The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
The exercise of rights and freedoms by a person must not encroach on the lawful interests, rights and freedoms of other persons, the state or society.
The human rights and freedoms may be limited only in accordance with the law, and only to the extent necessary to protect the constitutional order, public health, public morality, the rights and freedoms of other persons, to ensure public safety and public order. (Art. 21) - Uzbek
Inson o‘z huquq va erkinliklarini amalga oshirishda boshqa shaxslarning, jamiyat hamda davlatning huquqlari, erkinliklari va qonuniy manfaatlariga putur yetkazmasligi shart.
Insonning huquq va erkinliklari faqat qonunga muvofiq va faqat konstitutsiyaviy tuzumni, aholining sog‘lig‘ini, ijtimoiy axloqni, boshqa shaxslarning huquq va erkinliklarini himoya qilish, jamoat xavfsizligini hamda jamoat tartibini ta’minlash maqsadida zarur bo‘lgan doirada cheklanishi mumkin. (21-modda)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
A citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the state shall be bound by mutual rights and duties.
The human rights and freedoms, established by the Constitution and the laws, shall be inalienable, and no one shall have the right to deprive or limit them without a court decision.
... (Art. 20) - Uzbek
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi fuqarosi va davlat bir-biriga nisbatan o‘zaro huquq va majburiyatlar bilan bog‘liqdir.
Insonning Konstitutsiya va qonunlarda mustahkamlab qo‘yilgan huquq va erkinliklari daxlsizdir hamda ulardan sud qarorisiz mahrum etishga yoki ularni cheklab qo‘yishga hech kim haqli emas.
... (20-modda)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
None of the provisions of the present Constitution may be interpreted in a way detrimental to the rights and interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the basic principles and norms stipulated in section one of this Constitution.
Laws and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall be adopted on the basis of and in fulfillment of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. None of the laws or other normative legal acts may run counter to the norms and principles of the Constitution. (Art. 16) - Uzbek
Ushbu Konstitutsiyaning birorta qoidasi O‘zbekiston Respublikasining huquq va manfaatlariga, ushbu Konstitutsiyaning birinchi bo‘limida nazarda tutilgan asosiy prinsip va normalarga zarar yetkazadigan tarzda talqin etilishi mumkin emas.
O‘zbekiston Respublikasining qonunlari va boshqa normativ-huquqiy hujjatlari O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Konstitutsiyasi asosida va uni ijro etish yuzasidan qabul qilinadi. Birorta qonun yoki boshqa normativ-huquqiy hujjat Konstitutsiyaning prinsip va normalariga zid bo‘lishi mumkin emas. (16-modda)