The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
1. Limitations of the rights and freedoms foreseen in this Constitution may be established only by law for a public interest or for the protection of the rights of others. The limitation shall be in proportion with the situation that has dictated it.
2. These limitations may not infringe the essence of the rights and freedoms and in no case may exceed the limitations provided for in the European Convention on Human Rights. (Art. 17) - Albanian
1. Kufizime të të drejtave dhe lirive të parashikuara në këtë Kushtetutë mund të vendosen vetëm me ligj për një interes publik ose për mbrojtjen e të drejtave të të tjerëve. Kufizimi duhet të jetë në përpjesëtim me gjendjen që e ka diktuar atë.
2. Këto kufizime nuk mund të cenojnë thelbin e lirive dhe të të drejtave dhe në asnjë rast nuk mund të tejkalojnë kufizimet e parashikuara në Konventën Europiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut. (Neni 17)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishNo procedure of revision may be engaged or pursued when it infringes:
- the freedoms and fundamental rights of the citizen;
… (Art. 227) - Arabicلا يجوز إجراء أي تنقيح أو السعي إليه عندما ينتهك:
- حريات المواطن وحقوقه الأساسية؛
... (المادة 227) - FrenchAucune procédure de révision ne peut être engagée ou poursuivie lorsqu'elle porte atteinte:
- aux libertés et droits fondamentaux du citoyen;
… (Art. 227)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishThe National Assembly and all bodies with legal and regulatory authority shall be obligated to adjust, formally and materially, the laws and other legal standards related to the rights provided for in the Constitution and international treaties and those that are needed to guarantee the dignity of human beings or communities, peoples and nations. In no case shall amending the Constitution, laws, other legal and regulatory frameworks or actions by the government endanger the rights recognized by the Constitution. (Art. 84)
- SpanishLa Asamblea Nacional y todo órgano con potestad normativa tendrá la obligación de adecuar, formal y materialmente, las leyes y demás normas jurídicas a los derechos previstos en la Constitución y los tratados internacionales, y los que sean necesarios para garantizar la dignidad del ser humano o de las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades. En ningún caso, la reforma de la Constitución, las leyes, otras normas jurídicas ni los actos del poder público atentarán contra los derechos que reconoce la Constitución. (Art. 84)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English(1) Duties may be imposed only on the basis, and within the bounds, of law, and only while respecting the fundamental rights and freedoms.
(2) Limitations may be placed upon the fundamental rights and freedoms only by law and under the conditions prescribed in this Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms (hereinafter "Charter").
(3) Any statutory limitation upon the fundamental rights and freedoms must apply in the same way to all cases which meet the specified conditions.
(4) When employing the provisions concerning limitations upon the fundamental rights and freedoms, the essence and significance of these rights and freedoms must be preserved. Such limitations shall not be misused for purposes other than those for which they were enacted. (Charter, Art. 4) - Czech(1) Povinnosti mohou být ukládány toliko na základě zákona a v jeho mezích a jen při zachování základních práv a svobod.
(2) Meze základních práv a svobod mohou být za podmínek stanovených Listinou základních práv a svobod (dále jen "Listina") upraveny pouze zákonem.
(3) Zákonná omezení základních práv a svobod musí platit stejně pro všechny případy, které splňují stanovené podmínky.
(4) Při používání ustanovení o mezích základních práv a svobod musí být šetřeno jejich podstaty a smyslu. Taková omezení nesmějí být zneužívána k jiným účelům, než pro které byla stanovena. (Listina, Čl. 4)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishNotwithstanding anything in this Constitution, there shall be no derogation from the enjoyment of the following rights and freedoms
(a) life, equality before the law and security of person;
(b) the right to fair hearing;
(c) freedom from slavery or servitude;
(d) the right to an order in terms of section 35 (1); and
(e) freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. (Sec. 38)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishLaws and governmental provisions or any other provisions that regulate the exercise of declarations, rights and guarantees recognized by this Constitution shall not be enforced if they diminish, restrict, or evade such rights and guarantees. (Art. 64)
- SpanishNo se aplicarán leyes y disposiciones gubernativas o de cualquier otro orden, que regulen el ejercicio de las declaraciones, derechos y garantías establecidos en esta Constitución, si los disminuyen, restringen o tergiversan. (Art. 64)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
(3) The rules for fundamental rights and obligations shall be laid down in an Act. A fundamental right may only be restricted to allow the effective use of another fundamental right or to protect a constitutional value, to the extent absolutely necessary, proportionate to the objective pursued and with full respect for the essential content of that fundamental right.
… (Freedom and Responsibility, Art. I) - Hungarian
(3) Az alapvető jogokra és kötelezettségekre vonatkozó szabályokat törvény állapítja meg. Alapvető jog más alapvető jog érvényesülése vagy valamely alkotmányos érték védelme érdekében, a feltétlenül szükséges mértékben, az elérni kívánt céllal arányosan, az alapvető jog lényeges tartalmának tiszteletben tartásával korlátozható.
… (Szabadság és Felelősség, I. cikk)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English1. Fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution do not negate other rights foreseen by the laws of the Republic and applicable rules of international law.
2. Constitutional and legal principles relating to fundamental rights have to be interpreted in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (Art. 29) - Portuguese1 - Os direitos fundamentais consagrados na Constituição não excluem quaisquer outros constantes das demais leis da República e das regras aplicáveis de direito internacional.
2 - Os preceitos constitucionais e legais relativos aos direitos fundamentais devem ser interpretados de harmonia com a Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem. (Art. 29)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- English
The suppression or the diminishment of the fundamental rights of the person may not be submitted to referendum, … (Art. 32) - Spanish
No pueden someterse a referéndum la supresión o la disminución de los derechos fundamentales de la persona, … (Art. 32)
Limitations and/or Derogations
- EnglishGuaranteed human rights and freedoms may be limited only by the law, within the scope permitted by the Constitution and to such an extent which is necessary to meet the purpose for which the limitation is allowed, in an open and democratic society.
Limitations shall not be introduced for other purposes except for those for which they have been provided for. (Art. 24) - MontenegrinZajemčena ljudska prava i slobode mogu se ograničiti samo zakonom, u obimu koji dopušta Ustav u mjeri koja je neophodna da bi se u otvorenom i slobodnom demokratskom društvu zadovoljila svrha zbog koje je ograničenje dozvoljeno.
Ograničenja se ne smiju uvoditi u druge svrhe osim onih radi kojih su propisana. (Član 24)