The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Status of International Law
- English
When the Constitutional Court judges that a treaty, accord or convention is unconstitutional, its ratification may not take place.
… (Art. 198) - Arabic
إذا قررت المحكمة الدستورية عدم دستوريّة معاهدة أو اتّفاق أو اتّفاقيّة، فلا يتمّ التّصديق عليها.
... (المــادة 198) - French
Lorsque la Cour constitutionnelle juge qu’un traité, accord ou convention est inconstitutionnel, sa ratification ne peut avoir lieu.
… (Art. 198)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThis Constitution, the laws of the Congress of the Union that emanate from it, and all the Treaties that are in accord with them, celebrated and that are celebrated by the President of the Republic, with the approval of the Senate, will be the Supreme Law of all of the Union. The judges of each federative entity will be bound to the said Constitution, laws, and treaties, regardless of provisions to the contrary that may be [haber] in the Constitutions or laws of the federative entities. (Art. 133)
- SpanishEsta Constitución, las leyes del Congreso de la Unión que emanen de ella y todos los tratados que estén de acuerdo con la misma, celebrados y que se celebren por el Presidente de la República, con aprobación del Senado, serán la Ley Suprema de toda la Unión. Los jueces de cada entidad federativa se arreglarán a dicha Constitución, leyes y tratados, a pesar de las disposiciones en contrario que pueda haber en las Constituciones o leyes de las entidades federativas. (Art. 133)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe State shall recognise and protect fundamental human rights in accordance with this Constitution, laws and international agreements binding upon Latvia (Art. 89)
- LatvianValsts atzīst un aizsargā cilvēka pamattiesības saskaņā ar šo Satversmi, likumiem un Latvijai saistošiem starptautiskajiem līgumiem. (Art. 89)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe treaties or agreements regularly ratified or approved have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, subject, for each agreement or treaty, to their application by the other party. (Art. 80)
- Arabicللمعاهدات أو الاتّفاقيات المصادق عليها و الموافق عليها كذلك سلطة أعلى من سلطة القوانين وذلك فور نشرها شريطة أن يطبّق الطرف الثاني المعاهدة أو الاتفاقية. (المادّة 80)
- FrenchLes traités ou accords régulièrement ratifiés ou approuvés ont, dès leur publication, une autorité supérieure à celle des lois, sous réserve, pour chaque accord ou traité, de son application par l'autre partie. (Art. 80)
Status of International Law
- English
The treaties and agreements regularly ratified or approved have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under reserve, for each agreement or treaty, of its application by the other party. (Art. 151)
- French
Les traités et accords régulièrement ratifiés ou approuvés ont, dès leur publication, une autorité supérieure à celle des lois, sous réserve, pour chaque accord ou traité, de son application par l’autre partie. (Art. 151)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe provisions of the agreements mentioned in Article 103 which may be directly binding on anyone, shall become effective upon promulgation. (Art. 105)
- DutchBepalingen van de in artikel 103 bedoelde overeenkomsten, welke naar de inhoud een ieder kunnen binden, hebben verbindende kracht nadat zij zijn bekendgemaakt. (Art. 105)
Status of International Law
- English…
5. The legislation of Georgia shall comply with the universally recognised principles and norms of international law. An international treaty of Georgia shall take precedence over domestic normative acts unless it comes into conflict with the Constitution or the Constitutional Agreement of Georgia. (Art. 4) - Georgian…
5. საქართველოს კანონმდებლობა შეესაბამება საერთაშორისო სამართლის საყოველთაოდ აღიარებულ პრინციპებსა და ნორმებს. საქართველოს საერთაშორისო ხელშეკრულებას, თუ იგი არ ეწინააღმდეგება საქართველოს კონსტიტუციას ან კონსტიტუციურ შეთანხმებას, აქვს უპირატესი იურიდიული ძალა შიდასახელმწიფოებრივი ნორმატიული აქტის მიმართ. (მუხლი 4)
Status of International Law
- EnglishThe Prince issues, when necessary, ordinances to ensure the enforcement of laws and the implementation of international treaties or conventions. (Art. 68)
- FrenchLe Prince rend les ordonnances nécessaires pour l'exécution des lois et pour l'application des traités ou accords internationaux. (Art. 68)
Status of International Law
- English1. The Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe shall contribute resolutely toward the safeguarding of world peace, toward the establishing of relations with equal rights and mutual respect for sovereignty among all States and toward the social advancement of humanity, on the basis of the principles of international law and peaceful coexistence.
2. The Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe shall proclaim its adherence to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to its principles and objectives of the African Union and of the United Nations.
… (Art. 12) - Portuguese1. A República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe está decidida a contribuir para a salvaguarda da paz universal, para o estabelecimento de relações de igualdade de direitos e respeito mútuo da soberania entre todos os Estados e para o progresso social da humanidade, na base dos princípios do direito internacional e da coexistência pacífica.
2. A República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe proclama a sua adesão à Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem e aos seus princípios e objectivos da União Africana e da Organização das Nações Unidas.
… (Art. 12)
Status of International Law
- EnglishAt the request of the Government, or courts, the Supreme Court shall review the laws, legislative decrees, international treaties as well as international covenants for their compliance with the Constitution and their interpretation in accordance with the law. (Art. 121)
- Dariبررسی مطابقت قوانین، فرامین تقنینی، معاهدات بین الدول و میثاق های بین المللی با قانون اساسی و تفسیر آنها بر اساس تقاضای حكومت و یا محاكم، مطابق به احكام قانون از صلاحیت ستره محكمه می باشد. (مادۀ ۱۲۱)
- Pashtoله اساسي قانون سره د قوانينو، تقنيني فرمانونو، بين الدول معاهدو او بين المللي ميثاقونو د مطابقت څېړل، د حكومت يا محاكمو په غوښتنه او د هغو تفسير د قانون له حكمونو سره سم د سترې محكمې صلاحيت دى. (۱۲۱ ماده)