The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe State recognizes the right of persons to freely and responsibly decide the number and the frequency of the birth of their children, as well as to receive, in coordination with the pertinent organs[,] education, scientific orientation, and adequate services in the matter.
Special plans of reproductive health and maternal-child health [care] for people of scarce resources will be established. (Art. 61) - SpanishEl Estado reconoce el derecho de las personas a decidir libre y responsablemente el número y la frecuencia del nacimiento de sus hijos, así como a recibir, en coordinación con los organismos pertinentes educación, orientación científica y servicios adecuados, en la materia.
Se establecerán planes especiales de salud reproductiva y salud materno infantil para la población de escasos recursos. (Art. 61)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards securing—
(c) that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of wealth and means of production to the common detriment;
… (Art. 39) - Hindiराज्य अपनी नीति का, विशिष्टतया, इस प्रकार संचालन करेगा कि सुनिश्चित रूप से—
(ग) आर्थिक व्यवस्था इस प्रकार चले जिससे धन और उत्पादन-साधनों का सर्वसाधारण के लिए अहितकारी संकेंद्रण न हो;
… (अनुच्छेद 39)
Public Institutions and Services
- English
(1) The family shall constitute the natural and fundamental element of the society and shall enjoy protection from the State and the society.
… (Art. 48) - Moldovian
(1) Familia constituie elementul natural şi fundamental al societăţii şi are dreptul la ocrotire din partea societăţii şi a statului.
… (Art. 48)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishWHEREAS the people of Belize-
(b) respect the principles of social justice and therefore believe that the operation of the economic system must result in the material resources of the community being so distributed as to subserve the common good, that there should be adequate means of livelihood for all, that labour should not be exploited or forced by economic necessity to operate in inhumane conditions but that there should be opportunity for advancement on the basis of recognition of merit, ability and integrity, that equal protection should be given to children regardless of their social status, and that a just system should be ensured to provide for education and health on the basis of equality;
(e) require policies of state which protect and safeguard the unity, freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Belize; which eliminate economic and social privilege and disparity among the citizens of Belize whether by race, ethnicity, colour, creed, disability or sex; which ensures gender equality; which protect the rights of the individual to life, liberty, basic education, basic health, the right to vote in elections, the right to work and the pursuit of happiness; which protect the identity, dignity and social and cultural values of Belizeans, including Belize's indigenous peoples; which preserve the right of the individual to the ownership of private property and the right to operate private businesses; which prohibit the exploitation of man by man or by the state; which ensure a just system of social security and welfare; which protect the environment; which promote international peace, security and co-operation among nations, the establishment of a just and equitable international economic and social order in the world with respect for international law and treaty obligations in the dealings among nations;
… (Preamble)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe social objectives of the State shall aim at:
c. Guaranteeing a government policy aimed at raising the standard of living and of well-being of the society, based upon social justice, the integral and balanced development of State and society;
d. An equitable distribution of the national income, directed towards a fair distribution of well-being and wealth over all strata of the population;
e. Regional spreading of public utilities and economic activities;
… (Art. 6) - DutchDe sociale doelstellingen van de Staat zijn gericht op:
c. het garanderen van een politiekvoering die strekt tot verhoging van welzijn en welvaart van de samenleving, gebaseerd op sociale rechtvaardigheid, de integrale en evenwichtige ontwikkeling van Staat en maatschappij;
d. een rechtvaardige verdeling van het nationaal inkomen, gericht op een rechtvaardige spreiding van welzijn en welvaart over alle lagen van de bevolking;
e. regionale spreiding van leefvoorzieningen en economische activiteiten;
… (Art. 6)
Public Institutions and Services
- English
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea regards the steady improvement of the material and cultural standards of the people as the supreme principle of its activities.
The increasing material wealth of society in our country, where taxes have been abolished, is used entirely to promote the well-being of the working people.
The State shall provide all the working people with every condition for obtaining food, clothing, goods for daily use and living. (Art. 25) - Korean
조선민주주의인민공화국은 인민들의 물질문화생활을 끊임없이 높이는것을 자기 활동의 최고원칙으로 삼는다.
세금이 없어진 우리 나라에서 늘어나는 사회의 물질적부는 전적으로 근로자들의 복리증진에 돌려진다.
국가는 모든 근로자들에게 먹고 입고 쓰고 살수 있는 온갖 조건을 마련하여준다. (제25조)
Public Institutions and Services
- English1. Everyone has the right to social security.
3. The social security system shall protect citizens in illness and old age and when they are disabled, widowed or orphaned, as well as when they are unemployed or in any other situation that entails a lack of or reduction in means of subsistence or the ability to work.
… (Art. 63) - Portuguese1. Todos têm direito à segurança social.
3. O sistema de segurança social protege os cidadãos na doença, velhice, invalidez, viuvez e orfandade, bem como no desemprego e em todas as outras situações de falta ou diminuição de meios de subsistência ou de capacidade para o trabalho.
… (Art. 63)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishThe function of the State in the economy consists of the following:
7. To promote policies of equitable distribution of wealth and of the economic resources of the country, for the purpose of preventing inequality, social and economic exclusion, and to eradicate poverty in its multiple dimensions.
… (Art. 316) - SpanishLa función del Estado en la economía consiste en:
7. Promover políticas de distribución equitativa de la riqueza y de los recursos económicos del país, con el objeto de evitar la desigualdad, la exclusión social y económica, y erradicar la pobreza en sus múltiples dimensiones.
… (Art. 316)
Public Institutions and Services
- English(b) In carrying out its powers and functions, the Civil Service Commission shall be governed by democratic values and principles, including the following:
3. services shall be provided impartially, fairly, equitably and without prejudice;
… (Art. 182) - Dhivehi(ށ) ސިވިލް ސަރވިސް ކޮމިޝަނުގެ މަސްއޫލިއްޔަތު އަދާކުރުމުގައްޔާއި އެ ކޮމިޝަނަށް ލިބިފައިވާ ބާރުތައް ބޭނުންކުރުމުގައި ދީމިޤްރާތީ ހަމަތަކާއި އުސޫލްތަކަށް ތަބާވާންވާނެއެވެ. މީގެތެރެއިން އަންނަނިވި ކަންކަން ހިމެނެއެވެ.
3. ޙިދުމަތް ދިނުމުގައި އިންސާފާއި ހަމަހަމަކަމާއެކު، ވަކިފަރާތަކަށް ބުރަވުމެއްނެތި، ތަޢައްސުބުން އެއްކިބާވުން.
... (ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީގެ 182 ވަނަ މާއްދާ)
Public Institutions and Services
- EnglishEvery person has the right to adequate, safe and comfortable, hygienic housing, with appropriate essential basic services, including a habitat such as to humanize family, neighborhood and community relations. The progressive meeting of this requirement is the shared responsibility of citizens and the State in all areas.
The State shall give priority to families, and shall guarantee them, especially those with meager resources, the possibility of access to social policies and credit for the construction, purchase or enlargement of dwellings. (Art. 82) - SpanishToda persona tiene derecho a una vivienda adecuada, segura, cómoda, higiénica, con servicios básicos esenciales que incluyan un hábitat que humanice las relaciones familiares, vecinales y comunitarias. La satisfacción progresiva de este derecho es obligación compartida entre los ciudadanos y ciudadanas y el Estado en todos sus ámbitos.
El Estado dará prioridad a las familias y garantizará los medios para que éstas y especialmente las de escasos recursos, puedan acceder a las políticas sociales y al crédito para la construcción, adquisición o ampliación de viviendas. (Art. 82)