The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Marriage and Family Life
- English1. The family is the fundamental unit and the basis of society.
2. The State shall, in accordance with the law, recognise and protect marriage as the institution that secures the pursuit of family objectives.
3. In the context of the development of social relations based on respect for human dignity, the State shall guarantee the principle that marriage is based on free consent.
4. The law shall establish forms in which traditional and religious marriage shall be esteemed, and determine the registration requirements and effects of such marriage. (Art. 119) - Portuguese1. A família é o elemento fundamental e a base de toda a sociedade.
2. O Estado reconhece e protege, nos termos da lei, o casamento como instituição que garante a prossecução dos objectivos da família.
3. No quadro do desenvolvimento de relações sociais assentes no respeito pela dignidade da pessoa humana, o Estado consagra o princípio de que o casamento se baseia no livre consentimento.
4. A lei estabelece as formas de valorização do casamento tradicional e religioso, define os requisitos do seu registo e fixa os seus efeitos. (Art. 119)
Marriage and Family Life
- English…
61. The formation, annulment and dissolution of marriages other than marriages under Islamic law and Customary law including matrimonial causes relating thereto.
… (Second Schedule – Legislative Powers, Part I – Exclusive Legislative List)
Marriage and Family Life
- English
The rules concerning[ the following] are of the domain of the law:
- … the state and the capacity of persons, the matrimonial regimes, inheritance and gifts;
… (Art. 98) - French
Sont du domaine de la loi, les règles concernant:
- … l'état et la capacité des personnes, les régimes matrimoniaux, les successions et les libéralités;
… (Art. 98)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe State recognises the right of children and young persons to special protection in view of their immaturity and vulnerability and to ensure effective exercise of this right the State undertakes−
(d) to ensure, save in exceptional and judicially recognized circumstances, that a child of young age is not separated from his parents. (Art. 31)
Marriage and Family Life
- English1. The family shall be the fundamental element and the foundation of the whole society.
2. Fatherhood and motherhood shall be eminent social values.
3. Everyone shall have the right to form a family.
4. Parents shall have the right and duty to orient and raise children in conformance with their fundamental options, having in view the integral development of the personality of children and adolescents and respecting their legally recognized rights.
6. Parents must render assistance to minor or incapacitated children.
7. Children who have reached the age of majority must render moral and material assistance to their parents who find themselves in a situation of vulnerability, particularly, by reason of age, illness or economic need.
8. The society and the public authorities shall protect the family and shall promote the creation of conditions that shall ensure the stability of family households and shall permit the fulfillment of their social function and its mission of guardian of moral values recognized by the community, as well as the personal realization of their members.
9. The law shall punish domestic violence and shall protect the rights of all members of a family. (Art. 82) - Portuguese1. A família é o elemento fundamental e a célula base de toda a sociedade.
2. A paternidade e maternidade são valores sociais eminentes.
3. Todos têm o direito de constituir família.
4. Os pais têm o direito e o dever de orientar e educar os filhos em conformidade com as suas opções fundamentais, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento integral da personalidade das crianças e adolescentes e respeitando os direitos a estes legalmente reconhecidos.
6. Os pais devem prestar assistência aos filhos menores ou incapacitados.
7. Os filhos maiores devem prestar assistência moral e material aos pais que se encontrem em situação de vulnerabilidade, designadamente por motivo de idade, doença ou carência económica.
8. A sociedade e os poderes públicos protegem a família e promovem a criação de condições que assegurem a estabilidade dos agregados familiares e permitam o cumprimento da sua função social e da sua missão de guardiã de valores morais reconhecidos pela comunidade, bem como a realização pessoal dos seus membros.
9. A lei pune a violência doméstica e protege os direitos de todos os membros da família. (Art. 82)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishThe National and state governments shall have legislative and executive competences on any of the matters listed below:
23. Mother, Childcare and protection; … (Schedule (C). Concurrent Powers)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishMarriage and family are under the protection of the law.
All the children born within marriage or outside the marriage have[,] concerning their parents[,] the same rights and duties.
They enjoy the same protection in terms of the law.
Parents have concerning their children born within the marriage or outside of marriage[,] the same obligations and the same duties. (Art. 38) - FrenchLe mariage et la famille sont sous la protection de la loi.
Tous les enfants nés dans le mariage ou hors mariage ont à l‘égard de leurs parents les mêmes droits et devoirs.
Ils jouissent de la même protection aux termes de la loi.
Les parents ont à l’égard de leurs enfants nés dans le mariage ou hors mariage les mêmes obligations et les mêmes devoirs. (Art. 38)
Marriage and Family Life
RESOLVE to ensure that our values relating to family, morality, patriotism and justice are maintained and all functions of the State are performed in our common interest; … (Preamble)
Marriage and Family Life
- English1. The State protects the family as the fundamental unit of the society, assures [to] it the moral, cultural, and economic conditions favorable to the realization of its objectives.
2. It protects equally all classes of matrimony celebrated in accordance to law, as well as maternity and familial assets. (Art. 22) - Spanish1. El Estado protege la familia como célula fundamental de la sociedad, le asegura las condiciones morales, culturales y económicas que favorecen la realización de sus objetivos.
2. Protege igualmente toda clase de matrimonio celebrado conforme a derecho, así como la maternidad y el deber familiar. (Art. 22) - French1. L'État protège la famille en tant que cellule fondamentale de la société et lui procure les conditions morales, culturelles et économiques propices à la réalisation de ses objectifs.
2. Il protège également tous les types de mariages célébrés conformément à la loi, ainsi que la maternité et les obligations familiales. (Art. 22)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishIn addition to this Constitution, the laws of The Gambia consist of—
(f) the Sharia as regards matters of marriage, divorce and inheritance among members of the communities to which it applies. (Sec. 7)