The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Employment Rights and Protection
- English(1) Special care shall be accorded to mothers during a reasonable period before and after child-birth; and during those periods, working mothers shall be accorded paid leave.
(2) Facilities shall be provided for the care of children below school-going age to enable women, who have the traditional care for children, realise their full potential.
(3) Women shall be guaranteed equal rights to training and promotion without any impediments from any person. (Art. 27)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe employed shall have the right to adequate salary.
The employed shall have the right to limited working hours and paid vacation.
The employed shall have the right to protection at work.
Youth, women and the disabled shall enjoy special protection at work. (Art. 64) - MontenegrinZaposleni imaju pravo na odgovarajuću zaradu.
Zaposleni imaju pravo na ograničeno radno vrijeme i plaćeni odmor.
Zaposleni imaju pravo na zaštitu na radu.
Omladina, žene i invalidi uživaju posebnu zaštitu na radu. (Član 64)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishWork will be regulated by a Code which shall have as [its] principal objective the harmonizing of the relations between the employers [patronos] and [the] workers, establishing their rights and obligations. It shall be founded in general principles that tend to the improvement of the living conditions of the workers, and will especially include the following rights:
1) In a same business or establishment and in identical circumstances, to equal work must correspond [an] equal remuneration for the worker, without regard for [their] sex, race, creed, or nationality;
2) Every worker has the right to earn a minimum salary, which shall be set periodically. To set this salary[,] attention will be given to the cost of living, [to] the type of work, [to] the different systems of remuneration, [to] the distinct zones of production, and to other similar criteria. This salary must be sufficient to satisfy the normal necessities of the home of the worker in the material, moral and cultural orders.
For piecework [trabajos a destajo], contract work [por ajuste] or work for a lump sum [precio alzado], it is obligatory to assure the minimum wage per day ['ornada] of work;
3) The salary and the social payments [prestaciones], in the quantity determined by the law, are unattachable and cannot be compensated or retained, except for food [provision] obligations. The amounts for social security, union quota, or tax obligations, may also be retained. The implements [instrumentos] of labor of the worker are unattachable;
4) The salary must be paid in [the] current legal currency [moneda de curso legal].
The salary and the social payments constitute privileged credits in relation to the other credits that could exist against an employer [patrono];
5) The employers shall give their workers a premium [prima] for each year of work. The law will establish the form in which its quantity will be determined in relation to the salaries;
6) The ordinary workday [jornada] of effective daytime work will not exceed eight hours, and the work week [will not exceed] forty-four hours.
The maximum overtime hours [horas extraordinarias] for each type of work will be determined by the law.
Night work [jornada nocturna] and the [work] fulfilled in dangerous or unhealthy tasks, will be inferior to the daytime [work] and will be regulated by the law. The limitation of working hours will not be applied in cases of force majeure.
The law will determine the extension of the pauses that will interrupt the workday when, attending to biological reasons, the rhythm of the [pending] tasks so demands, and of those that must intercede between two workdays.
Overtime hours and night work will be remunerated with a surcharge [recargo];
7) Every worker has the right to one day of remunerated rest for each work week, in the form required by the law.
The workers who do not enjoy [a] rest [period] on the previously indicated days, will have the right to [an] extraordinary remuneration for the services rendered on those days and to compensatory leave;
8) The workers will have the right to remunerated rest on the holidays [días de asueto] that are designated by the law; [the law] will determine the types of work for which this provision will not apply, but in such cases, the workers will have the right to an extraordinary remuneration;
9) Every worker that accredits a minimum provision of services [performed] during a given period, will have the right to an annual paid vacation in the form determined by the law. The vacations may not be compensated in money, and to the obligation of the employer to grant them[,] corresponds the obligation of the worker to take them;
10) The minors of fourteen years of age or less, and those that having reached this age still remain subject to obligatory education by virtue of the law, may not be occupied in any type of work.
Their occupation can be authorized when it is considered indispensable for their subsistence or that of their family, provided that this does not prevent [the] compliance with the minimum of the obligatory education.
The workday of the minors of sixteen years of age cannot be more than six hours a day and thirty-four hours a week, in any kind of work.
Unhealthy or dangerous work is prohibited for persons under eighteen years of age and for women. Night work is also prohibited for persons under eighteen years of age.
The law will determine the dangerous and unhealthy labors;
11) The employer who discharges [despida] a worker without [a] just cause is obligated to indemnify him in accordance with the law;
12) The law will determine under which conditions employers are obligated to pay their permanent workers, who resign from their work, an economic compensation [prestación] which amount will be set [fijará] in relation to their salaries and the time of service.
The resignation produces its effects without the need for acceptance by the employer, but the refusal of the latter to pay the corresponding compensation constitutes a legal presumption of unfair discharge.
In the case of total and permanent disability or [the] death of the worker, the worker or his or her beneficiaries will have the right to the compensations they would receive in the case of voluntary resignation. (Art. 38) - SpanishEl trabajo estará regulado por un Código que tendrá por objeto principal armonizar las relaciones entre patronos y trabajadores, estableciendo sus derechos y obligaciones. Estará fundamentado en principios generales que tiendan al mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de los trabajadores, e incluirá especialmente los derechos siguientes:
1º- En una misma empresa o establecimiento y en idénticas circunstancias, a trabajo igual debe corresponder igual remuneración al trabajador, cualquiera que sea su sexo, raza, credo o nacionalidad;
2º- Todo trabajador tiene derecho a devengar un salario mínimo, que se fijará periódicamente. Para fijar este salario se atenderá sobre todo al costo de la vida, a la índole de la labor, a los diferentes sistemas de remuneración, a las distintas zonas de producción y a otros criterios similares. Este salario deberá ser suficiente para satisfacer las necesidades normales del hogar del trabajador en el orden material, moral y cultural.
En los trabajos a destajo, por ajuste o precio alzado, es obligatorio asegurar el salario mínimo por jornada de trabajo;
3º- El salario y las prestaciones sociales, en la cuantía que determine la ley, son inembargables y no se pueden compensar ni retener, salvo por obligaciones alimenticias. También pueden retenerse por obligaciones de seguridad social, cuotas sindicales o impuestos. Son inembargables los instrumentos de labor de los trabajadores;
4º- El salario debe pagarse en moneda de curso legal. El salario y las prestaciones sociales constituyen créditos privilegiados en relación con los demás créditos que puedan existir contra el patrono;
5º- Los patronos darán a sus trabajadores una prima por cada año de trabajo. La ley establecerá la forma en que se determinará su cuantía en relación con los salarios;
6º- La jornada ordinaria de trabajo efectivo diurno no excederá de ocho horas; y la semana laboral, de cuarenta y cuatro horas.
El máximo de horas extraordinarias para cada clase de trabajo será determinado por la ley.
La jornada nocturna y la que se cumpla en tareas peligrosas o insalubres, será inferior a la diurna y estará reglamentada por la ley. La limitación de la jornada no se aplicará en casos de fuerza mayor.
La ley determinará la extensión de las pausas que habrán de interrumpir la jornada cuando, atendiendo a causas biológicas, el ritmo de las tareas así lo exija, y la de aquellas que deberán mediar entre dos jornadas.
Las horas extraordinarias y el trabajo nocturno serán remunerados con recargo;
7º- Todo trabajador tiene derecho a un día de descanso remunerado por cada semana laboral, en la forma que exija la ley.
Los trabajadores que no gocen de descanso en los días indicados anteriormente, tendrán derecho a una remuneración extraordinaria por los servicios que presten en esos días y a un descanso compensatorio;
8º- Los trabajadores tendrán derecho a descanso remunerado en los días de asueto que señala la ley; ésta determinará la clase de labores en que no regirá esta disposición, pero en tales casos, los trabajadores tendrán derecho a remuneración extraordinaria;
9º- Todo trabajador que acredite una prestación mínima de servicios durante un lapso dado, tendrá derecho a vacaciones anuales remuneradas en la forma que determinará la ley. Las vacaciones no podrán compensarse en dinero, y a la obligación del patrono de darlas corresponde la del trabajador de tomarlas;
10º- Los menores de catorce años, y los que habiendo cumplido esa edad sigan sometidos a la enseñanza obligatoria en virtud de la ley, no podrán ser ocupados en ninguna clase de trabajo.
Podrá autorizarse su ocupación cuando se considere indispensable para la subsistencia de los mismos o de su familia, siempre que ello no les impida cumplir con el mínimo de instrucción obligatoria.
La jornada de los menores de dieciséis años no podrá ser mayor de seis horas diarias y de treinta y cuatro semanales, en cualquier clase de trabajo.
Se prohíbe el trabajo a los menores de dieciocho años y a las mujeres en labores insalubres o peligrosas. También se prohíbe el trabajo nocturno a los menores de dieciocho años.
La ley determinará las labores peligrosas o insalubres;
11º- El patrono que despida a un trabajador sin causa justificada está obligado a indemnizarlo conforme a la ley;
12º- La ley determinará las condiciones bajo las cuales los patronos estarán obligados a pagar a sus trabajadores permanentes, que renuncien a su trabajo, una prestación económica cuyo monto se fijará en relación con los salarios y el tiempo de servicio.
La renuncia produce sus efectos sin necesidad de aceptación del patrono, pero la negative de éste a pagar la correspondiente prestación constituye presunción legal de despido injusto.
En caso de incapacidad total y permanente o de muerte del trabajador, éste o sus beneficiarios tendrán derecho a las prestaciones que recibirían en el caso de renuncia voluntaria. (Art. 38)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. All citizens shall have the right to work. The State shall endeavor to promote the employment of workers and to guarantee optimum wages through social and economic means and shall enforce a minimum wage system as prescribed by law.
2. All citizens shall have the duty to work. The State shall prescribe by law the extent and conditions of the duty to work in conformity with democratic principles.
3. Standards of working conditions shall be determined by law in such a way as to guarantee human dignity.
4. Special protection shall be accorded to working women and they shall not be subjected to unjust discrimination in terms of employment, wages and working conditions.
… (Art. 32) - Korean①모든 국민은 근로의 권리를 가진다. 국가는 사회적·경제적 방법으로 근로자의 고용의 증진과 적정임금의 보장에 노력하여야 하며, 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 최저임금제를 시행하여야 한다.
②모든 국민은 근로의 의무를 진다. 국가는 근로의 의무의 내용과 조건을 민주주의원칙에 따라 법률로 정한다.
③근로조건의 기준은 인간의 존엄성을 보장하도록 법률로 정한다.
④여자의 근로는 특별한 보호를 받으며, 고용·임금 및 근로조건에 있어서 부당한 차별을 받지 아니한다.
... (제32조)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishNo one may be prejudiced in their work or in their employment for reason of gender, of age, of religion, of opinions, of origins, of belonging to a trade-union or of political convictions. (Art. 28)
- FrenchNul ne peut être lésé dans son travail ou dans son emploi en raison du sexe, de l'âge, de la religion, des opinions, des origines, de l'appartenance à une organisation syndicale ou des convictions politiques. (Art. 28)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English…
3. Women have the right to special protection during pregnancy and following childbirth, and working women also have the right to an adequate period of leave from work without loss of remuneration or any privileges.
4. The law shall regulate the attribution to mothers and fathers of rights to an adequate period of leave from work, in accordance with the interests of the child and the needs of the household. (Art. 68) - Portuguese…
3. As mulheres têm direito a especial protecção durante a gravidez e após o parto, tendo as mulheres trabalhadoras ainda direito a dispensa do trabalho por período adequado, sem perda da retribuição ou de quaisquer regalias.
4. A lei regula a atribuição às mães e aos pais de direitos de dispensa de trabalho por período adequado, de acordo com os interesses da criança e as necessidades do agregado familiar. (Art. 68)
Employment Rights and Protection
- EnglishThe rights consigned in this section are irrenounceable for the workers, susceptible of being exceeded [superado] through individual or collective contracting, and in the form established by the law. For this objective the State will encourage and protect collective negotiation. The stipulations that call for the renunciation, reduction, distortion [tergiversación], or limitation of the rights recognized for the workers in the Constitution, in the law, in the international treaties ratified by Guatemala, in the regulations or in [any] other provisions with regards to work, will be void ipso jure and will not obligate the workers, even if they are expressed in a collective or individual labor contract, in an agreement or in another document.
In case of doubt in the interpretation or scope of [the] legal provisions, regulations, or contractual [provisions] within the labor matters, they will be interpreted in the most favorable sense for the workers. (Art. 106) - SpanishLos derechos consignados en esta sección son irrenunciables para los trabajadores, susceptibles de ser superados a través de la contratación individual o colectiva, y en la forma que fija la ley. Para este fin el Estado fomentará y protegerá la negociación colectiva. Serán nulas ipso jure y no obligarán a los trabajadores, aunque se expresen en un contrato colectivo o individual de trabajo, en un convenio o en otro documento, las estipulaciones que impliquen renuncia, disminución, tergiversación o limitación de los derechos reconocidos a favor de los trabajadores en la Constitución, en la ley, en los tratados internacionales ratificados por Guatemala, en los reglamentos u otras disposiciones relativas al trabajo.
En caso de duda sobre la interpretación o alcance de las disposiciones legales, reglamentarias o contractuales en materia laboral, se interpretarán en el sentido más favorable para los trabajadores. (Art. 106)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
(2) Every citizen shall have the following freedoms:
(f) freedom to practice any profession, carry on any occupation and establish and operate any industry, trade and business in any part of Nepal.
… (Art. 17) - Nepali
(२) प्रत्येक नागरिकलाई देहायको स्वतन्त्रता हुनेछ ः–
(च) नेपालको कुनै पनि भागमा पेशा, रोजगार गर्ने र उद्योग, व्यापार तथा व्यवसायको स्थापना र सञ्चालन गर्ने स्वतन्त्रता ।
... (धारा १७)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English1. The laws of constitutional revision have to respect:
k. the rights of workers and syndical associations;
… (Art. 300) - Portuguese1. As leis de revisão constitucional têm de respeitar:
k) os direitos dos trabalhadores e das associações sindicais;
… (Art. 300)
Employment Rights and Protection
- English
(2) Pregnant women shall be entitled to special treatment, terms of employment, and working conditions.
… (Art. 41) - Slovak
(2) Ţene v tehotenstve sa zaručuje osobitná starostlivosť, ochrana v pracovných vzťahoch a zodpovedajúce pracovné podmienky.
… (Čl. 41)