The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English...
The exercise of sovereignty recognizes as a limitation the respect for the essential rights which emanate from human nature. It is the duty of the organs of the State to respect and promote those rights, guaranteed by this Constitution, as well as by the international treaties ratified by Chile and which are in force. (Art. 5) - Spanish...
El ejercicio de la soberanía reconoce como limitación el respeto a los derechos esenciales que emanan de la naturaleza humana. Es deber de los órganos del Estado respetar y promover tales derechos, garantizados por esta Constitución, así como por los tratados internacionales ratificados por Chile y que se encuentren vigentes. (Art. 5)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishAll persons have the right to an action of amparo in order to demand before the courts, for themselves or by those who act in their name, immediate protection of their fundamental rights, not protected by habeas corpus, when they are violated or threatened by the action or omission of any public authority or of individuals, in order put into effect the fulfillment of a law or administrative act and in order to guarantee collective and diffuse rights and interests. In accordance with the law, the proceeding is preferential, summary, oral, public, free, and not subject to formalities.
The acts adopted during the States of Exception that violate protected rights that unreasonably cause suspended rights are subject to actions of amparo. (Art. 72) - SpanishToda persona tiene derecho a una acción de amparo para reclamar ante los tribunales, por sí o por quien actúe en su nombre, la protección inmediata de sus derechos fundamentales, no protegidos por el hábeas corpus, cuando resulten vulnerados o amenazados por la acción o la omisión de toda autoridad pública o de particulares, para hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de una ley o acto administrativo, para garantizar los derechos e intereses colectivos y difusos. De conformidad con la ley, el procedimiento es preferente, sumario, oral, público, gratuito y no sujeto a formalidades.
Párrafo.- Los actos adoptados durante los Estados de Excepción que vulneren derechos protegidos que afecten irrazonablemente derechos suspendidos están sujetos a la acción de amparo. (Art. 72)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishIt is the obligation of the State and of the authorities, [to] maintain the inhabitants of the Nation, in the complete enjoyment of their rights guaranteed by the Constitution. However, in case of invasion of the territory, [of] grave disturbance of the peace, of activities against the security of the State or of public calamity, the State can suspend the full force of the rights referred to in Articles 5, 6, 9, 26, 33, paragraph one of Article 35, paragraph two of Article 38 and paragraph two of Article 116.
On determining [concurrir] the existence of any of the cases indicated in the paragraph above, the President of the Republic will make the appropriate declaration by means of a decree dictated by the Council of Ministers and the provisions of the Law of Public Order [Ley de Orden Público] will be applied. In a state of prevention [estado de prevención], this formality will not be necessary.
The decree will specify:
a. The motives that justify it;
b. The rights that may not be fully assured;
c. The territory that it affects; and
d. The time that its validity will last.
Furthermore, within the decree itself, the Congress will be convoked, so that within a term of three days, it may take cognizance of the document, ratify it, amend it, or disapprove it. If the Congress is in session, it must take cognizance of it immediately.
The effects of the decree may not exceed thirty days on each occasion. If before the expiration of this deadline the causes motivating the decree should no longer apply, its effects will be terminated for this reason and any citizen will have the right to seek its revision. Should the 30-day deadline be reached, the full validity of the rights will automatically be reestablished, unless a new decree in the same sense is dictated. When Guatemala faces a real state of war, the decree will not be subject to the time limits mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Once the causes that motivated the decree referred to in this Article should no longer apply, any person will have the right to infer the legal responsibilities that are consequent, for unnecessary acts and measures unauthorized by the Law of Public Order. (Art. 138) - SpanishEs obligación del Estado y de las autoridades, mantener a los habitantes de la Nación, en el pleno goce de los derechos que la Constitución garantiza. Sin embargo, en caso de invasión del territorio, de perturbación grave de la paz, de actividades contra la seguridad del Estado o calamidad pública, podrá cesar la plana vigencia de los derechos a que se refieren los artículo 5º, 6º, 9º, 26º, 33º, primer párrafo del artículo 35º, segundo párrafo del artículo 38º y segundo párrafo del artículo 116º.
Al concurrir cualquiera de los casos que se indican en el párrafo anterior, el Presidente de la República, hará la declaratoria correspondiente, por medio de decreto dictado en Consejo de Ministros y se aplicarán las disposiciones de la Ley de Orden Público. En el estado de prevención, no será necesaria esta formalidad.
Decreto especificará:
a) Los motivos que lo justifiquen;
b) Los derechos que no puedan asegurarse en su plenitud;
c) El territorio que afecte; y
d) El tiempo que durará su vigencia.
Además, en el propio decreto, se convocará al Congreso, para que dentro del término de tres días, lo conozca, lo ratifique, modifique o impruebe. En caso de que el Congreso estuviere reunido, deberá conocerlo inmediatamente.
Los efectos del decreto no podrán exceder de treinta días por cada vez. Si antes de que venza el plazo señalado, hubieren desaparecido las causas que motivaron el decreto, se le hará cesar en sus efectos y para este fin, todo ciudadano tiene derecho a pedir su revisión. Vencido el plazo de treinta días, automáticamente queda reestablecida la vigencia plena de los derechos, salvo que se hubiere dictado nuevo decreto en igual sentido. Cuando Guatemala afronte un estado real de guerra, el decreto no estará sujeto a las limitaciones de tiempo, consideradas en el párrafo anterior.
Desaparecidas las causas que motivaron el decreto a que se refiere este artículo, toda persona tiene derecho a deducir las responsabilidades legales procedentes, por los actos innecesarios y medidas no autorizadas por la Ley de Orden Público. (Art. 138)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
The President of the Republic, in the Council of Ministers[,] can decree, for the totality or part of the national territory and for [a] determined and extendable time [tiempo], the suspension of rights and guarantees when the security of the nation, the economic conditions or some national catastrophe demands it. The Law of Emergency will regulate its modalities. (Art. 185)
- Spanish
El Presidente de la República, en Consejo de Ministros, podrá decretar, para la totalidad o parte del territorio nacional y por tiempo determinado y prorrogable, la suspensión de Derechos y Garantías, cuando así lo demande la seguridad de la nación, las condiciones económicas o en caso de catástrofe nacional.
La Ley de Emergencia regulará sus modalidades. (Art. 185)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishNothing contained in or done under the authority of a law enacted by Parliament shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of section 3 or section 13 of this Constitution to the extent that the law authorises the taking during any period of public emergency of measures that are reasonably justifiable for dealing with the situation that exists in Saint Vincent during that period. (Sec. 14)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English(1) Subject to the provisions of this section—
(a) no law shall make any provision that is discriminatory either of itself or in its effect;
(2) In this section the expression “discriminatory” means affording different treatment to different persons attributable wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, place of origin, political opinions, colour or creed, whereby persons of one such description are subjected to disabilities or restrictions to which persons of another such description are not made subject or are accorded privileges or advantages which are not afforded to persons of another such description.
(3) Subsection (1)(a) shall not apply to any law so far as that law makes provision—
(d) for authorising the taking during a period of public emergency of measures that are reasonably justifiable for the purpose of dealing with the situation that exists during that period of public emergency;
… (Sec. 23)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe enunciation of the rights and guarantees contained in the Constitution and in the international agreements in effect must not be understood as a negation of others which, being inherent to the human person, are not expressly mentioned in them. (Art. 94)
- SpanishLa enunciación de los derechos y garantías contenidos en la Constitución y en los convenios internacionales vigentes, no debe entenderse como negación de otros que, siendo inherentes a la persona humana, no figuren expresamente en ellos. (Art. 94)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe exercise of rights shall be governed by the following principles:
1. Rights can be exercised, promoted and enforced individually or collectively before competent authorities; these authorities shall guarantee their enforcement.
3. The rights and guarantees set forth in the Constitution and in international human rights instruments shall be directly and immediately enforced by and before any civil, administrative or judicial servant, either by virtue of their office or at the request of the party.
For the exercise of rights and constitutional guarantees, no conditions or requirements shall be established other than those set forth in the Constitution or by law.
Rights shall be fully actionable. Absence of a legal regulatory framework cannot be alleged to justify their infringement or ignorance thereof, to dismiss proceedings filed as a result of these actions or to deny their recognition.
4. No legal regulation can restrict the contents of rights or constitutional guarantees.
… (Art. 11) - SpanishEI ejercicio de los derechos se regirá por los siguientes principios:
1. Los derechos se podrán ejercer, promover y exigir de forma individual o colectiva ante las autoridades competentes; estas autoridades garantizarán su cumplimiento.
3. Los derechos y garantías establecidos en la Constitución y en los instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos serán de directa e inmediata aplicación por y ante cualquier servidora o servidor público, administrativo o judicial, de oficio o a petición de parte.
Para el ejercicio de los derechos y las garantías constitucionales no se exigirán condiciones o requisitos que no estén establecidos en la Constitución o la ley.
Los derechos serán plenamente justiciables. No podrá alegarse falta de norma jurídica para justificar su violación o desconocimiento, para desechar la acción por esos hechos ni para negar su reconocimiento.
4. Ninguna norma jurídica podrá restringir el contenido de los derechos ni de las garantías constitucionales.
… (Art. 11)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe National Assembly decides with the Executive Power as to what constitutional guarantees may be suspended in the parts of the territory placed under a state of siege. (Art. 278-2)
- FrenchL'Assemblée Nationale arrête avec le Pouvoir Exécutif, les Garanties Constitutionnelles qui peuvent être suspendues dans les parties du Territoire mises en état de siège. (Art. 278.2)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe international treaties relative to human rights may only be denounced by the procedures that govern for the amendment of this Constitution. (Art. 142)
- SpanishLos tratados internacionales relativos a los derechos humanos no podrán ser denunciados sino por los procedimientos que rigen para la enmienda de esta Constitución. (Art. 142)