The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Status of the Constitution
- EnglishA provision declared unconstitutional on the basis of article 61 shall be neither promulgated nor implemented.
A provision declared unconstitutional on the basis of article 61-1 shall be repealed as of the publication of the said decision of the Constitutional Council or as of a subsequent date determined by said decision.
… (1958 Constitution, Art. 62) - FrenchUne disposition déclarée inconstitutionnelle sur le fondement de l'article 61 ne peut être promulguée ni mise en application.
Une disposition déclarée inconstitutionnelle sur le fondement de l'article 61-1 est abrogée à compter de la publication de la décision du Conseil constitutionnel ou d'une date ultérieure fixée par cette décision.
… (Constitution 1958, Art. 62)
Status of the Constitution
- English
(3) The Constitutional Court
a) shall, within its powers set out in paragraph (2) b), c), and e), annul any law or any provision of a law which conflicts with the Fundamental Law;
b) shall, within its powers set out in paragraph (2) d), annul any judicial decision which conflicts with the Fundamental Law;
c) may, within its powers set out in paragraph (2) f), annul any law or any provision of a law which conflicts with an international treaty;
… (The State, Art. 24) - Hungarian
(3) Az Alkotmánybíróság
a) a (2) bekezdés b), c) és e) pontjában foglalt hatáskörében megsemmisíti az Alaptörvénnyel ellentétes jogszabályt vagy jogszabályi rendelkezést;
b) a (2) bekezdés d) pontjában foglalt hatáskörében megsemmisíti az Alaptörvénnyel ellentétes bírói döntést;
c) a (2) bekezdés f) pontjában foglalt hatáskörében megsemmisítheti a nemzetközi szerződésbe ütköző jogszabályt vagy jogszabályi rendelkezést;
… (Az Állam, 24. cikk)
Status of the Constitution
- EnglishWhile implementing his rights and exercising his freedoms, everyone must observe the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and must not restrict the rights and freedoms of other people. (Art. 28)
- LithuanianĮgyvendindamas savo teises ir naudodamasis savo laisvėmis, žmogus privalo laikytis Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos ir įstatymų, nevaržyti kitų žmonių teisių ir laisvių. (28 straipsnis)
Status of the Constitution
- EnglishIn Montenegro, anything not prohibited by the Constitution and the law shall be free.
Everybody is obliged to abide by the Constitution and the law. (Art. 10) - MontenegrinU Crnoj Gori slobodno je sve što Ustavom i zakonom nije zabranjeno.
Svako je obavezan da se pridržava Ustava i zakona. (Član 10)
Status of the Constitution
- English1. The constitutional precepts with regard to rights, freedoms and guarantees are directly applicable and are binding on public and private entities.
… (Art. 18) - Portuguese1. Os preceitos constitucionais respeitantes aos direitos, liberdades e garantias são directamente aplicáveis e vinculam as entidades públicas e privadas.
... (Art. 18)
Status of the Constitution
- English
Ratified international treaties must be in accordance with the Constitution. (Art. 16) - Serbian Cyrillic
Потврђени међународни уговори морају бити у складу с Уставом. (Члан 16)
Status of the Constitution
- English1 The Confederation shall fulfil the duties that are assigned to it by Federal Constitution. (Art. 42)
- French1 La Confédération accomplit les tâches que lui attribue la Constitution. (Art. 42)
- German1 Der Bund erfüllt die Aufgaben, die ihm die Bundesverfassung zuweist. (Art. 42)
- Italian1 La Confederazione adempie i compiti che le sono assegnati dalla Costituzione. (Art. 42)
Status of the Constitution
- English
adopt this Constitution, the Basic Law of the Republic of Belarus. (Preamble) - Belarusian
прымаем гэтую Канстытуцыю — Асноўны Закон Рэспублікі Беларусь. (прэамбула) - Russian
принимаем настоящую Конституцию – Основной Закон Республики Беларусь. (преамбула)
Status of the Constitution
- English…
(2) Enforceable decisions of the Constitutional Court are binding on all authorities and persons.
(3) Decisions of the Constitutional Court which declare, pursuant to Article 87 paragraph 2, that a treaty is not in conformity with the constitutional order, are an obstacle to the ratification of the treaty until such time as they are brought into conformity with each other. (1993 Constitution, Art. 89) - Czech…
(2) Vykonatelná rozhodnutí Ústavního soudu jsou závazná pro všechny orgány i osoby.
(3) Rozhodnutí Ústavního soudu, kterým byl podle čl. 87 odst. 2 vysloven nesoulad mezinárodní smlouvy s ústavním pořádkem, brání ratifikaci smlouvy do doby, než bude nesoulad odstraněn. (Ústava 1993, Čl. 89)
Status of the Constitution
- English…
(2) This Basic Law may neither be amended nor abrogated nor suspended in whole or in part by a law enacted by the Joint Committee.
… (Art. 115e) - German…
(2) Durch ein Gesetz des Gemeinsamen Ausschusses darf das Grundgesetz weder geändert noch ganz oder teilweise außer Kraft oder außer Anwendung gesetzt werden.
… (Art. 115e)