The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Marriage and Family Life
- English
(2) Parents shall have the right to choose the upbringing to be given to their children.
(3) Parents shall be obliged to take care of their minor children. This obligation shall include the provision of schooling for their children.
(4) Adult children shall be obliged to take care of their parents if they are in need. (Freedom and Responsibility, Art. XVI) - Hungarian
(2) A szülõknekjoguk van megválasztani a gyermeküknek adandó nevelést.
(3) A szülõk kötelesek kiskorú gyermekükrõl gondoskodni. E kötelezettség magában foglalja gyermekük taníttatását.
(4) A nagykorú gyermekek kötelesek rászoruló szüleikrõl gondoskodni. (Szabadság és Felelősség, XVI. cikk)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishCivil marriage must always precede the nuptial benediction. (Art. 21)
- FrenchLe mariage civil devra toujours précéder la bénédiction nuptiale. (Art. 21)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishEach citizen is guaranteed the respect and protection of the privacy of his/her personal and family life and of his/her dignity and repute. (Art. 25)
- MacedonianНа секој граѓанин му се гарантира почитување и заштита на приватноста на неговиот личен и семеен живот, на достоинството и угледот. (Член 25)
Marriage and Family Life
- English1. In performing their irreplaceable role in relation to their children, particularly as regards the children's education, fathers and mothers have the right to protection by society and the state, together with the guarantee of their own professional fulfilment and participation in civic life.
2. Motherhood and fatherhood constitute eminent social values.
3. Women have the right to special protection during pregnancy and following childbirth, and working women also have the right to an adequate period of leave from work without loss of remuneration or any privileges.
4. The law shall regulate the attribution to mothers and fathers of rights to an adequate period of leave from work, in accordance with the interests of the child and the needs of the household. (Art. 68) - Portuguese1. Os pais e as mães têm direito à protecção da sociedade e do Estado na realização da sua insubstituível acção em relação aos filhos, nomeadamente quanto à sua educação, com garantia de realização profissional e de participação na vida cívica do país.
2. A maternidade e a paternidade constituem valores sociais eminentes.
3. As mulheres têm direito a especial protecção durante a gravidez e após o parto, tendo as mulheres trabalhadoras ainda direito a dispensa do trabalho por período adequado, sem perda da retribuição ou de quaisquer regalias.
4. A lei regula a atribuição às mães e aos pais de direitos de dispensa de trabalho por período adequado, de acordo com os interesses da criança e as necessidades do agregado familiar. (Art. 68)
Marriage and Family Life
- EnglishCitizens and families that require welfare for the purpose of overcoming social and existential difficulties and creating conditions to provide subsistence, shall have the right to social protection the provision of which is based on social justice, humanity and respect of human dignity.
… (Art. 69) - Serbian CyrillicГрађани и породице којима је неопходна друштвена помоћ ради савладавања социјалних и животних тешкоћа и стварања услова за задовољавање основних животних потреба, имају право на социјалну заштиту, чије се пружање заснива на начелима социјалне правде, хуманизма и поштовања људског достојанства.
... (Члан 69)
Marriage and Family Life
- English… Equality of the rights of women and men is ensured:
by creating conditions that allow women to combine work and motherhood; by legal protection, material and moral support of motherhood and childhood, including the provision of paid leave and other privileges to pregnant women and mothers. (Art. 24) - Ukrainian… Рівність прав жінки і чоловіка забезпечується:
створенням умов, які дають жінкам можливість поєднувати працю з материнством; правовим захистом, матеріальною і моральною підтримкою материнства і дитинства, включаючи надання оплачуваних відпусток та інших пільг вагітним жінкам і матерям. (Стаття 24)
Marriage and Family Life
- English
House of Representatives:
2) considers draft laws on … marriage, family, children, motherhood, fatherhood, parenthood, education,
… (Art. 97) - Belarusian
Палата прадстаўнікоў:
2) разглядае праекты законаў, у тым ліку … аб шлюбе, сям’і, дзяцінстве, мацярынстве, бацькоўстве, выхаванні, адукацыі
… (Артыкул 97) - Russian
Палата представителей:
2) рассматривает проекты законов, в том числе … о браке, семье, детстве, материнстве, отцовстве, воспитании, образовании
… (Статья 97)
Marriage and Family Life
- English…
(2) Any person unable to support himself or his family shall, when no other person is responsible for his or their maintenance, be entitled to receive public assistance, provided that he shall comply with the obligations imposed by statute in such respect. (Sec. 75) - Danish…
Stk. 2. Den, der ikke selv kan ernære sig eller sine, og hvis forsørgelse ikke påhviler nogen anden, er berettiget til hjælp af det offentlige, dog mod at underkaste sig de forpligtelser, som loven herom påbyder. (§ 75)
Marriage and Family Life
- English…
Everyone shall be guaranteed by an Act the right to basic subsistence in the event of unemployment, illness, and disability and during old age as well as at the birth of a child or the loss of a provider.
Moreover, the public authorities shall support families and others responsible for providing for children so that they have the ability to ensure the wellbeing and personal development of the children.
… (Sec. 19) - Finnish…
Lailla taataan jokaiselle oikeus perustoimeentulon turvaan työttömyyden, sairauden, työkyvyttömyyden ja vanhuuden aikana sekä lapsen syntymän ja huoltajan menetyksen perusteella.
Julkisen vallan on myös tuettava perheen ja muiden lapsen huolenpidosta vastaavien mahdollisuuksia turvata lapsen hyvinvointi ja yksilöllinen kasvu.
… (19 §) - Swedish…
Genom lag skall var och en garanteras rätt att få sin grundläggande försörjning tryggad vid arbetslöshet, sjukdom, arbetsoförmåga och under ålderdomen samt vid barnafödsel och förlust av en försörjare.
Det allmänna skall också stödja familjerna och andra som svarar för omsorgen om barn så att de har möjligheter att trygga barnens välfärd och individuella uppväxt.
… (19 §)
Marriage and Family Life
- English1 The State acknowledges that the primary and natural educator of the child is the Family and guarantees to respect the inalienable right and duty of parents to provide, according to their means, for the religious and moral, intellectual, physical and social education of their children.
2 Parents shall be free to provide this education in their homes or in private schools or in schools recognised or established by the State.
3 1° The State shall not oblige parents in violation of their conscience and lawful preference to send their children to schools established by the State, or to any particular type of school designated by the State.
… (Art. 42) - Irish Gaelic1 Admhaíonn an Stát gurb é an Teaghlach is múinteoir príomha dúchasach don leanbh, agus ráthaíonn gan cur isteach ar cheart doshannta ná ar dhualgas doshannta tuistí chun oideachas de réir a n-acmhainne a chur ar fáil dá gclainn i gcúrsaí creidimh, moráltachta, intleachta, coirp agus comhdhaonnachta.
2 Tig le tuistí an t-oideachas sin a chur ar fáil dá gclainn ag baile nó i scoileanna príobháideacha nó i scoileanna a admhaítear nó a bhunaítear ag an Stát.
3 1° Ní cead don Stát a chur d’fhiacha ar thuistí, in aghaidh a gcoinsiasa nó a rogha dleathaí, a gclann a chur ar scoileanna a bhunaítear ag an Stát nó ar aon chineál áirithe scoile a ainmnítear ag an Stát.
… (Airteagal 42)