The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Status of the Constitution
- English…
A provision declared unconstitutional on the basis of the preceding paragraph is lapsed of plain right. The decision of the Constitutional Court establishing this unconstitutionality is published in the Journal Officiel following the procedure of urgency. (Art. 132) - French…
Une disposition déclarée inconstitutionnelle sur le fondement de l'alinéa ci-dessus est caduque de plein droit. L'arrêt de la Cour constitutionnelle établissant cette inconstitutionnalité est publié au Journal Officiel suivant la procédure d'urgence. (Art. 132)
Status of the Constitution
- EnglishFrom the day on which the Constitution becomes enforceable, all laws, decrees, decisions, regulations and other acts that are contrary to it are abrogated. (Art. 188)
- DutchMet ingang van de dag waarop de Grondwet uitvoerbaar wordt, zijn alle daarmee strijdige wetten, decreten, besluiten, reglementen en andere akten opgeheven. (Art. 188)
- FrenchA compter du jour où la Constitution sera exécutoire, toutes les lois, décrets, arrêtés, règlements et autres actes qui y sont contraires sont abrogés. (Art. 188)
- GermanAb dem Tag, an dem die Verfassung wirksam wird, sind alle zu ihr im Widerspruch stehenden Gesetze, Dekrete, Erlasse, Verordnungen und anderen Akte aufgehoben. (Art. 188)
Status of the Constitution
- English
(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of Nauru.
(2) A law inconsistent with this Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, void. (Art. 2)
Status of the Constitution
- English
If the Constitutional Court[,] referred to [the matter] by the President of the Republic or by the President of the National Assembly[,] has declared that an international commitment involves a clause contrary to the Constitution, the authorization to ratify it may only intervene after the revision of the Constitution. (Art. 146)
- French
Si la Cour constitutionnelle saisie par le président de la République ou par le président de l'Assemblée nationale a déclaré qu'un engagement international comporte une clause contraire à la Constitution, l'autorisation de le ratifier ne peut intervenir qu'après révision de la Constitution. (Art. 146)
Status of the Constitution
- EnglishWe, the People of Seychelles, …
HEREBY adopt and confer upon ourselves this Constitution as the fundamental and supreme law of our Sovereign and Democratic Republic. (Preamble)
Status of the Constitution
- EnglishWhen determining a case, the courts refuse to give effect to a law or other legislation that is in conflict with the Constitution.
The Supreme Court declares invalid any law or other legislation that is in conflict with the letter and spirit of the Constitution. (Sec. 152) - EstonianKohus jätab kohtuasja lahendamisel kohaldamata mis tahes seaduse või muu õigusakti, kui see on vastuolus põhiseadusega.
Riigikohus tunnistab kehtetuks mis tahes seaduse või muu õigusakti, kui see on vastuolus põhiseaduse sätte ja mõttega. (§ 152)
Status of the Constitution
- English…
(2) A provision that has been declared unconstitutional may not be enacted or implemented. (Art. 50) - French…
(2) Une décision déclarée inconstitutionnelle ne peut être ni promulguée ni mise en application. (Art. 50)
Status of the Constitution
- Englisha. The Transitional Constitution of Sudan of 2005 and the constitutions of provinces is repealed, while the laws issued thereunder remain in force, unless they are repealed or amended.
b. The decrees issued from 11 April 2019 until the date of signature of this Constitutional Charter remain in force, unless they are repealed or amended by the Transitional Military Council. If they contradict any provisions of this Constitutional Charter, the provisions of the present Declaration prevail. (Art. 2) - Arabicا. يلغي العمل بدستور جمهورية السودان الانتقالية لسنة 2005م ودساتير الولايات، علي ان تظل القوانين الصادره بموجبها سارية المفعول ما لم تلغ او تعدل.
ب. تعتبر المراسيم الصادرة من 11 ابريل 2009م وحتي تاريخ التوقيع علي هذة الوثيق الدستورية سارية المفعول ما لم تلغ او تعدل من قبل المجلس التشريعي الانتقالي و في حالة تعارض مع اي من احكام هذة الوثيقة الدستورية تسود احكام هذة الوثيقة. (الماده 2)
Status of the Constitution
- EnglishThe Islamic Consultative Assembly cannot enact laws contrary to the official religion of the country or to the Constitution. It is the duty of the Guardian Council to determine whether a violation has occurred, in accordance with Article 96. (Art. 72)
- Persianمجلس شورای اسلامی نمیتواند قوانینی وضع کند که با اصول و احکام مذهب رسمی کشور یا قانون اساسی مغایرت داشته باشد. تشخیص این امر به ترتیبی که در اصل نود و ششم آمده برعهده شورای نگهبان است. (اصل 72)
Status of the Constitution
- English…
2. Respect towards the Constitution and the law concurrent thereto, and devotion to the Fatherland and to Democracy constitute a fundamental duty of all Greeks.
… (Art. 120) - Greek…
2. O σεβασμός στο Σύνταγμα και τους νόμους που συμφωνούν με αυτό και η αφοσίωση στην Πατρίδα και τη Δημοκρατία αποτελούν θεμελιώδη υποχρέωση όλων των Eλλήνων.
… ('Αρθρο 120)