The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Protection from Violence
- English
Violence of any form against any person whose liberty has been restricted in any way is prohibited, as is the use of any form of coercion in obtaining confessions and statements. (Art. 21) - Slovene
Prepovedno je vsakršno nasilje nad osebami, ki jim je prostost kakorkoli omejena, ter vsakršno izsiljevanje priznanj in izjav. (21. Člen)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishPersons convicted of harming the sexual integrity of a child or of a dependent person shall permanently lose the right to carry on a profession or voluntary activity involving minors or dependent persons. (Art. 123c)
- FrenchQuiconque est condamné pour avoir porté atteinte à l’intégrité sexuelle d’un enfant ou d’une personne dépendante est définitivement privé du droit d’exercer une activité professionnelle ou bénévole en contact avec des mineurs ou des personnes dépendantes. (Art. 123c)
- GermanPersonen, die verurteilt werden, weil sie die sexuelle Unversehrtheit eines Kindes oder einer abhängigen Person beeinträchtigt haben, verlieren endgültig das Recht, eine berufliche oder ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit mit Minderjährigen oder Abhängigen auszuüben. (Art. 123c)
- ItalianChi è condannato per aver leso l’integrità sessuale di un fanciullo o di una persona dipendente è definitivamente privato del diritto di esercitare un’attività professionale od onorifica a contatto con minorenni o persone dipendenti. (Art. 123c)
Protection from Violence
- English…
(4) There shall be no political parties on ethnic, racial or religious lines, nor parties which seek the violent seizure of state power. (Art. 11) - Bulgarian…
(4) Не могат да се образуват политически партии на етническа, расова или верска основа както и партии, които си поставят за цеɥ насилствено завземане на държавната власт. (Чл. 11)
Protection from Violence
- English…
The establishment of associations and federations which possess weapons, which are organised in accordance with military principles or which hold exercises of a military nature requires a prior authorisation whose conditions of issuance and procedure of issuance are provided by law.
Associations, federations and political parties whose aims or activities are directed at changing the constitutional order of Estonia by force or are otherwise in conflict with a law providing criminal liability, are prohibited.
… (Sec. 48) - Estonian…
Relvi valdavate, samuti sõjaväeliselt korraldatud või sõjalisi harjutusi harrastavate ühingute ja liitude loomiseks on nõutav eelnev luba, mille andmise tingimused ja korra sätestab seadus.
Keelatud on ühingud, liidud ja erakonnad, kelle eesmärgid või tegevus on suunatud Eesti põhiseadusliku korra vägivaldsele muutmisele või on muul viisil vastuolus kriminaalvastutust sätestava seadusega.
… (§ 48)
Protection from Violence
- English…
2) … Emergency decrees may not curtail the right of each person to life, the prohibition of torture and inhuman treatment, the prohibition of slavery and forced labour, or the principle of nulla poena sine lege.
… (Art. 10) - German…
2) … Notverordnungen können weder das Recht eines jeden Menschen auf Leben, das Verbot der Folter und der unmenschlichen Behandlung, das Verbot der Sklaverei und der Zwangsarbeit, noch die Regel "Keine Strafe ohne Gesetz" beschränken.
… (Art. 10)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishInfliction or encouragement of hatred or intolerance on any grounds shall be prohibited. (Art. 7)
- MontenegrinZabranjeno je izazivanje ili podsticanje mržnje ili netrpeljivosti po bilo kom osnovu. (Član 7)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishNo one may be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. The application of corporal punishment shall be prohibited. (Art. 40)
- PolishNikt nie może być poddany torturom ani okrutnemu, nieludzkiemu lub poniżającemu traktowaniu i karaniu. Zakazuje się stosowania kar cielesnych. (Art. 40)
Protection from Violence
- English1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom and personal inviolability.
… (Art. 22) - Russian1. Каждый имеет право на свободу и личную неприкосновенность.
… (Статья 22)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishNo person may be kept in slavery or servitude.
All forms of human trafficking are prohibited.
Forced labour is prohibited. Sexual or financial exploitation of person in unfavourable position shall be deemed forced labour.
... (Art. 26) - Serbian CyrillicНико не може бити држан у ропству или у положају сличном ропству.
Сваки облик трговине људима је забрањен.
Забрањен је принудни рад. Сексуално или економско искоришћавање лица које је у неповољном положају сматра се принудним радом.
… (Члан 26)
Protection from Violence
- EnglishAny incitement to national, racial, religious, or other discrimination, and the inflaming of national, racial, religious, or other hatred and intolerance are unconstitutional. Any incitement to violence and war is unconstitutional. (Art. 63)
- SloveneProtiustavno je vsakršno spodbujanje k narodni, rasni, verski ali drugi neenakopravnosti ter razpihovanje narodnega, rasnega, verskega ali drugega sovraštva in nestrpnosti. Protiustavno je vsakršno spodbujanje k nasilju in vojni. (63. Člen)