The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- English...
VIII. 3. The restriction of the human rights recognized by this Constitution; the principles consecrated in Article 40 of it; electoral matters; the revenues and expenditures of the State; [and] national security and the organization, functioning and discipline of the permanent Armed Force[,] may not be the object of popular consultation. The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation will decide [resolverá], prior to the convocation that the Congress of the Union realizes, concerning the constitutionality of the matter of the consultation;
… (Art. 35) - Spanish…
VIII. 3o. No podrán ser objeto de consulta popular la restricción de los derechos humanos reconocidos por esta Constitución; los principios consagrados en el artículo 40 de la misma; la materia electoral; los ingresos y gastos del Estado; la seguridad nacional y la organización, funcionamiento y disciplina de la Fuerza Armada permanente. La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación resolverá, previo a la convocatoria que realice el Congreso de la Unión, sobre la constitucionalidad de la materia de la consulta;
… (Art. 35)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The following are enabled to interpose [the] action of unconstitutionality:
1. The President of the Republic;
2. The Attorney [Fiscal] of the Nation;
3. The President of the Judicial Power, with agreement of the Plenary Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice;
4. The Defender of the People;
5. Twenty-five percent of the legal number of members of the Congress;
6. Five thousand citizens with signatures verified by the National Jurado of Elections. If the norm is a municipal ordinance, one percent of the citizens of the respective territorial domain [ámbito], are enabled to impugn it, whenever this percentage does not exceed the number of signatures specified above;
7. The Regional Governors, with the agreement of the Regional Council or the provincial mayors with agreement of their Council, in matters of their competence;
8. The professional associations [colegios], in matters of their specialty. (Art. 203) - Spanish
Están facultados para interponer acción de inconstitucionalidad:
1. El Presidente de la República.
2. El Fiscal de la Nación.
3. El Presidente del Poder Judicial, con acuerdo de la Sala Plena de la Corte Suprema de Justicia.
4. El Defensor del Pueblo.
5. El veinticinco por ciento del número legal de congresistas.
6. Cinco mil ciudadanos con firmas comprobadas por el Jurado Nacional de Elecciones. Si la norma es una ordenanza municipal, está facultado para impugnarla el uno por ciento de los ciudadanos del respectivo ámbito territorial, siempre que este porcentaje no exceda del número de firmas anteriormente señalado.
7. Los Gobernadores Regionales con acuerdo del Consejo Regional, o los alcaldes provinciales con acuerdo de su Concejo, en materias de su competencia.
8. Los colegios profesionales, en materias de su especialidad. (Art. 203)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Supreme Court of Justice shall:
1. Try all violators of the Constitution, without exception; … (Art. 239) - SpanishA la Suprema Corte de Justicia corresponde:
1. Juzgar a todos los infractores de la Constitución, sin excepción alguna; … (Art. 239)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishIn addition to those established by law, the powers of the Pluri-National Constitutional Court, are to hear and resolve the following:
1. As the court of jurisdiction in the matters of pure law concerning the unconstitutionality of laws, Autonomous Statutes, Constitutional Charters, decrees and every type of ordinance and non-judicial resolution. If the case is of abstract character, only the President of the Republic, Senators, Deputies, Legislators and the maximum authorities of the autonomous territorial entities may present it to the court.
2. The conflicts of jurisdiction and powers among the organs of popular power.
3. The conflicts of jurisdiction between the Pluri-National government and the autonomous and decentralized territorial entities, and between the latter.
4. The appeals of fees, taxes, rates, licenses, rights or contributions that are created, modified or suppressed in violation of that set forth in the Constitution.
5. The appeals of resolutions of the Legislative Organ, when its resolutions affect one or more rights, regardless of who might be affected.
6. The review of the actions of Liberty, Constitutional Protection, Protection of Privacy, Popular actions and those for Compliance. This review shall not impede the immediate and obligatory application of the resolution that decided the action.
7. The legal consultations of the President of the Republic, of the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly, the Supreme Court of Justice or the Agro-Environmental Court on the constitutionality of proposed bills. It is obligatory to comply with the decision of the Constitutional Court.
8. The legal consultations of the rural native indigenous authorities on the application of their juridical norms as applied in a concrete case. Compliance with the decision of the Constitutional Court is obligatory.
9. The review of the constitutionality of international treaties prior to their ratification.
10. The constitutionality of the procedure of partial reform of the Constitution.
11. The conflicts of authority between the rural native indigenous jurisdiction and ordinary and agro-environmental jurisdiction.
12. The direct appeals of nullity. (Art. 202) - SpanishSon atribuciones del Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional, además de las establecidas en la Constitución y la ley, conocer y resolver:
1. En única instancia, los asuntos de puro derecho sobre la inconstitucionalidad de leyes, Estatutos Autonómicos, Cartas Orgánicas, decretos y todo género de ordenanzas y resoluciones no judiciales. Si la acción es de carácter abstracto, sólo podrán interponerla la Presidenta o Presidente de la República, Senadoras y Senadores, Diputadas y Diputados, Legisladores, Legisladoras y máximas autoridades ejecutivas de las entidades territoriales autónomas.
2. Los conflictos de competencias y atribuciones entre órganos del poder público.
3. Los conflictos de competencias entre el gobierno plurinacional, las entidades territoriales autónomas y descentralizadas, y entre éstas.
4. Los recursos contra tributos, impuestos, tasas, patentes, derechos o contribuciones creados, modificados o suprimidos en contravención a lo dispuesto en esta Constitución.
5. Los recursos contra resoluciones del Órgano Legislativo, cuando sus resoluciones afecten a uno o más derechos, cualesquiera sean las personas afectadas.
6. La revisión de las acciones de Libertad, de Amparo Constitucional, de Protección de Privacidad, Popular y de Cumplimiento. Esta revisión no impedirá la aplicación inmediata y obligatoria de la resolución que resuelva la acción.
7. Las consultas de la Presidenta o del Presidente de la República, de la Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional, del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia o del Tribunal Agroambiental sobre la constitucionalidad de proyectos de ley. La decisión del Tribunal Constitucional es de cumplimiento obligatorio.
8. Las consultas de las autoridades indígenas originario campesinas sobre la aplicación de sus normas jurídicas aplicadas a un caso concreto. La decisión del Tribunal Constitucional es obligatoria.
9. El control previo de constitucionalidad en la ratificación de tratados internacionales.
10. La constitucionalidad del procedimiento de reforma parcial de la Constitución.
11. Los conflictos de competencia entre la jurisdicción indígena originaria campesina y la jurisdicción ordinaria y agroambiental.
12. Los recursos directos de nulidad. (Art. 202)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishAll judicial decisions that have acquired the authority of an irrevocably judged matter, especially those dictated in an exercise of direct control of the constitutionality by the Supreme Court of Justice, until the moment of the proclamation of the present Constitution, may not be examined by the Constitutional Court and those after shall be subject to the process that the law that rules the subject determines. (Art. 277)
- SpanishTodas las decisiones judiciales que hayan adquirido la autoridad de la cosa irrevocablemente juzgada, especialmente las dictadas en ejercicio del control directo de la constitucionalidad por la Suprema Corte de Justicia, hasta el momento de la proclamación de la presente Constitución, no podrán ser examinadas por el Tribunal Constitucional y las posteriores estarán sujetas al procedimiento que determine la ley que rija la materia. (Art. 277)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishSubject to the provisions of section 37(7) of this Constitution, an appeal shall lie from decisions of the High Court to the Court of Appeal as of right in the following cases-
(a) final decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to the interpretation of this Constitution;
(b) final decisions given in exercise of the jurisdiction conferred on the High Court by section 16 of this Constitution (which relates to the enforcement of the fundamental rights and freedoms). (Sec. 103)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Recourse of Unconstitutionality is established against any law, decree or regulation that is opposed to that provided for by the Political Constitution, [and] may be interposed by any citizen. (Art. 187)
- Spanish
Se establece el Recurso por Inconstitucionalidad contra toda ley, decreto o reglamento que se oponga a lo prescrito por la Constitución Política, el cual podrá ser interpuesto por cualquier ciudadano. (Art. 187)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) Subject to the provisions of sections 22(2), 37(6), 41(11), 58(7), 117(8), 121(3) and 124(10), any person who alleges that any provision of this Constitution (other than a provision of Chapter I3 thereof) has been or is being contravened may, if he or she has a relevant interest, apply to the High Court for a declaration and for relief under this section.
(2) The High Court shall have jurisdiction on an application made under this section to determine whether any provision of this Constitution (other than a provision of Chapter I thereof) has been or is being contravened and to make a declaration accordingly.
(3) Where the High Court makes a declaration under this section that a provision of this Constitution has been or is being contravened and the person on whose application the declaration is made has also applied for relief, the High Court may grant to that person such remedy as it considers appropriate, being a remedy available generally under any law in proceedings in the High Court.
(4) The Chief Justice may make rules with respect to the practice and procedure of the High Court in relation to the jurisdiction and powers conferred on the Court by or under this section, including provision with respect to the time within which any application under this section may be made.
(5) A person shall be regarded as having a relevant interest for the purpose of an application under this section only if the contravention of this Constitution alleged by him or her is such as to affect his or her interests.
(6) The right conferred on a person by this section to apply for a declaration and relief in respect of an alleged contravention of this Constitution shall be in addition to any other action in respect of the same matter that may be available to that person under any other law.
(7) Nothing in this section shall confer jurisdiction on the High Court to hear or determine any such question as is referred to in section 39. (Sec. 105)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishAll of the judges of the Republic, within their respective spheres of competence and in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and law, are obligated to ensure the integrity of the Constitution.
In the event of incompatibility between the Constitution and a law or other juridical provision, the provisions of the Constitution shall prevail, being the responsibility of the courts to rule accordingly in any case, even ex officio.
The Constitutional Division of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, as court of constitutional competence, shall have the exclusive power to declare the nullity of laws and other acts of organs exercising Public Power which are issued by way of direct and immediate implementation of the Constitution or have the status of law. (Art. 334) - SpanishTodos los jueces o juezas de la República, en el ámbito de sus competencias y conforme a lo previsto en esta Constitución y en la ley, están en la obligación de asegurar la integridad de esta Constitución.
En caso de incompatibilidad entre esta Constitución y una ley u otra norma jurídica, se aplicarán las disposiciones constitucionales, correspondiendo a los tribunales en cualquier causa, aún de oficio, decidir lo conducente.
Corresponde exclusivamente a la Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia como jurisdicción constitucional, declarar la nulidad de las leyes y demás actos de los órganos que ejercen el Poder Público dictados en ejecución directa e inmediata de la Constitución o que tengan rango de ley, cuando colidan con aquella. (Art. 334)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Supreme Court and the lower courts of the Nation are empowered to hear and decide all cases arising under the Constitution and the laws of the Nation, with the exception made in Section 75, subsection 12, and under the treaties made with foreign nations; all cases concerning ambassadors, public ministers and foreign consuls; cases related to admiralty and maritime jurisdiction; matters in which the Nation shall be a party; actions arising between two or more provinces, between one province and the inhabitants of another province, between the inhabitants of different provinces, and between one province or the inhabitants thereof against a foreign state or citizen. (Sec. 116)
- SpanishCorresponde a la Corte Suprema y a los tribunales inferiores de la Nación, el conocimiento y decisión de todas las causas que versen sobre puntos regidos por la Constitución, y por las leyes de la Nación, con la reserva hecha en el inc. 12 del Artículo 75; y por los tratados con las naciones extranjeras; de las causas concernientes a embajadores, ministros públicos y cónsules extranjeros; de las causas de almirantazgo y jurisdicción marítima; de los asuntos en que la Nación sea parte; de las causas que se susciten entre dos o más provincias; entre una provincia y los vecinos de otra; entre los vecinos de diferentes provincias; y entre una provincia o sus vecinos, contra un Estado o ciudadano extranjero. (Art. 116)