The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
The State is responsible for the preservation of the historical, cultural and spiritual heritage and the free development of the cultures of all national communities residing in the Republic of Belarus.
... (Art. 15) - Belarusian
Дзяржава адказная за захаванне гісторыка-культурнай і духоўнай спадчыны, свабоднае развіццё культур усіх нацыянальных супольнасцей, якія пражываюць у Рэспубліцы Беларусь.
... (Артыкул 15) - Russian
Государство ответственно за сохранение историко-культурного и духовного наследия, свободное развитие культур всех национальных общностей, проживающих в Республике Беларусь.
... (Статья 15)
- English
We proclaim that the national minorities living with us form part of the Hungarian political community and are constituent parts of the State.
We commit ourselves to promoting and safeguarding our heritage, our unique language, Hungarian culture and the languages and cultures of national minorities living in Hungary, along with all man-made and natural assets of the Carpathian Basin.
… (National Avowal) - Hungarian
Kinyilvánítjuk, hogy a velünk élő nemzetiségek a magyar politikai közösség részei és államalkotó tényezők.
Vállaljuk, hogy örökségünket, egyedülálló nyelvünket, a magyar kultúrát, a magyarországi nemzetiségek nyelvét és kultúráját, a Kárpát-medence természet adta és ember alkotta értékeit ápoljuk és megóvjuk.
… (Nemzeti Hitvallás)
- EnglishPolish shall be the official language in the Republic of Poland. This provision shall not infringe upon national minority rights resulting from ratified international agreements. (Art. 27)
- PolishW Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej językiem urzędowym jest język polski. Przepis ten nie narusza praw mniejszości narodowych wynikających z ratyfikowanych umów międzynarodowych. (Art. 27)
- EnglishPersons belonging to national minorities shall be guaranteed equality before the law and equal legal protection.
Any discrimination on the grounds of affiliation to a national minority shall be prohibited.
Specific regulations and provisional measures which the Republic of Serbia may introduce in economic, social, cultural and political life for the purpose of achieving full equality among members of a national minority and citizens who belong to the majority, shall not be considered discrimination if they are aimed at eliminating extremely unfavorable living conditions which particularly affect them. (Art. 76) - Serbian CyrillicПрипадницима националних мањина јемчи се равноправност пред законом и једнака законска заштита.
Забрањена је било каква дискриминација због припадности националној мањини.
Не сматрају се дискриминацијом посебни прописи и привремене мере које Република Србија може увести у економском, социјалном, културном и политичком животу, ради постизања пуне равноправности између припадника националне мањине и грађана који припадају већини, ако су усмерене на уклањање изразито неповољних услова живота који их посебно погађају. (Члан 76)
- English...
2 The Cantons shall decide on their official languages. In order to preserve harmony between linguistic communities, the Cantons shall respect the traditional territorial distribution of languages and take account of indigenous linguistic minorities.
… (Art. 70) - French...
2 Les cantons déterminent leurs langues officielles. Afin de préserver l’harmonie entre les communautés linguistiques, ils veillent à la répartition territoriale traditionnelle des langues et prennent en considération les minorités linguistiques autochtones.
… (Art. 70) - German...
2 Die Kantone bestimmen ihre Amtssprachen. Um das Einvernehmen zwischen den Sprachgemeinschaften zu wahren, achten sie auf die herkömmliche sprachliche Zusammensetzung der Gebiete und nehmen Rücksicht auf die angestammten sprachlichen Minderheiten.
… (Art. 70) - Italian…
2 I Cantoni designano le loro lingue ufficiali. Per garantire la pace linguistica rispettano la composizione linguistica tradizionale delle regioni e considerano le minoranze linguistiche autoctone.
… (Art. 70)
- English…
Setting forth from these historical facts and the universally accepted principles governing the contemporary world and the inalienable and indivisible, non-transferable and perpetual right of the Croatian nation to self-determination and state sovereignty, including the inviolable right to secession and association as the fundamental conditions for peace and stability of the international order, the Republic of Croatia is hereby established as the nation state of the Croatian nation and the state of the members of its national minorities: Serbs, Czechs, Slovaks, Italians, Hungarians, Jews, Germans, Austrians, Ukrainians, Rusyns, Bosniaks, Slovenians, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Russians, Bulgarians, Poles, Roma, Romanians, Turks, Vlachs, Albanians and others who are its citizens and who are guaranteed equality with citizens of Croatian nationality and the exercise of their national rights in accordance with the democratic norms of the United Nations and the countries of the free world.
… (I. Historical Foundations) - Croatian…
Polazeći od iznesenih povijesnih činjenica, te općeprihvaćenih načela u suvremenu svijetu i neotuđivosti i nedjeljivosti, neprenosivosti i nepotrošivosti prava na samoodređenje i državnu suverenost hrvatskog naroda, uključujući i neokrnjeno pravo na odcjepljenje i udruživanje, kao osnovnih preduvjeta za mir i stabilnost međunarodnog poretka Republika Hrvatska ustanovljuje se kao nacionalna država hrvatskoga naroda i država pripadnika nacionalnih manjina: Srba, Čeha, Slovaka, Talijana, Mađara, Židova, Nijemaca, Austrijanaca, Ukrajinaca, Rusina, Bošnjaka, Slovenaca, Crnogoraca, Makedonaca, Rusa, Bugara, Poljaka, Roma, Rumunja, Turaka, Vlaha, Albanaca i drugih, koji su njezini državljani, kojima se jamči ravnopravnost s građanima hrvatske narodnosti i ostvarivanje nacionalnih prava u skladu s demokratskim normama OUN-a i zemalja slobodnoga svijeta.
… (I. Izvorišne osnove)
- EnglishPersons belonging to ethnic minorities have the right to preserve and develop their language and their ethnic and cultural identity. (Art. 114)
- LatvianPersonām, kuras pieder pie mazākumtautībām, ir tiesības saglabāt un attīstīt savu valodu, etnisko un kultūras savdabību. (Art. 114)
- English…
(3) The right of persons belonging to national minorities to learn their mother tongue, and their right to be educated in this language are guaranteed; the ways to exercise these rights shall be regulated by law.
… (Art. 32) - Romanian…
(3) Dreptul persoanelor aparţinând minorităţilor naţionale de a învăţa limba lor maternă şi dreptul de a putea fi instruite în această limbă sunt garantate; modalităţile de exercitare a acestor drepturi se stabilesc prin lege.
… (Art. 32)
- EnglishThe National Assembly shall consist of 250 deputies, who are elected on direct elections by secret ballot, in accordance with the Law.
In the National Assembly, equality and representation of different genders and members of national minorities shall be provided, in accordance with Law. (Art. 100) - Serbian CyrillicНародну скупштину чини 250 народних посланика, који се бирају на непосредним изборима, тајним гласањем, у складу са законом.
У Народној скупштини обезбеђују се равноправност и заступљеност полова и представника националних мањина, у складу са законом. (Члан 100)
- English… Citizens belonging to national minorities shall be guaranteed, in accordance with law, the right to education in their native language, or to study their native language at the state and communal educational establishments or through national cultural societies. (Art. 53)
- Ukrainian… Громадянам, які належать до національних меншин, відповідно до закону гарантується право на навчання рідною мовою чи на вивчення рідної мови у державних і комунальних навчальних закладах або через національні культурні товариства. (Стаття 53)