The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishI. Every Bolivian has the right to social security.
II. Social security is provided under the principles of universality, comprehensiveness, equity, solidarity, unity of management, economy, opportunity, its inter-cultural character, and effectiveness.
III. The social security system covers assistance for the following reasons: sickness, epidemics and catastrophic diseases; maternity or paternity; professional and work risks, and risks in farm labor; disability and special necessities; unemployment and loss of employment; being an orphan, crippled, widowed, of old age, and death; housing, family allowances and other social reasons.
IV. The State guarantees the right to retirement, which is universal, supportive and equitable.
V. Women have the right to safe maternity, with an inter-cultural practice and vision; they shall enjoy the special assistance and protection of the State during pregnancy and birth and in the prenatal and postnatal periods.
... (Art. 45) - SpanishI. Todas las bolivianas y los bolivianos tienen derecho a acceder a la seguridad social.
II. La seguridad social se presta bajo los principios de universalidad, integralidad, equidad, solidaridad, unidad de gestión, economía, oportunidad, interculturalidad y eficacia. Su dirección y administración corresponde al Estado, con control y participación social.
III. El régimen de seguridad social cubre atención por enfermedad, epidemias y enfermedades catastróficas; maternidad y paternidad; riesgos profesionales, laborales y riesgos por labores de campo; discapacidad y necesidades especiales; desempleo y pérdida de empleo; orfandad, invalidez, viudez, vejez y muerte; vivienda, asignaciones familiares y otras previsiones sociales.
IV. El Estado garantiza el derecho a la jubilación, con carácter universal, solidario y equitativo.
V. Las mujeres tienen derecho a la maternidad segura, con una visión y práctica intercultural; gozarán de especial asistencia y protección del Estado durante el embarazo, parto y en los periodos prenatal y posnatal.
... (Art. 45)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe care and education of children, so that they may attain their fullest physical, intellectual, and social capacity, is the duty and the right of parents. Those who have large families to support are entitled to compensatory aid if they need it. … (Art. 41)
- SpanishEl cuidado y educación de los hijos para que éstos alcancen su plena capacidad corporal, intelectual y social, es un deber y un derecho de los padres. Quienes tengan a su cargo numerosa prole tienen derecho a auxilios compensatorios, siempre que los necesiten. ... (Art. 41)
Public Institutions and Services
- English…
Family, motherhood, fatherhood, and childhood shall be under the protection and care of the State.
… (Art. 38) - Lithuanian...
Valstybė saugo ir globoja šeimą, motinystę, tėvystę ir vaikystę.
... (38 straipsnis)
Public Institutions and Services
- English(1) The State shall take all necessary action to ensure that the national economy is managed in such a manner as to maximise the rate of economic development and to secure the maximum welfare, freedom and happiness of every person in Eswatini and to provide adequate means of livelihood and suitable employment and public assistance to the needy.(2) The State shall, in particular, take all necessary steps to establish a sound and healthy economy whose underlying principles shall include -…(c) ensuring that individuals and the private sector bear their fair share of social and national responsibilities including responsibilities to contribute to the overall development of the country;(d) undertaking even and balanced development of all regions and in particular improving the conditions of life in the rural areas, and generally, redressing any imbalance in development between the rural and urban areas;… (Sec. 59)
Public Institutions and Services
- English
Social security will be organized under the General Social Security System, of a contributory nature and mandatory membership, observing criteria that preserve the financial and actuarial balance, and will, in accordance with the law, meet:
I – the coverage of events of temporary or permanent incapacity for work and advanced age;
II – protection to maternity, especially to pregnant women;
III – protection to workers in a situation of involuntary unemployment;
IV – family allowance and confinement allowance for the dependents of the low-income insured;
V – pension for death of the insured, man or woman, to the spouse or companion, and dependents, complying with the provision of paragraph 2.
Paragraph 12. A law will institute a special social security inclusion system, with different rates, to assist low-income workers, including those who are in an informal situation, and those without their own income, who dedicate themselves exclusively to domestic work within the scope of their residence, provided that belonging to low-income families.
… (Art. 201) - Portuguese
A previdência social será organizada sob a forma do Regime Geral de Previdência Social, de caráter contributivo e de filiação obrigatória, observados critérios que preservem o equilíbrio financeiro e atuarial, e atenderá, na forma da lei, a:
I - cobertura dos eventos de incapacidade temporária ou permanente para o trabalho e idade avançada;
II - proteção à maternidade, especialmente à gestante;
III - proteção ao trabalhador em situação de desemprego involuntário;
IV - salário-família e auxílio-reclusão para os dependentes dos segurados de baixa renda;
V - pensão por morte do segurado, homem ou mulher, ao cônjuge ou companheiro e dependentes, observado o disposto no § 2º.
§ 12. Lei instituirá sistema especial de inclusão previdenciária, com alíquotas diferenciadas, para atender aos trabalhadores de baixa renda, inclusive os que se encontram em situação de informalidade, e àqueles sem renda própria que se dediquem exclusivamente ao trabalho doméstico no âmbito de sua residência, desde que pertencentes a famílias de baixa renda.
... (Art. 201)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with its objectives of achieving the economic independence of the society, uprooting poverty and deprivation, and fulfilling human needs in the process of development while preserving human liberty, is based on the following criteria:
1. the provision of basic necessities for all citizens: housing, food, clothing, hygiene, medical treatment, education, and the necessary facilities for the establishment of a family;
… (Art. 43) - Persianبرای تأمین استقلال اقتصادی جامعه و ریشهکن کردن فقر و محرومیت و برآوردن نیازهای انسان در جریان رشد، با حفظ آزادگی او، اقتصاد جمهوری اسلامی ایران بر اساس ضوابط زیر استوار میشود:
1- تأمین نیازهای اساسی: مسکن، خوراک، پوشاک، بهداشت، درمان، آموزش و پرورش و امکانات لازم برای تشکیل خانواده برای همه.
… (اصل 43)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe Republic provides particular care and protection for the family.
… (Art. 40) - MacedonianРепубликата му обезбедува посебна грижа и заштита на семејството.
… (Член 40)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe People of Guinea determine freely and sovereignly their Institutions and the economic and social organization of the Nation.
They have an an inprescriptible right to its wealth. This must profit in an equitable manner all Guineans.
… (Art. 21) - FrenchLe Peuple de Guinée détermine librement et souverainement ses Institutions et l’organisation économique et sociale de la Nation.
Il a un droit imprescriptible sur ses richesses. Celles-ci doivent profiter de manière équitable à tous les Guinéens.
… (Art. 21)
Public Institutions and Services
- English
The family, as [a] natural element and foundation of society, has the right to the special protection of the State. The mother, the child [masculine] and the child [feminine], senior adult persons and persons with disabilities[,] will equally have right to that protection. (Art. 51)
- Spanish
La familia, como elemento natural y fundamento de la sociedad, tiene derecho a la protección especial del Estado. Igualmente, tendrán derecho a esa protección la madre, el niño y la niña, las personas adultas mayores y las personas con discapacidad. (Art. 51)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishFamily, being the natural and fundamental cell of society and the basis for the preservation and reproduction of the population, as well as motherhood and childhood shall be under special protection and aegis of the state. (Art. 16)
- ArmenianԸնտանիքը, որպես հասարակության բնական և հիմնական բջիջ, բնակչության պահպանման և վերարտադրման հիմք, ինչպես նաև մայրությունը և մանկությունը պետության հատուկ պաշտպանության և հովանավորության ներքո են: (Հոդված 16)