The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) A court or tribunal determining a question which has arisen in connection with a Convention right must take into account any—
(a) judgment, decision, declaration or advisory opinion of the European Court of Human Rights,
(b)opinion of the Commission given in a report adopted under Article 31 of the Convention,
(c)decision of the Commission in connection with Article 26 or 27(2) of the Convention, or
(d)decision of the Committee of Ministers taken under Article 46 of the Convention,whenever made or given, so far as, in the opinion of the court or tribunal, it is relevant to the proceedings in which that question has arisen.
(2) Evidence of any judgment, decision, declaration or opinion of which account may have to be taken under this section is to be given in proceedings before any court or tribunal in such manner as may be provided by rules.
... (Human Rights Act 1998, Sec. 2)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
(1) The Constitutional Court pronounces judgment on the unconstitutionality
1. of laws
a) on application of a court;
b) ex officio in so far as he will have to apply such a law in a suit pending before him;
c) on application by a person who alleges to have infringement of his rights directly by unconstitutionality, if the ordinance has become effective without a judicial decision having been rendered or a ruling having been rendered has become effective for this person;
d) on application by a person who, as a party in a legal matter that has been decided by a court of justice of first instance, alleges infringement of his rights because of the application of an unconstitutional law, on the occasion of an appeal filed against that decision;
(2) of federal laws also on application by a Provincial Government, a third of the members of the National Council or a third of the members of the Federal Council.
(3) of provincial legislation also at the request of the Federal Government or, if the constitutional law of a province so provides, at the request of a third of the members of the Provincial Parliament.
… (Art. 140) - German
(1) Der Verfassungsgerichtshof erkennt über Verfassungswidrigkeit
1. von Gesetzen
a) auf Antrag eines Gerichtes;
b) von Amts wegen, wenn er das Gesetz in einer bei ihm anhängigen Rechtssache anzuwenden hätte;
c) auf Antrag einer Person, die unmittelbar durch diese Verfassungswidrigkeit in ihren Rechten verletzt zu sein behauptet, wenn das Gesetz ohne Fällung einer gerichtlichen Entscheidung oder ohne Erlassung eines Bescheides für diese Person wirksam geworden ist;
d) auf Antrag einer Person, die als Partei einer von einem ordentlichen Gericht in erster Instanz entschiedenen Rechtssache wegen Anwendung eines verfassungswidrigen Gesetzes in ihren Rechten verletzt zu sein behauptet, aus Anlass eines gegen diese Entscheidung erhobenen Rechtsmittels;
2. von Bundesgesetzen auch auf Antrag einer Landesregierung, eines Drittels der Mitglieder des Nationalrates oder eines Drittels der Mitglieder des Bundesrates;
3. von Landesgesetzen auch auf Antrag der Bundesregierung oder, wenn dies landesverfassungsgesetzlich vorgesehen ist, auf Antrag eines Drittels der Mitglieder des Landtages.
… (Art. 140)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Chancellor of Justice is a government official who scrutinises legislative instruments of the legislative and executive branch of government and of local authorities for conformity with the Constitution and the laws, and who is independent in discharging his or her duties.
… (Sec. 139) - EstonianÕiguskantsler on oma tegevuses sõltumatu ametiisik, kes teostab järelevalvet seadusandliku ja täidesaatva riigivõimu ning kohaliku omavalitsuse õigustloovate aktide põhiseadusele ja seadustele vastavuse üle.
… (§ 139)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishIn Latvia, there shall be a Constitutional Court, which, within its jurisdiction as provided for by law, shall review cases concerning the conformity of laws with the Constitution, as well as other cases conferred within the jurisdiction thereof by law. The Constitutional Court is entitled to declare laws or other enactments or parts thereof invalid.
… (Art. 85) - LatvianLatvijā pastāv Satversmes tiesa, kas likumā noteiktās kompetences ietvaros izskata lietas par likumu atbilstību Satversmei, kā arī citas ar likumu tās kompetencē nodotās lietas. Satversmes tiesa ir tiesīga atzīt par spēkā neesošiem likumus un citus aktus vai to daļas.
... (Art. 85)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The constitutionality of Acts of Parliament and treaties shall not be reviewed by the courts. (Art. 120)
- Dutch
De rechter treedt niet in de beoordeling van de grondwettigheid van wetten en verdragen. (Art. 120)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English1. Appeal may be made to the Constitutional Court against court decisions:
a) That refuse the application of any norm on the grounds of its unconstitutionality;
b) That apply a norm whose unconstitutionality has been raised during the proceedings.
2. Appeal may also be made to the Constitutional Court against court decisions:
a) That refuse the application of a norm contained in a legislative act, on the grounds that it is illegal because it is in breach of a law which possesses superior legal force;
b) That refuse the application of a norm contained in a regional legislative act, on the grounds that it is illegal because it is in breach of the autonomous region's statute;
c) That refuse the application of a norm contained in a legislative act issued by an entity that exercises sovereignty, on the grounds that it is illegal because it is in breach of an autonomous region's statute;
d) That apply any norm whose illegality on any of the grounds referred to in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) has been raised during the proceedings.
3. When the norm whose application has been refused is contained in an international convention, a legislative act or a regulatory decree, the Public Prosecutors' Office shall obligatorily lodge the appeal provided for in paragraph (1)(a) or 2(a).
4. The appeals provided for in paragraphs (1)(b) and (2)(d) may only be lodged by the party that raised the question of unconstitutionality or illegality, and the law must regulate the regime governing the admission of such appeals.
5. Appeal may also be made to the Constitutional Court, and the Public Prosecutors' Office shall obligatorily lodge such appeals, against court decisions that apply norms which the Constitutional Court itself has previously held unconstitutional or illegal.
6. Appeals to the Constitutional Court are restricted to the question of unconstitutionality or illegality, as appropriate. (Art. 280) - Portuguese1. Cabe recurso para o Tribunal Constitucional das decisões dos tribunais:
a) Que recusem a aplicação de qualquer norma com fundamento na sua inconstitucionalidade;
b) Que apliquem norma cuja inconstitucionalidade haja sido suscitada durante o processo.
2. Cabe igualmente recurso para o Tribunal Constitucional das decisões dos tribunais:
a) Que recusem a aplicação de norma constante de acto legislativo com fundamento na sua ilegalidade por violação da lei com valor reforçado;
b) Que recusem a aplicação de norma constante de diploma regional com fundamento na sua ilegalidade por violação do estatuto da região autónoma;
c) Que recusem a aplicação de norma constante de diploma emanado de um órgão de soberania com fundamento na sua ilegalidade por violação do estatuto de uma região autónoma;
d) Que apliquem norma cuja ilegalidade haja sido suscitada durante o processo com qualquer dos fundamentos referidos nas alíneas a), b) e c).
3. Quando a norma cuja aplicação tiver sido recusada constar de convenção internacional, de acto legislativo ou de decreto regulamentar, os recursos previstos na alínea a) do n.º 1 e na alínea a) do n.º 2 são obrigatórios para o Ministério Público.
4. Os recursos previstos na alínea b) do n.º 1 e na alínea d) do n.º 2 só podem ser interpostos pela parte que haja suscitado a questão da inconstitucionalidade ou da ilegalidade, devendo a lei regular o regime de admissão desses recursos.
5. Cabe ainda recurso para o Tribunal Constitucional, obrigatório para o Ministério Público, das decisões dos tribunais que apliquem norma anteriormente julgada inconstitucional ou ilegal pelo próprio Tribunal Constitucional.
6. Os recursos para o Tribunal Constitucional são restritos à questão da inconstitucionalidade ou da ilegalidade, conforme os casos. (Art. 280)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
(1) The Constitutional Court shall decide on whether the subject of a referendum to be declared upon a petition of citizens or a resolution of the National Council of the Slovak Republic according to Art. 95, para. 1 is in conformity with the Constitution or constitutional law.
(2) The proposal for a decision according to paragraph 1 may be submitted to the Constitutional Court by the President of the Slovak Republic prior to declaring a referendum, if he or she has doubts on whether the subject of referendum, which is to be declared upon a petition of citizens or a resolution of the National Council of the Slovak Republic according to Art. 95 para. 1 is in conformity with the Constitution or a constitutional law.
… (Art. 125b) - Slovak
(1) Ústavný súd rozhoduje o tom, či predmet referenda, ktoré sa má vyhlásiť na základe petície občanov alebo uznesenia Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky podľa čl. 95 ods. 1, je v súlade s ústavou alebo s ústavným zákonom.
(2) Návrh na rozhodnutie podľa odseku 1 môţe podať ústavnému súdu prezident Slovenskej republiky pred vyhlásením referenda, ak má pochybnosti, či predmet referenda, ktoré sa má vyhlásiť na základe petície občanov alebo uznesenia Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky podľa čl. 95 ods. 1, je v súlade s ústavou alebo s ústavným zákonom.
… (Čl. 125b)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Constitutional Court shall give opinions on proposals by the President, the Presidium of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, the Chamber of Representatives, the Council of the Republic, the Supreme Court and the Council of Ministers:
on the interpretation of the Constitution;
on the constitutionality of laws, presidential decrees, decrees of the Council of Ministers and the regulations of other state bodies.
The Constitutional Court issues opinions on the President's proposals:
on the constitutionality of draft laws amending and supplementing the Constitution;
on the constitutionality of laws passed by Parliament before they are signed by the President;
on the constitutionality of questions submitted to a republican referendum;
on the conformity with the Constitution of the international treaties of the Republic of Belarus which have not entered into force.
In cases provided for in the Constitution, the Constitutional Court shall issue opinions within two weeks:
on the proposal of the Presidium of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly that there are facts of systematic or gross violations of the Constitution by the President;
on the proposal of the President on the existence of a systematic or gross violation of the Constitution by the Houses of Parliament.
The Constitutional Court, on the proposal of the Presidium of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, shall issue opinions on the constitutionality of the elections of the President, members of the House of Representatives and members of the Council of the Republic.
The Constitutional Court shall rule in the manner prescribed by law:
upon complaints by citizens of violations of their constitutional rights and freedoms by verifying the constitutionality of the laws applied in a particular case, where all other judicial remedies have been exhausted;
upon requests from the courts, checking the constitutionality of legal acts to be applied in specific cases before the courts.
The opinions and judgments of the Constitutional Court are final and cannot be appealed or contested. (Art. 1161) - Belarusian
Канстытуцыйны Суд па прапановах Прэзідэнта, Прэзідыума Усебеларускага народнага сходу, Палаты прадстаўнікоў, Савета Рэспублікі, Вярхоўнага Суда, Савета Міністраў дае заключэнні:
аб тлумачэнні Канстытуцыі;
аб адпаведнасці Канстытуцыі законаў, указаў Прэзідэнта, пастаноў Савета Міністраў, нарматыўных прававых актаў іншых дзяржаўных органаў.
Канстытуцыйны Суд па прапановах Прэзідэнта дае заключэнні:
аб канстытуцыйнасці праектаў законаў аб унясенні змяненняў і дапаўненняў у Канстытуцыю;
аб адпаведнасці Канстытуцыі законаў, прынятых Парламентам, да іх падпісання Прэзідэнтам;
аб канстытуцыйнасці пытанняў, якія выносяцца на рэспубліканскі рэферэндум;
аб адпаведнасці Канстытуцыі міжнародных дагавораў Рэспублікі Беларусь, якія не ўступілі ў сілу.
У выпадках, прадугледжаных Канстытуцыяй, Канстытуцыйны Суд у двухтыднёвы тэрмін дае заключэнні:
па прапанове Прэзідыума Усебеларускага народнага сходу аб наяўнасці фактаў сістэматычнага або грубага парушэння Прэзідэнтам Канстытуцыі;
па прапанове Прэзідэнта аб наяўнасці фактаў сістэматычнага або грубага парушэння палатамі Парламента Канстытуцыі.
Канстытуцыйны Суд па прапанове Прэзідыума Усебеларускага народнага сходу дае заключэнні аб канстытуцыйнасці правядзення выбараў Прэзідэнта, дэпутатаў Палаты прадстаўнікоў і членаў Савета Рэспублікі.
Канстытуцыйны Суд у парадку, устаноўленым законам, выносіць рашэнні:
па скаргах грамадзян на парушэнні іх канстытуцыйных правоў і свабод, правяраючы канстытуцыйнасць законаў, прымененых у канкрэтнай справе, калі вычарпаны ўсе іншыя сродкі судовай абароны;
па запытах судоў, правяраючы канстытуцыйнасць нарматыўных прававых актаў, якія падлягаюць прымяненню пры разглядзе судамі канкрэтных спраў.
Заключэнні і рашэнні Канстытуцыйнага Суда з’яўляюцца канчатковымі, абскарджанню і апратэставанню не падлягаюць. (Артыкул 1161) - Russian
Конституционный Суд по предложениям Президента, Президиума Всебелорусского народного собрания, Палаты представителей, Совета Республики, Верховного Суда, Совета Министров дает заключения:
о толковании Конституции;
о соответствии Конституции законов, указов Президента, постановлений Совета Министров, нормативных правовых актов других государственных органов.
Конституционный Суд по предложениям Президента дает заключения:
о конституционности проектов законов о внесении изменений и дополнений в Конституцию;
о соответствии Конституции законов, принятых Парламентом, до их подписания Президентом;
о конституционности вопросов, выносимых на республиканский референдум;
о соответствии Конституции не вступивших в силу международных договоров Республики Беларусь.
В случаях, предусмотренных Конституцией, Конституционный Суд в двухнедельный срок дает заключения:
по предложению Президиума Всебелорусского народного собрания о наличии фактов систематического или грубого нарушения Президентом Конституции;
по предложению Президента о наличии фактов систематического или грубого нарушения палатами Парламента Конституции.
Конституционный Суд по предложению Президиума Всебелорусского народного собрания дает заключения о конституционности проведения выборов Президента, депутатов Палаты представителей и членов Совета Республики.
Конституционный Суд в порядке, установленном законом, выносит решения:
по жалобам граждан на нарушения их конституционных прав и свобод, проверяя конституционность законов, примененных в конкретном деле, если исчерпаны все другие средства судебной защиты;
по запросам судов, проверяя конституционность нормативных правовых актов, подлежащих применению при рассмотрении судами конкретных дел.
Заключения и решения Конституционного Суда являются окончательными, обжалованию и опротестованию не подлежат. (Статья 1161)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
1. The Constitutional Court decides on:
a) compatibility of the law with the Constitution or with international agreements, as foreseen in Article 122;
b) compatibility of international agreements with the Constitution prior to their ratification;
c) compatibility of normative acts of the central and local bodies with the Constitution and international agreements;
ç) conflicts of competencies between state powers, as well as between central government and local government;
d) constitutionality of political parties and other political organizations, as well as their activity, as per Article 9 of this Constitution;
dh) dismissal from duty of the President of the Republic and finding of his/her inability to exercise his/her functions;
e) matters connected to the electability and noncompliance in assuming the functions of the President of the Republic, of deputies, of functionaries of bodies foreseen in the Constitution, as well as to the verification of their election;
ë) constitutionality of the referendum and verification of its results;
f) conclusive adjudication of the complaints of individuals against the acts of the public powers or judicial acts impairing the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, after all effective legal means for the protection of these rights have been exhausted, unless provided otherwise by the Constitution.
2. The Constitutional Court, when recourse being sought for examining a law on the revision of the Constitution, approved by the Assembly according to Article 177, shall control only the compliance with the procedural requirements foreseen in the Constitution. (Art. 131) - Albanian
1. Gjykata Kushtetuese vendos për:
a) pajtueshmërinë e ligjit me Kushtetutën ose me marrëveshjet ndërkombëtare, siç parashikohet në nenin 122;
b) pajtueshmërinë e marrëveshjeve ndërkombëtare me Kushtetutën para ratifikimit të tyre;
c) pajtueshmërinë e akteve normative të organeve qendrore dhe vendore me Kushtetutën dhe me marrëveshjet ndërkombëtare;
ç) mosmarrëveshjet e kompetencës ndërmjet pushteteve, si dhe ndërmjet pushtetit qendror dhe qeverisjes vendore;
d) kushtetutshmërinë e partive dhe të organizatave të tjera politike, si dhe të veprimtarisë së tyre, sipas nenit 9 të kësaj Kushtetute;
dh) shkarkimin nga detyra të Presidentit të Republikës dhe vërtetimin e pamundësisë së ushtrimit të funksioneve të tij;
e) çështjet që lidhen me zgjedhshmërinë dhe papajtueshmëritë në ushtrimin e funksioneve të Presidentit të Republikës, të deputetëve, të funksionarëve të organeve të parashikuara në Kushtetutë, si dhe me verifikimin e zgjedhjes së tyre.
ë) kushtetutshmerinë e referendumit dhe verifikimin e rezultateve të tij;
f) gjykimin përfundimtar të ankesave të individëve kundër çdo akti të pushtetit publik ose vendimi gjyqësor që cenon të drejtat dhe liritë themelore të garantuara në Kushtetutë, pasi të jenë shteruar të gjitha mjetet juridike efektive për mbrojtjen e këtyre të drejtave, përveçse kur parashikohet ndryshe në Kushtetutë.
2. Gjykata Kushtetuese, në rastin kur vihet në lëvizje për shqyrtimin e një ligji për rishikimin e Kushtetutës, të miratuar nga Kuvendi sipas nenit 177, kontrollon vetëm respektimin e procedurës së parashikuar nga Kushtetuta. (Neni 131)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English...
3. The Constitutional Court shall uphold this Constitution.
a) The Constitutional Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to decide any dispute that arises under this Constitution between the Entities or between Bosnia and Herzegovina and an Entity or Entities, or between institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including but not limited to:
- Whether an Entity's decision to establish a special parallel relationship with a neighboring state is consistent with this Constitution, including provisions concerning the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Whether any provision of an Entity's constitution or law is consistent with this Constitution.
Disputes may be referred only by a member of the Presidency, by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, by the Chair or a Deputy Chair of either chamber of the Parliamentary Assembly, by one-fourth of the members of either chamber of the Parliamentary Assembly, or by one-fourth of either chamber of a legislature of an Entity.
b) The Constitutional Court shall also have appellate jurisdiction over issues under this Constitution arising out of a judgment of any other court in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
c) The Constitutional Court shall have jurisdiction over issues referred by any court in Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning whether a law, on whose validity its decision depends, is compatible with this Constitution, with the European Convention for Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Protocols, or with the laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina; or concerning the existence of or the scope of a general rule of public international law pertinent to the court's decision.
… (Art. VI) - Bosnian...
3. Ustavni sud će podržavati ovaj Ustav.
a) Ustavni sud je jedini nadležan da odlučuje o bilo kojem sporu koji se javlja po ovom Ustavu između dva entiteta, ili između Bosne i Hercegovine i jednog ili oba entiteta, te između institucija Bosne i Hercegovine, uključujući ali ne ograničavajući se na to pitanje:
- Da li je odluka entiteta da uspostavi poseban paralelan odnos sa susjednom državom u skladu sa ovim Ustavom, uključujući i odredbe koje se odnose na suverenitet i teritorijalni integritet Bosne i Hercegovine.
- Da li je bilo koja odredba ustava ili zakona jednog entiteta u skladu sa ovim Ustavom.
Sporove može pokrenuti član Predsjedništva, predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara, predsjedavajući, ili njegov zamjenik, bilo kojeg doma Parlamentarne skupštine; jedna četvrtina članova/delegata bilo kojeg doma Parlamentarne skupštine, ili jedna četvrtina članova bilo kojeg doma zakonodavnog organa jednog entiteta.
b) Ustavni sud također ima apelacionu nadležnost u pitanjima koja su sadržana u ovom Ustavu, kada ona postanu predmet spora zbog presude bilo kojeg suda u Bosni i Hercegovini.
c) Ustavni sud je nadležan u pitanjima koja mu je proslijedio bilo koji sud u Bosni i Hercegovini u pogledu toga da li je zakon, o čijem važenju njegova odluka ovisi, kompatibilan sa ovim Ustavom, sa Evropskom konvencijom o ljudskim pravima i osnovnim slobodama i njenim protokolima, ili sa zakonima Bosne i Hercegovine; ili u pogledu postojanja ili domašaja nekog opšteg pravila međunarodnog javnog prava koje je bitno za odluku suda.
… (Član VI) - Croatian...
3. Ustavni sud će podržavati ovaj Ustav.
a) Ustavni sud ima isključivu nadležnost odlučivanja o svim sporovima koji proisteknu iz ovog Ustava između entiteta, ili između Bosne i Hercegovine i jednog ili oba entiteta, ili između institucija Bosne i Hercegovine, uključujući, ali se ne ograničavajući se na to:
- Je li odluka nekog entiteta da uspostavi posebne paralelne odnose sa susjednom državom sukladna ovom Ustavu, uključujući i odredbe koje se tiču suvereniteta i teritorijalnog integriteta Bosne i Hercegovine.
- Je li neka odredba ustava ili zakona jednog entiteta sukladna ovom Ustavu.
Spor može pokrenuti član Predsjedništva, predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara, predsjedavaju-ći ili dopredsjedavajući jednog od domova Parlamentarne skupštine; jedna četvrtina članova/delegata jednog od domova Parlamentarne skupštine, ili jedna četvrtina jednog od domova zakonodavnog tijela jednog entiteta.
b) Ustavni sud također ima prizivnu nadležnost za pitanja iz Ustava koja se pojave na temelju presude bilo kojeg drugog suda u Bosni i Hercegovini.
c) Ustavni sud će imati nadležnost za pitanja koja mu podnese bilo koji sud u Bosni i Hercegovini, a koja se tiču toga je li neki zakon o čijoj valjanosti ovisi njegova odluka sukladno ovom Ustavu, s Europskom konvencijom za ljudska prava i temeljne slobode i njezinim protokolima, ili sa zakonima Bosne i Hercegovine; ili koja se tiču postojanja ili djelokruga nekog općeg pravila međunarodnog javnog prava koje je bitno za odluku suda.
… (Članak VI) - Serbian...
3. Уставни суд ће штитити овај Устав.
а) Уставни суд има искључиву надлежност да одлучује у споровима који по овом Уставу настају између ентитета, или између Босне и Херцеговине и једног или оба ентитета, или између институција Босне и Херцеговине, укључујући, али се не ограничавајући само на то:
- Да ли је одлука неког ентитета да успостави специјални паралелни однос са неком од сусједних држава сагласна овом Уставу, укључујући и одредбе које се односе на суверенитет и територијални интегритет Босне и Херцеговине.
- Да ли је неки члан устава или закона ентитета у сагласности са овим Уставом.
Спорове могу покретати само чланови Предсједништва, предсједавајући Министарског савјета, предсједавајући или замјеник предсједавајућег било којег вијећа Парламентарне скупштине, једна четвртина чланова било којег вијећа Парламентарне скупштине или једна четвртина било ког законодавног вијећа неког ентитета.
b) б)Уставни суд има и апелациону надлежност над питањима по овом Уставу, која проистичу из пресуде сваког суда у Босни и Херцеговини.
c) ц) Уставни суд има надлежност у питањима која му упути било који суд у Босни и Херцеговини, а односи се на то да ли је закон на чијој ваљаности почива његова одлука, сагласан са овим Уставом, Европском конвенцијом о људским правима и основним слободама и њеним протоколима, или са законима Босне и Херцеговине; или у погледу постојања или дјелокруга неког општег правила међународног јавног права које је од значаја за одлуку тог суда.
… (Члан VI)