The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Judicial Protection
- English(1) The Federal Constitutional Court shall rule:
4a. on constitutional complaints, which may be filed by any person alleging that one of his basic rights or one of his rights under paragraph (4) of Article 20 or under Article 33, 38, 101, 103 or 104 has been infringed by public authority;
… (Art. 93) - German(1) Das Bundesverfassungsgericht entscheidet:
4a. über Verfassungsbeschwerden, die von jedermann mit der Behauptung erhoben werden können, durch die öffentliche Gewalt in einem seiner Grundrechte oder in einem seiner in Artikel 20 Abs. 4, 33, 38, 101, 103 und 104 enthaltenen Rechte verletzt zu sein;
… (Art. 93)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishThe judicial power is independent of the executive and legislative powers. It is exercised by the Supreme Court and the other Courts and Tribunals.
The judicial power is the guardian of the freedoms defined by this Constitution.
It sees to respect for the rights and freedoms defined by this Constitution.
It is charged to apply[,] in the domain which is proper to it[,] the laws of the Republic. (Art. 81) - FrenchLe pouvoir judiciaire est indépendant des pouvoirs exécutif et législatif. Il s'exerce par la Cour Suprême et les autres Cours et Tribunaux.
Le pouvoir judiciaire est gardien des libertés définies par la présente Constitution.
Il veille au respect des droits et libertés définis par la présente constitution.
Il est chargé d'appliquer dans le domaine qui lui est propre les lois de la République. (Art. 81)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishEvery citizen may invoke the protection of freedoms and rights determined by the Constitution before the regular courts, as well as before the Constitutional Court of North Macedonia, through a procedure based upon the principles of priority and urgency. Judicial protection of the legality of individual acts of state administration, as well as of other institutions carrying out public mandates, is guaranteed. A citizen has the right to be informed on human rights and basic freedoms as well as actively to contribute, individually or jointly with others, to their promotion and protection. (Art. 50)
- MacedonianСекој граѓанин може да се повика на заштита на слободите и правата утврдени со Уставот пред судовите и пред Уставниот суд на Република Северна Македонија во постапка заснована врз начелата на приоритет и итност. Се гарантира судска заштита на законитоста на поединечните акти на државната управа и на другите институции што вршат јавни овластувања. Граѓанинот има право да биде запознат со човековите права и основни слободи и активно да придонесува, поединечно или заедно со други за нивно унапредување и заштита. (Член 50)
Judicial Protection
- English(1) Any person who alleges that any of the provisions of this Chapter6 has been, is being or likely to be contravened in any State in relation to him may apply to a High Court in that State for redress.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, a High Court shall have original jurisdiction to hear and determine any application made to it in pursuance of this section and may make such orders, issue such writs and give such directions as it may consider appropriate for the purpose of enforcement or securing the enforcing within that State of any right to which the person who makes the application may be entitled under this Chapter.
… (Sec. 46)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishI. Victims of violations of their rights are granted the right to timely indemnification, reparation and compensation for damages and prejudices.
II. In the event that a sentence requires the State to repair damages and prejudices, it shall interpose the same action against the authority or public servant responsible for the act or omission that caused the damage. (Art. 113) - SpanishI. La vulneración de los derechos concede a las víctimas el derecho a la indemnización, reparación y resarcimiento de daños y perjuicios en forma oportuna.
II. En caso de que el Estado sea condenado a la reparación patrimonial de daños y perjuicios, deberá interponer la acción de repetición contra la autoridad o servidor público responsable de la acción u omisión que provocó el daño. (Art. 113)
Judicial Protection
- English
(1) The Constitutional Court shall decide on complaints of natural persons or legal persons if they are pleading the infringement of their fundamental rights or freedoms, or human rights and fundamental freedoms resulting from the international treaty which has been ratified by the Slovak Republic and promulgated in the manner laid down by a law, save another court shall decide on protection of these rights and freedoms.
… (Art. 127) - Slovak
(1) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o sťaţnostiach fyzických osôb alebo právnických osôb, ak namietajú porušenie svojich základných práv alebo slobôd, alebo ľudských práv a základných slobôd vyplývajúcich z medzinárodnej zmluvy, ktorú Slovenská republika ratifikovala a bola vyhlásená spôsobom ustanoveným zákonom, ak o ochrane týchto práv a slobôd nerozhoduje iný súd.
… (Čl. 127)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishSubject to Article 190 herein, no derogation from the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Bill shall be made. The Bill of Rights shall be upheld, protected and applied by the Supreme Court and other competent courts; the Human Rights Commission shall monitor its application in accordance with this Constitution and the law. (Art. 10)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishThe State guarantees, in accordance with the law, that people may access judicial bodies in order to obtain effective protection of their rights and legitimate interests. Fulfillment of judicial decisions is obligatory and disrespect of these decisions will result in liability for those who violate them. (Art. 92)
- SpanishEl Estado garantiza, de conformidad con la ley, que las personas puedan acceder a los órganos judiciales a fin de obtener una tutela efectiva de sus derechos e intereses legítimos. Las decisiones judiciales son de obligatorio cumplimiento y su irrespeto deriva responsabilidad para quien las incumpla. (Art. 92)
Judicial Protection
- English
(1) So far as it is possible to do so, primary legislation and subordinate legislation must be read and given effect in a way which is compatible with the Convention rights.
(2)This section—
(a) applies to primary legislation and subordinate legislation whenever enacted;
(b) does not affect the validity, continuing operation or enforcement of any incompatible primary legislation; and
(c) does not affect the validity, continuing operation or enforcement of any incompatible subordinate legislation if (disregarding any possibility of revocation) primary legislation prevents removal of the incompatibility. (Human Rights Act 1998, Sec. 3)
Judicial Protection
- English(1) In exercising judicial authority, members of the judiciary must be guided by the following principles—
(c) the role of the courts is paramount in safeguarding human rights and freedoms and the rule of law.
… (Sec. 165)