The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of Private Parties
- English…
The rights, freedoms and duties set out in the Constitution extend to legal persons in so far as this is in accordance with the purpose of legal personality and with the nature of such rights, freedoms and duties. (Sec. 9) - Estonian…
Põhiseaduses loetletud õigused, vabadused ja kohustused laienevad juriidilistele isikutele niivõrd, kui see on kooskõlas juriidiliste isikute üldiste eesmärkide ja selliste õiguste, vabaduste ja kohustuste olemusega. (§ 9)
Obligations of Private Parties
- English
If the activities of constitutional authorities or the application of legal rules have become ineffective, every citizenshall have the right to resist anyone who would abolish the democratic functioning of human rights and fundamental freedoms set forth in this Constitution. (Art. 32)
- Slovak
Občania majú právo postaviť sa na odpor proti každému, kto by odstraňoval demokratický poriadok základných ľudských práv a slobôd uvedených v tejto ústave, ak činnosť ústavných orgánov a účinné použitie zákonných prostriedkov sú znemožnené. (Čl. 32)
Obligations of Private Parties
- English
(1) Each provision of this Part3 applies, as far as may be
(a) between individuals as well as between governmental bodies and individuals; and
(b) to and in relation to corporations and associations (other than governmental bodies) in the same way as it applies to and in relation to individuals, except where, or to the extent that, the context requires otherwise.
(2) Except in relation to any act that is done under a valid law which accords with traditional standards, values and practices, any act that is done under a valid law but that in the particular case
(a) is harsh or oppressive; or
(b) is not reasonable in the circumstances; or
(c) is otherwise not reasonably justifiable in a democratic society having a proper respect for human rights and dignity, is an unlawful act.
(3) The burden of showing that subsection (2) applies in respect of an act is on the party claiming that it does apply.
... (Sec. 12)
Obligations of Private Parties
- EnglishEvery individual has the right to free development of their person within respect for the rights of others, of good morals and of the public order. (Art. 20)
- Arabicيحق لكل فرد بالتنمية الحرة لشخصه في إطار احترام حقوق الآخرين والأخلاق الحميدة والنظام العام. (المادة 20)
- FrenchTout individu a droit au libre épanouissement de sa personne dans le respect des droits d'autrui, des bonnes mœurs et de l'ordre public. (Art. 20)
Obligations of Private Parties
- EnglishThe exercise and enjoyment of rights and freedoms is inseparable from the performance of duties and obligations, and accordingly, it shall be the duty of every citizen—
(d) to respect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of others, and generally to refrain from doing acts detrimental to the welfare of other persons;
… (Art. 41)
Obligations of Private Parties
- EnglishCitizens shall have duties with respect to society and the State; they may not exercise their rights by violating the rights of other citizens, and by disrespecting the just demands of morality, of public order and of national independence defined in the law. (Art. 21)
- PortugueseOs cidadãos têm deveres para com a sociedade e o Estado, não podendo exercer os seus direitos com violação dos direitos dos outros cidadãos, e desrespeito das justas exigências da moral, da ordem pública e da independência nacional definidas na lei. (Art. 21)
Obligations of Private Parties
- English1. In the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms prescribed in this Chapter, no person shall prejudice the fundamental or other human rights and freedoms of others or the public interest.
… (Art. 43)
Obligations of Private Parties
- EnglishWhereas every person in Dominica is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms, that is to say, the rights whatever his race, place of origins, political opinions, colour, creed or sex, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest,
… (Sec. 1)
Obligations of Private Parties
- English
3. In exercising his/her rights and freedoms one shall not infringe the national security, rights and freedoms of others, and violate public order. (Art. 19) - Mongolian
3. Хүн эрх, эрх чөлөөгөө эдлэхдээ үндэсний аюулгүй байдал, бусад хүний эрх, эрх чөлөөг хохироож, нийгмийн хэв журмыг гажуудуулж болохгүй. (Арван есдүгээр зүйл)
Obligations of Private Parties
- EnglishEveryone has a duty to fulfill his or her social responsibilities and participate together in the political, civic and community life of the country, promoting and protecting human rights as the foundation of democratic coexistence and social peace. (Art. 132)
- SpanishToda persona tiene el deber de cumplir sus responsabilidades sociales y participar solidariamente en la vida política, civil y comunitaria del país, promoviendo y defendiendo los derechos humanos como fundamento de la convivencia democrática y de la paz social. (Art. 132)