serbisu, maibé ne’e la halakon buat ne’ebé maka iha lejizlasaun konaba ezekusaun kastigu nian.
5. Estadu haburas kriasaun (hakiak) kooperativa ba produsaun no fó tane ba empreza família nian nu’udar fatin atu hetan serbisu. (Art. 50) - Portuguese1. Todo o cidadão, independentemente do sexo, tem o direito e o dever de trabalhar e de escolher livremente a profissão.
2. O trabalhador tem direito à segurança e higiene no trabalho, à remuneração, ao descanso e às férias.
3. É proibido o despedimento sem justa causa ou por motivos políticos, religiosos e ideológicos.
4. É proibido o trabalho compulsivo, sem prejuízo do disposto na legislação sobre a execução de penas.
5. O Estado promove a criação de cooperativas de produção e apoia as empresas familiares como fontes de emprego. (Art. 50)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. The State shall encourage and create the conditions for organizations and individuals to create jobs.
2. The State shall protect the lawful rights and interests of employees and employers and create the conditions for the establishment of progressive, harmonious and stable employment relations. (Art. 57) - Vietnamese1. Nhà nước khuyến khích, tạo điều kiện để tổ chức, cá nhân tạo việc làm cho người lao động.
2. Nhà nước bảo vệ quyền, lợi ích hợp pháp của người lao động, người sử dụng lao động và tạo điều kiện xây dựng quan hệ lao động tiến bộ, hài hòa và ổn định. (Điều 57)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English(1) Work is a right, a duty and a matter of honour for every citizen who is capable of working, and everyone shall be paid for his work on the basis of the principle “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his work”.
(2) The State shall endeavour to create conditions in which, as a general principle, persons shall not be able to enjoy unearned incomes, and in which human labour in every form, intellectual and physical, shall become a fuller expression of creative endeavour and of the human personality. (Art. 20) - Bengali(১) কর্ম হইতেছে কর্মক্ষম প্রত্যেক নাগরিকের পক্ষে অধিকার, কর্তব্য ও সম্মানের বিষয়, এবং “প্রত্যেকের নিকট হইতে যোগ্যতানুসারে ও প্রত্যেককে কর্মানুযায়ী”-এই নীতির ভিত্তিতে প্রত্যেকে স্বীয় কর্মের জন্য পারিশ্রমিক লাভ করিবেন৷
(২) রাষ্ট্র এমন অবস্থাসৃষ্টির চেষ্টা করিবেন, যেখানে সাধারণ নীতি হিসাবে কোন ব্যক্তি অনুপার্জিত আয় ভোগ করিতে সমর্থ হইবেন না এবং যেখানে বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিমূলক ও কায়িক-সকল প্রকার শ্র্রম সৃষ্টিধর্মী প্রয়াসের ও মানবিক ব্যক্তিত্বের পূর্ণতর অভিব্যক্তিতে পরিণত হইবে৷ (অনুচ্ছেদ ২০)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. The following shall fall within the exclusive competence of the supreme state authorities of Georgia:
b) … labour and procedural legislation;
… (Art. 7) - Georgian1. საქართველოს უმაღლეს სახელმწიფო ორგანოთა განსაკუთრებულ გამგებლობას მიეკუთვნება:
ბ) … შრომის სამართლის,
… (მუხლი 7)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishFirst: Work is a right for all Iraqis in a way that guarantees a dignified life for them.
Second: The law shall regulate the relationship between employees and employers on economic bases and while observing the rules of social justice.
… (Art. 22) - Arabicاولاً :ـ العمل حقٌ لكل العراقيين بما يضمن لهم حياةً كريمةً.
ثانياً :ـ ينظم القانون، العلاقة بين العمال واصحاب العمل على اسسٍ اقتصادية، مع مراعاة قواعد العدالة الاجتماعية.
... (المادة 22)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishAll citizens shall enjoy freedom of occupation. (Art. 15)
- Korean모든 국민은 직업선택의 자유를 가진다. (제15조)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
9. Social Sector
(o) Working hours, resting-hours, holidays and occupational safety;
... (Schedule One, Union Legislative List [Section 96]) - Burmese
၉။ လူမူရေးကဏ္ဍ
(ဏ)အလုပ်လုပ်ချိန်၊ နားချိန်၊ အလုပ်ပိတ်ရက်များနှင့် လုပ်ငန်းခွင်ဆိုင်ရာဘေးအန္တရာယ်ကင်းရှင်းရေး၊
… [ဇယား ၁၊ ပြည်ထောင်စုဥပဒေပြုစာရင်း၊ (ပုဒ်မ ၉၆ ကိုရည်ညွှန်းသည်)]
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe exercise and enjoyment of rights and freedoms are inseparable from the performance of duties and obligations and accordingly it is the duty of every person in Sri Lanka –
c. to work conscientiously in his chosen occupation;
… (Art . 28) - Sinhalaඅයිතිවාසිකම් සහ නන් වැදෑරුම් නිදහස ක්රියාත්මකවීමත්, භුක්ති විඳීමත් යුතුකම් හා බැඳීම් ඉටු කිරීමෙන් වෙන්ව පැවතිය නොහැක්කේ ය. එහෙයින් –
(ඇ) තමන් විසින් තෝරා ගනු ලැබූ රැකියාවෙහි හෘදය සාක්ෂියට එකඟව නොපිරිහෙලා වැඩ කිරීම ද,
… (28 වැනි වගන්තිය)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishWages shall be paid in return for work.
The state shall take the necessary measures to ensure that workers earn a fair wage commensurate with the work they perform and that they enjoy other social benefits.
In determining the minimum wage, the living conditions of the workers and the economic situation of the country shall also be taken into account. (Art. 55) - TurkishÜcret emeğin karşılığıdır.
Devlet, çalışanların yaptıkları işe uygun adaletli bir ücret elde etmeleri ve diğer sosyal yardımlardan yararlanmaları için gerekli tedbirleri alır.
Asgarî ücretin tespitinde çalışanların geçim şartları ile ülkenin ekonomik durumu da gözönünde bulundurulur. (Madde 55)