The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
2. … The Constitution shall not deny other universally recognised human rights and freedoms that are not explicitly referred to herein, but that inherently derive from the principles of the Constitution.
… (Art. 4) - Georgian
2. … კონსტიტუცია არ უარყოფს ადამიანის საყოველთაოდ აღიარებულ უფლებებსა და თავისუფლებებს, რომლებიც აქ არ არის მოხსენიებული, მაგრამ თავისთავად გამომდინარეობს კონსტიტუციის პრინციპებიდან.
… (მუხლი 4)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
Emergency regulations do not have the power to change this Basic Law, to temporarily suspend it, or to lay down conditions to it. However, when a state of emergency exists in the State, by virtue of a declaration under article 9 of the Law and Administration Ordinance 5708-1948, emergency regulations may be enacted on the basis of the said article, that will involve denial or limitation of rights under this Basic Law, provided that the denial or limitation shall be for a worthy purpose, and for a period and an extent that do not exceed the required. (Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty (1992), Sec. 12)
- Hebrew
אין בכוחן של תקנות שעת חירום לשנות חוק-יסוד זה, להפקיע זמנית את תקפו או לקבוע בו תנאים; ואולם בשעה שקיים במדינה מצב של חירום בתוקף הכרזה לפי סעיף 9 לפקודת סדרי השלטון והמשפט, התש"ח-1948, מותר להתקין תקנות שעת חירום מכוח הסעיף האמור שיהא בהן כדי לשלול או להגביל זכויות לפי חוק-יסוד זה, ובלבד שהשלילה או ההגבלה יהיו לתכלית ראויה ולתקופה ובמידה שלא יעלו על הנדרש. (חוק יסוד: כבוד האדם וחירותו (1992), סעיף 12)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishAny law or part of any law contrary to the fundamental rights or freedoms guaranteed by this Chapter shall be void or void to the extent of such inconsistency. (Art. 63)
- Dhivehiއެއްވެސް ޤާނޫނެއް ނުވަތް ޤާނޫނަކުން ބައެއް ވިޔަސް މި ބާބުގައި ބަޔާންވެގެންވާ އަސާސީ ހައްޤަކާ ނުވަތަ މިނިވަންކަމަކާ ތަޢާރުޟްވާ ނަމަ، އެޤާނޫނެއް ނުވަތަ އެ ޤާނޫނަކުން އެ ޙައްޤަކާ ނުވަތަ އެ މިނިވަންކަމަކާ ތަޢާރުޟްވާ މިންވަރެއް ވާނީ ބާތިލް އެއްޗަކަށެވެ. (ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީގެ 63 ވަނަ މާއްދާ)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishNo provision of this Constitution may be suspended save where martial laws are in force and within the limits specified by the law; however, the convening of the session of Al-Shoura Council may not be suspended neither may the immunity of its Members be violated during this period. (Art. 149)
- Arabicلا يجوز تعطيل أي حكم من أحكام هذا الدستور إلا أثناء فترة سريان الأحكام العرفية، وفي الحدود التي يبيّنها القانون ،غير أنه لا يجوز تعطيل انعقاد مجلس الشورى أو المساس بحصانة أعضائه خلال هذه الفترة. (المادّة 149)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishFundamental rights and freedoms may be restricted only by law and in conformity with the reasons mentioned in the relevant articles of the Constitution without infringing upon their essence. These restrictions shall not be contrary to the letter and spirit of the Constitution and the requirements of the democratic order of the society and the secular republic and the principle of proportionality. (Art. 13)
- TurkishTemel hak ve hürriyetler, özlerine dokunulmaksızın yalnızca Anayasanın ilgili maddelerinde belirtilen sebeplere bağlı olarak ve ancak kanunla sınırlanabilir. Bu sınırlamalar, Anayasanın sözüne ve ruhuna, demokratik toplum düzeninin ve lâik Cumhuriyetin gereklerine ve ölçülülük ilkesine aykırı olamaz. (Madde 13)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe Constitution shall not be amended during the state of emergency. (Art. 146)
- Dariدر حالت اضطرار، قانون اساسی تعدیل نمی شود. (مادۀ ۱۴۶)
- Pashtoد اضطرار په حالت كې اساسي قانون نه تعديلېږي. (۱۴۶ ماده)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
7. Where a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, the enforcement of the rights conferred by this Constitution under sections 2, 3, 5, 12 and 19 of Article 7 may be suspended.
… (Art. 33) - Dzongkha
༧) ཚབས་རྡོལ་གྱི་བཀའ་ཁྱབ་བསྟར་སྤྱོད་སྐབས་ རྩ་ཁྲིམས་ཆེན་མོ་འདིའི་རྩ་ཚན་༧ པའི་དོན་ཚན་༢ པ་དང་ ༣ པ་ ༥ པ་ ༡༢ པ་ ༡༩ པ་བཅས་ཀྱི་ནང་གསལ་ལྟར་གནང་བའི་ཐོབ་དབང་ཚུ་གི་ཁྱབ་དབང་སྤྱོད་ནིའི་མཚམས་འཇོག་འབད་ཆོག།
... ༼རྩ་ཚན་༣༣༽
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
Nothing in this Part may be interpreted as implying for any Community, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the undermining or destruction of the constitutional order established by this Constitution or at the destruction of any of the rights and liberties set forth in this Part8 or at their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for therein. (Art. 34)
- Greek
Ουδέν εκ των εν τω παρόντι, μέρει διαλαμβανομένων δύναται να ερμηνευθή ως παρέχον οιονδήποτε δικαίωμα εις οιονδήποτε κοινότητα, ομάδα ή άτομον να επιδοθή εις οιανδήποτε δράσιν ή εκτέλεσιν οιασδήποτε πράξεως σκοπούσης την υπονόμευσιν ή την κατάργησιν της υπό του Συντάγματος καθιδρυομένης συνταγματικής τάξεως ή την κατάργησιν οιουδήποτε εκ των εν τω παρόντι μέρει καθοριζομένων δικαιωμάτων ή ελευθεριών ή τον περιορισμόν αυτών εις μεγαλύτερον του οριζομένου εν τω παρόντι μέρει βαθμόν. (Αρθρον 34)
- Turkish
Bu Bölümdeki hiçbir şey, herhangi bir Topluluk, grup veya kişi için, bu Anayasa tarafından belirlenen anayasal düzenin baltalanılmasına veya yok edilmesine veya bu Bölümde belirtilen hak ve özgürlüklerin herhangi birinin yok edilmesine veya sınırlamalarına yönelik herhangi bir faaliyette bulunma veya herhangi bir eylemde bulunma hakkını ima etmek olarak yorumlanamaz. (Madde 34)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishNotwithstanding anything contained in article 13, no law giving effect to the policy of the State towards securing all or any of the principles laid down in Part IV5 shall be deemed to be void on the ground that it is inconsistent with, or takes away or abridges any of the rights conferred by article 14 or article 19; and no law containing a declaration that it is for giving effect to such policy shall be called in question in any court on the ground that it does not give effect to such policy:
Provided that where such law is made by the Legislature of a State, the provisions of this article shall not apply thereto unless such law, having been reserved for the consideration of the President, has received his assent. (Art. 31C) - Hindiअनुच्छेद 13 में किसी बात के होते हुए भी, कोई विधि, जो भाग 4 में अधिकथित सभी या किन्हीं तत्वों को सुनिश्चित करने के लिए राज्य की नीति को प्रभावी करने वाली है, इस आधार पर शून्य नहीं समझी जाएगी कि वह अनुच्छेद 14 या अनुच्छेद 19 द्वारा प्रदत्त अधिकारों में से किसी से असंगत है या उसे छीनती है या न्यून करती है; और कोई विधि, जिसमें यह घोषणा है कि वह ऐसी नीति को प्रभावी करने के लिए है, किसी न्यायालय में इस आधार पर प्रश्नगत नहीं की जाएगी कि वह ऐसी नीति को प्रभावी नहीं करती है:
परंतु जहां ऐसी विधि किसी राज्य के विधान-मंडल द्वारा बनाई जाती है वहाँ इस अनुच्छेद के उपबंध उस विधि को तब तक लागू नहीं होंगे जब तक ऐसी विधि को, जो राष्ट्रपति के विचार के लिए आरक्षित रखी गई है, उसकी अनुमति प्राप्त नहीं हो गई है। (अनुच्छेद 31ग)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English1. Freedoms and rights of citizens shall not be neglected on the grounds that they are not enumerated in the Constitution.
2. The freedoms and rights of citizens may be restricted by law only when necessary for national security, the maintenance of law and order or for public welfare. Even when such restriction is imposed, no essential aspect of the freedom or right shall be violated. (Art. 37) - Korean①국민의 자유와 권리는 헌법에 열거되지 아니한 이유로 경시되지 아니한다.
②국민의 모든 자유와 권리는 국가안전보장·질서유지 또는 공공복리를 위하여 필요한 경우에 한하여 법률로써 제한할 수 있으며, 제한하는 경우에도 자유와 권리의 본질적인 내용을 침해할 수 없다. (제37조 )