The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe Sovereignty of the People shall be exercised and enjoyed in the following manner:–
(d) the fundamental rights which are by the Constitution declared and recognized shall be respected, secured and advanced by all the organs of government and shall not be abridged, restricted or denied, save in the manner and to the extent hereinafter provided;
… (Art. 4) - Sinhalaජනතාවගේ පරමාධිපත්යය ක්රියාත්මක වීම ද, භුක්ති විඳීම ද, මතු දැක්වෙන ආකාරයෙන් සිදුවන්නේ ය:–
(ඈ) ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථාවෙන් ප්රකාශ කොට පිළිගනු ලබන මූලික අයිතිවාසිකම් සියලු පාලන ආයතන විසින් ගරු කරනු ලැබිය යුත්තේ ය; ආරක්ෂා කරනු ලැබිය යුත්තේ ය; වර්ධනය කරනු ලැබිය යුත්තේ ය; තව ද, ඒ මූලික අයිතිවාසිකම් මෙහි මින් මතු විධිවිධාන සලස්වා ඇති ආකාරයට සහ ප්රමාණයට මිස සංක්ෂිප්ත කිරීම, සීමා කිරීම හෝ අහිමි කිරීම නොකළ යුත්තේ ය;
… (4 වැනි වගන්තිය)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe implementation of the rights and freedoms of citizens stipulated by this Constitution may be limited only in a state of emergency or martial law in a manner and within the limits established by the Constitution and laws. (Art. 65)
- RussianОсуществление отдельных прав и свобод граждан, предусмотренных настоящей Конституцией, может быть ограничено только в условиях режима чрезвычайного или военного положения в порядке и пределах, которые установлены Конституцией и законами. (Статья 65)
- TurkmenRaýatlaryň şu Konstitusiýada göz öňünde tutulan aýry-aýry hukuklarynyň we azatlyklarynyň amala aşyrylmagy diňe adatdan daşary ýa-da harby ýagdaýlar düzgüni şertlerinde Konstitusiýada we kanunlarda bellenen tertipde we çäklerde çäklendirilip bilner. (65-nji madda)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishWhen restricting fundamental rights and freedoms, the laws shall define the grounds and scope of such restrictions and be sufficiently certain for the holders and addressees of such rights and freedoms to be able to engage in appropriate conduct. (Art. 79)
- ArmenianՀիմնական իրավունքները և ազատությունները սահմանափակելիս օրենքները պետք է սահմանեն այդ սահմանափակումների հիմքերը և ծավալը, լինեն բավարար չափով որոշակի, որպեսզի այդ իրավունքների և ազատությունների կրողները և հասցեատերերն ի վիճակի լինեն դրսևորելու համապատասխան վարքագիծ: (Հոդված 79)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
Nothing in this Part may be interpreted as implying for any Community, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the undermining or destruction of the constitutional order established by this Constitution or at the destruction of any of the rights and liberties set forth in this Part8 or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for therein. (Art. 34)
- Greek
Ουδέν εκ των εν τω παρόντι, μέρει διαλαμβανομένων δύναται να ερμηνευθή ως παρέχον οιονδήποτε δικαίωμα εις οιονδήποτε κοινότητα, ομάδα ή άτομον να επιδοθή εις οιανδήποτε δράσιν ή εκτέλεσιν οιασδήποτε πράξεως σκοπούσης την υπονόμευσιν ή την κατάργησιν της υπό του Συντάγματος καθιδρυομένης συνταγματικής τάξεως ή την κατάργησιν οιουδήποτε εκ των εν τω παρόντι μέρει καθοριζομένων δικαιωμάτων ή ελευθεριών ή τον περιορισμόν αυτών εις μεγαλύτερον του οριζομένου εν τω παρόντι μέρει βαθμόν. (Αρθρον 34)
- Turkish
Bu Bölümdeki hiçbir şey, herhangi bir Topluluk, grup veya kişi için, bu Anayasa tarafından belirlenen anayasal düzenin baltalanılmasına veya yok edilmesine veya bu Bölümde belirtilen hak ve özgürlüklerin herhangi birinin yok edilmesine veya sınırlamalarına yönelik herhangi bir faaliyette bulunma veya herhangi bir eylemde bulunma hakkını ima etmek olarak yorumlanamaz. (Madde 34)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English… no authority has the right to abrogate legitimate freedoms, not even by enacting laws and regulations for that purpose, under the pretext of preserving the independence and territorial integrity of the country. (Art. 9)
- Persian(هیچ مقامی حق ندارد به نام حفظ استقلال و تمامیت ارضی کشور آزادیهای مشروع را، هر چند با وضع قوانین و مقررات، سلب کند. (اصل 9 …
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
1. … The exercise of one's rights and freedoms shall not violate the rights and freedoms of others.
… (Art. 53) - Russian
1. ... Осуществление человеком своих прав и свобод не должно нарушать права и свободы других лиц.
... (Статья 53) - Kyrgyz
1. ... Адамдын өзүнүн укуктарын жана эркиндиктерин жүзөгө ашыруусу башка адамдардын укуктарын жана эркиндиктерин бузбашы керек.
... (53-берене)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
It is not permitted to suspend any of the provisions of this statute except during a state of emergency and within the limits prescribed by the law. (Art. 90)
- Arabic
لا يجوز تعطيل أي حكم من أحكام هذا النظام إلا في أثناء قيام حالة الطوارئ، وفي الحدود التي يبينها القانون. (المادّة ٩٠)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe enactment of a law resulting in the restriction of rights or liberties of a person shall be in accordance with the conditions provided by the Constitution. In the case where the Constitution does not provide the conditions thereon, such law shall not be contrary to the rule of law, shall not unreasonably impose burden on or restrict the rights or liberties of a person and shall not affect the human dignity of a person, and the justification and necessity for the restriction of the rights or liberties shall also be specified.
The law under paragraph one shall be of general application, and shall not be intended to apply to any particular case or person. (Sec. 26) - Thaiการตรากฎหมายทีมีผลให้เป็นการจํากัดสิทธิหรือเสรีภาพของบุคคลต้องเป็นไปตามเงื่อนไขที่บัญญัติไว้ในรัฐธรรมนูญ ในกรณีที่รัฐธรรมนูญมิได้บัญญัติเงื่อนไขไว้ กฎหมายดังกล่าวต้องไม่ขัดต่อหลักนิติธรรม ไม่เพิ่มภาระหรือจํากัดสิทธิหรือเสรีภาพของบุคคลเกินสมควรแก่เหตุ และจะกระทบต่อศักดิ์ศรีความเป็นมนุษย์ของบุคคลมิได้ รวมทั้งต้องระบุเหตุผลความจําเป็นในการจํากัดสิทธิและเสรีภาพไว้ด้วย
กฎหมายตามวรรคหนึ่งต้องมีผลใช้บังคับเป็นการทั่วไป ไม่มุ่งหมายให้ใช้บังคับแก่กรณีใด กรณีหนึ่งหรือแก่บุคคลใดบุคคลหนึ่งเป็นการเจาะจง (มาตรา ๒๖)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
The exercise of rights and freedoms by a person must not encroach on the lawful interests, rights and freedoms of other persons, the state or society.
The human rights and freedoms may be limited only in accordance with the law, and only to the extent necessary to protect the constitutional order, public health, public morality, the rights and freedoms of other persons, to ensure public safety and public order. (Art. 21) - Uzbek
Inson o‘z huquq va erkinliklarini amalga oshirishda boshqa shaxslarning, jamiyat hamda davlatning huquqlari, erkinliklari va qonuniy manfaatlariga putur yetkazmasligi shart.
Insonning huquq va erkinliklari faqat qonunga muvofiq va faqat konstitutsiyaviy tuzumni, aholining sog‘lig‘ini, ijtimoiy axloqni, boshqa shaxslarning huquq va erkinliklarini himoya qilish, jamoat xavfsizligini hamda jamoat tartibini ta’minlash maqsadida zarur bo‘lgan doirada cheklanishi mumkin. (21-modda)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe public rights and freedoms stated in this Constitution may only be regulated or limited by or in accordance with the law, and such regulation or limitation may not prejudice the essence of the right or freedom. (Art. 31)
- Arabicلا يكــون تـنظيــم الحقـــوق والحريات العامة المنصوص عليهـا في هذا الدستور أو تحديدها إلا بقانون، أو بناءً عليه. ولا يجــوز أن ينال التـنظيم أو التحديد من جوهر الحق أو الحرية. (المادّة 31)