The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- English
The President of the Republic appoints the members of the Government, establishes their attributions and terminates their functions. (Art. 49)
- French
Le Président de la République nomme les membres du Gouvernement, fixe leurs attributions et met fin à leurs fonctions. (Art. 49)
- English
The Sultan shall undertake the following functions and powers:
– Appointing deputy prime ministers, ministers, and their equivalent, and relieving them of their office.
... (Art. 49) - Arabic
يقوم السلطان بالمهام والصلاحيات الآتية:
– تعيين نواب رئيس مجلس الوزراء والوزراء ومن في حكمهم، وإعفائهم من مناصبهم.
... (المادّة ٤٩)
- English
The Prime Minister and the other Ministers shall be appointed and dismissed by Royal Decree. (Art. 43)
- Dutch
De minister-president en de overige ministers worden bij koninklijk besluit benoemd en ontslagen. (Art. 43)
- EnglishThe Prime Minister shall be elected by Parliament from among its members by secret ballot in accordance with the rules in Schedule 2. (Art. 41)
- FrenchLe Premier Ministre est élu par le Parlement, au scrutin secret, parmi les membres du Parlement, conformément aux dispositions de l'annexe II. (Art. 41)
- EnglishThe bodies of the transitional government consist of the following:
(2) The Cabinet, which is the supreme, executive authority of the state;
… (Art. 9) - Arabicتتكون اجهزة الحكم الإنتقالي علي النحو الاتي:
ب. مجلس الوزراء، وهو السلطه التنفيذية العليا للدوله.
(الماده 10)
- EnglishThe King shall be the Prime Minister and shall be assisted in the performance of his duties by members of the Council of Ministers according to the rulings of this law and other laws. The Council of Ministers Law shall specify the Council's Powers with regard to internal and external affairs, organizing government bodies and co-ordinating their activities. Likewise the Law shall specify the conditions which the Ministers must satisfy, their eligibility, the method of their accountability along with all other matters related to them. … (Basic Law, Art. 56)
- Arabicالملك هو رئيس مجلس الوزراء، ويعاونه في أداء مهامه أعضاء مجلس الوزراء، وذلك وفقاً لأحكام هذا النظام وغيره من الأنظمة، ويبين نظام مجلس الوزراء صلاحيات المجلس فيما يتعلق بالشؤون الداخلية والخارجية، وتنظيم الأجهزة الحكومية، والتنسيق بينها، كما يبين الشروط اللازم توافرها في الوزراء، وصلاحياتهم، وأسلوب مساءلتهم، وكافة شؤونهم، ويُعدل نظام مجلس الوزراء واختصاصاته، وفقاً لهذا النظام. ... (النظام الأساسي، المادة 56)
- English(1) The Prime Minister shall direct Government actions and co-ordinate activities of its members, under observance of the powers and duties incumbent on them. Likewise, he shall submit to the Chamber of Deputies or the Senate reports and statements on Government policy, to be debated with priority.
… (Art. 107) - Romanian(1) Primul-ministru conduce Guvernul şi coordonează activitatea membrilor acestuia, respectând atribuţiile ce le revin. De asemenea, prezintă Camerei Deputaţilor sau Senatului rapoarte şi declaraţii cu privire la politica Guvernului, care se dezbat cu prioritate.
… (Art. 107)
- English(1) There shall be a Cabinet which shall consist of the President, Vice-President and the Ministers.
… (Sec. 44)
- EnglishThere shall be a Cabinet consisting of the—
a. President;
b. Vice-President;
c. Ministers; and
d. Attorney-General, as ex-officio member. (Art. 113)
- EnglishThe House of Representatives shall complete its consideration for approval of the person suitable to be appointed as Prime Minister from a person who has the qualifications and is not under any of the prohibitions under section 160, and is a person listed by a political party under section 88, only with respect to the list of names of political parties whose members have been elected as Members of the House of Representatives constituting not less than five per cent of the total number of existing Members of the House of Representatives. ... (Sec. 159)
- Thaiให้สภาผู้แทนราษฎรพิจารณาให้ความเห็นชอบบุคคลซึ่งสมควรได้รับแต่งตั้งเป็นนายกรัฐมนตรีจากบุคคลซึ่งมีคุณสมบัติและไม่มีลักษณะต้องห้ามตามมาตรา ๑๖๐ และเป็นผู้มีชื่ออยู่ในบัญชีรายชื่อที่พรรคการเมืองแจ้งไว้ตามมาตรา ๘๘ เฉพาะจากบัญชีรายชื่อของพรรคการเมืองที่มีสมาชิกได้รับเลือกเป็นสมาชิกสภาผู้แทนราษฎรไม่น้อยกว่าร้อยละห้าของจํานวนสมาชิกทั้งหมดเท่าที่มีอยู่ของสภาผู้แทนราษฎร ... (มาตรา ๑๕๙)