The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishThe candidates to the elections to the National Assembly must:
• be of Congolese nationality;
• be aged eighteen (18) years at least;
• reside on the national territory at the moment of the presentation of the candidatures;
• enjoy all their civil and political rights;
• not have been condemned for voluntary crimes or misdemeanors. (Art. 132) - FrenchLes candidats aux élections à l’Assemblée nationale doivent:
- être de nationalité congolaise;
- être âgés de dix-huit (18) ans au moins;
- résider sur le territoire national au moment de la présentation des candidatures;
- jouir de tous leurs droits civils et politiques;
- ne pas avoir été condamnés pour crimes ou délits volontaires. (Art. 132)
- EnglishTo be elected deputy, the following is required:
1. To be Honduran by birth;
2. To be at least twenty-one years of age;
3. To be in the enjoyment of the rights of citizenship;
4. To be a layman, and
5. To have been born in the department for which he is running for office or to have resided therein for at least the last five years prior to the date of convocation of the elections. (Art. 198) - SpanishPara ser elegido Diputado se requiere:
1. Ser hondureño por nacimiento;
2. Haber cumplido (21) veintiún años de edad;
3. Estar en el ejercicio de los derechos ciudadanos;
4. Ser del estado seglar; y,
5. Haber nacido en el departamento por el cual se postula o haber residido en él por lo menos los últimos (5) cinco años anteriores a la fecha de convocatoria a elecciones. (Art. 198)
- English1. The electoral systems provided for in Article 47 for the election of President, Member of Parliament or councillor shall ensure—
a. that citizens are free to exercise their political rights;
b. universal adult suffrage based on the equality of a vote;
c. fair representation of the various interest groups in society; ... (Art. 45)
- English
1. Candidates for deputies are nominated at the constituency level by political parties or by voters. A candidate may only be brought forward from one of the proposing subjects, according to this paragraph. The rules for the registration of candidates for deputies are defined in the law on elections.
2. The law on elections determines also other necessary criteria and rules on the organization and conduct of elections, including those on registration of voters, conduct of electoral campaign, administration and validity of elections and declaration of their results. (Art. 68) - Albanian
1. Kandidatët për deputetë paraqiten në nivel zone zgjedhore nga partitë politike ose nga zgjedhësit. Një kandidat mund të paraqitet vetëm për një nga subjektet propozuese, sipas kësaj pike. Rregullat për regjistrimin e kandidatëve për deputetë përcaktohen në ligjin për zgjedhjet.
2. Në ligjin për zgjedhjet përcaktohen edhe kritere dhe rregulla të tjera të nevojshme për organizimin dhe zhvillimin e zgjedhjeve, duke përfshirë ato për regjistrimin e zgjedhësve, zhvillimin e fushatës zgjedhore, administrimin, vlefshmërinë e zgjedhjeve dhe shpalljen e rezultateve të tyre. (Neni 68)
- English
The House of Representatives is composed of no less than four hundred and fifty members elected by direct secret public ballot. At least one quarter of the seats shall be allocated to women.
A candidate for the membership of the House must be an Egyptian citizen, enjoying civil and political rights, a holder of at least a certificate of basic education, and no younger than 25 years old on the day that candidacy registration is opened.
Other candidacy requirements, the electoral system, and division of electoral constituencies shall be defined by law in a manner which observes fair representation of the population and governorates. Elections based on the plurality voting system or proportional list, or a combination of both at whatsoever ratio may be adopted.
The President of the Republic may appoint a number of members that does not exceed 5%. The method of their nomination is to be specified by law. (Art. 102) - Arabic
يُشكل مجلس النواب من عدد لا يقل عن أربعمائة وخمسين عضوا، يُنتخبون بالاقتراع العام السرى المباشر، على أن يُخصص للمرأة ما لا يقل عن ربع إجمالي عدد المقاعد.
يشترط فى المترشّح لعضوية المجلس أن يكون مصريّاً، متمتّعا بحقوقه المدنية والسياسيّة، حاصلاً على شهادة إتمام التعليم الأساسي على الأقل، وألا تقلّ سنّه يوم فتح باب التّرشّح عن خمس وعشرين سنة ميلادية.
ويُبين القانون شروط الترشح الأخرى، ونظام الإنتخاب، وتقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية بما يُراعى التمثيل العادل للسكان، والمحافظات، ويجوز الأخذ بنظام التصويت التعددي أو القائمة النسبية أو الجمع بأي نسبة بينهما.
كما يجوز لرئيس الجمهورية تعيين عدد من الأعضاء فى مجلس النواب لا يزيد على 5 %ويحدد القانون كيفية ترشيحهم. (المادّة 102)
- EnglishLegislative functions of the Nation are vested in the National Assembly … (Art. 159)
- SpanishLa función legislativa, es ejercida por medio de la Asamblea Nacional … (Art. 159)
- EnglishFirst: The Council of Representatives shall consist of a number of members, at a ratio of one seat per 100,000 Iraqi persons representing the entire Iraqi people. They shall be elected through a direct secret general ballot. The representation of all components of the people shall be upheld in it.
Second: A candidate to the Council of Representatives must be a fully qualified Iraqi.
Third: A law shall regulate the requirements for the candidate, the voter, and all that is related to the elections.
Fourth: The elections law shall aim to achieve a percentage of representation for women of not less than one-quarter of the members of the Council of Representatives.
… (Art. 49) - Arabicاولاً :ـ يتكون مجلس النواب من عدد من الاعضاء بنسبة مقعد واحد لكل مائة ألف نسمة من نفوس العراق يمثلون الشعب العراقي بأكمله، يتم انتخابهم بطريق الاقتراع العام السري المباشر، ويراعى تمثيل سائر مكونات الشعب فيه.
ثانياً :ـ يشترط في المرشح لعضوية مجلس النواب ان يكون عراقياً كامل الاهلية.
ثالثاً :ـ تنظم بقانونٍ، شروط المرشح والناخب وكل ما يتعلق بالانتخاب.
رابعاً :ـ يستهدف قانون الانتخابات تحقيق نسبة تمثيل للنساء لا تقل عن الربع من عدد اعضاء مجلس النواب.
... (المادة 49)
- English1. The Senate shall consist of seventeen persons who, being qualified for appointment as Senators in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, have been so appointed in accordance with the provisions of this section and such temporary members (if any) as may be appointed in accordance with the provisions of section 32 of this Constitution.
2. Ten Senators shall be appointed by the Governor-General acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister.
3. Four Senators shall be appointed by the Governor-General acting in accordance with the advice of the Leader of the Opposition.
4. Subject to subsection (7) of this section, one Senator shall be appointed by the Governor-General in his discretion from outstanding persons or persons representing such interests as the Governor-General considers ought to be represented in the Senate.
5. One Senator shall be appointed by the Governor-General acting in accordance with the advice of the Barbuda Council.
6. One Senator, being an inhabitant of Barbuda, shall be appointed by the Governor-General in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister.
7. Before appointing any person representing interests under subsection (4) of this section the Governor-General shall consult such persons as in his discretion he considers can speak for the interests concerned and ought to be consulted. (Sec. 28)
- EnglishThe Parliamentary Assembly shall have two chambers: the House of Peoples and the House of Representatives.
1. The House of Peoples shall comprise 15 Delegates, two-thirds from the Federation (including five Croats and five Bosniacs) and one-third from the Republika Srpska (five Serbs).
a) The designated Croat and Bosniac Delegates from the Federation shall be selected, respectively, by the Croat and Bosniac Delegates to the House of Peoples of the Federation. Delegates from the Republika Srpska shall be selected by the National Assembly of the Republika Srpska.
b) Nine members of the House of Peoples shall comprise a quorum, provided that at least three Bosniac, three Croat, and three Serb Delegates are present.
2. The House of Representatives shall comprise 42 Members, two-thirds elected from the territory of the Federation, one-third from the territory of the Republika Srpska.
a) Members of the House of Representatives shall be directly elected from their Entity in accordance with an election law to be adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly. The first election, however, shall take place in accordance with Annex 3 to the General Framework Agreement.
… (Art. IV) - BosnianParlamentarna skupština ima dva doma: Dom naroda i Predstavnički dom.
1. Dom naroda se sastoji od 15 delegata, od kojih su dvije trećine iz Federacije (uključujući pet Hrvata i pet Bošnjaka) i jedna trećina iz Republike Srpske (pet Srba).
a) Nominovane hrvatske, odnosno bošnjačke delegate iz Federacije biraju hrvatski odnosno bošnjački delegati u Domu naroda Federacije. Delegate iz Republike Srpske bira Narodna skupština Republike Srpske.
b) Devet članova Doma naroda sačinjava kvorum, pod uslovom da su prisutna najmanje tri bošnjačka, tri hrvatska i tri srpska delegata.
2. Predstavnički dom sastoji se od 42 člana, od kojih se dvije trećine biraju sa teritorije Federacije, a jedna trećina sa teritorije Republike Srpske.
a) Članovi Predstavničkog doma biraju se neposredno iz svog entiteta, u skladu sa izbornim zakonom kojeg će donijeti Parlamentarna skupština. Međutim, prvi izbori će biti održani u skladu sa Aneksom 3. Opšteg okvirnog sporazuma.
… (Član IV) - CroatianParlamentarna skupština ima dva doma: Dom naroda i Zastupnički dom.
1. Dom naroda se sastoji od 15 delegata, od kojih su dvije trećine iz Federacije (uključujući pet Hrvata i pet Bošnjaka) i jedna trećina iz Republike Srpske (pet Srba).
a) Nominirane hrvatske i bošnjačke delegate iz Federacije biraju hrvatski odnosno bošnja- čki delegati Doma naroda Federacije. Delegate iz Republike Srpske bira Narodna skupština Republike Srpske.
b) Devet članova Doma naroda čine kvorum, s tim da su nazočna najmanje tri bošnjačka, tri hrvatska i tri srpska delegata.
2. Zastupnički dom se sastoji od 42 člana, od kojih su dvije trećine izabrane s teritorija Federacije, a jedna trećina s teritorija Republike Srpske.
a) Članovi Zastupničkog doma biraju se izravno iz njihovih entiteta sukladno izbornom zakonu koji treba donijeti Parlamentarna skupština. Prvi izbori će se, protivno tome, održati sukladno Aneksu 3 Općeg okvirnog sporazuma.
… (Članak IV) - SerbianПарламентарна скупштина има два вијећа: Дом народа и Представнички дом.
1. Дом народа се састоји од 15 делегата, од којих су двије трећине из Федерације (пет Хрвата и пет Бошњака) и једна трећина из Републике Српске (пет Срба).
а) Именоване хрватске и бошњачке делегате из Федерације бирају хрватски, односно бошњачки делегати у Дому народа Федерације. Делегате из Републике Српске бира Народна скупштина Републике Српске.
b) б) Девет чланова Дома народа представљају кворум, под условом да су присутна најмање три бошњачка, три хрватска и три српска делегата.
2. Представнички дом има четрдесет два члана, од којих се двије трећине бирају са територије Федерације, а једна трећина са територије Републике Српске.
а) Чланови Представничког дома се бирају директно из њихових ентитета, у складу са изборним законом који ће усвојити Парламентарна скупштина. Међутим, први избори ће се одржати у складу са Анексом 3 Општег оквирног споразума.
… (Члан IV)
- EnglishThere shall be two Federal Houses: The House of Peoples' Representatives and the House of the Federation. (Art. 53)
- Amharicየፌዴራሉ መንግሥት ሁለት ምክር ቤቶች ይኖሩታል፤ እነዚህም የሕዝብተወካዮች ምክር ቤት እና የፌዴሬሽን ምክር ቤት ናቸው፡፡ (አንቀጽ 53)