The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe authority of the interpretation of the Constitution is vested with the Guardian Council, which is to be done with the consent of three-fourths of its members. (Art. 98)
- Persianتفسیر قانون اساسی به عهده شورای نگهبان است که با تصویب سه چهارم آنان انجام میشود. (اصل 98)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Constitutional Court shall have the following powers:
a) to adjudicate on the constitutionality of laws, before the promulgation thereof upon notification by the President of Romania, one of the presidents of the two Chambers, the Government, the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Advocate of the People, a number of at least 50 deputies or at least 25 senators, as well as ex officio, on initiatives to revise the Constitution;
b) to adjudicate on the constitutionality of treaties or other international agreements, upon notification by one of the presidents of the two Chambers, a number of at least 50 deputies or at least 25 senators;
c) to adjudicate on the constitutionality of the Standing Orders of Parliament, upon notification, by the president of either Chamber, by a parliamentary group or a number of at least 50 Deputies or at least 25 Senators;
d) to decide on objections as to the unconstitutionality of laws and ordinances, brought up before courts of law or commercial arbitration; the objection as to the unconstitutionality may also be brought up directly by the Advocate of the People;
e) to solve legal disputes of a constitutional nature between public authorities, at the request of the President of Romania, one of the presidents of the two Chambers, the Prime Minister, or of the president of the Superior Council of Magistracy;
f) to guard the observance of the procedure for the election of the President of Romania and to confirm the ballot returns;
g) to ascertain the circumstances which justify the interim in the exercise of the office of President of Romania, and to report its findings to Parliament and the Government; h) to give advisory opinion on the proposal to suspend from office the President of Romania;
l) to guard the observance of the procedure for the organization and holding of a referendum, and to confirm its returns;
j) to check on compliance with the conditions for the exercise of the legislative initiative by citizens;
k) to decide on the objections of unconstitutionality of a political party;
l) to carry out also other duties stipulated by the organic law of the Court. (Art. 146) - RomanianCurtea Constituţională are următoarele atribuţii:
a) se pronunţă asupra constituţionalităţii legilor, înainte de promulgarea acestora, la sesizarea Preşedintelui României, a unuia dintre preşedinţii celor două Camere, a Guvernului, a Înaltei Curţi de Casaţie şi Justiţie, a Avocatului Poporului, a unui număr de cel puţin 50 de deputaţi sau de cel puţin 25 de senatori, precum şi, din oficiu, asupra iniţiativelor de revizuire a Constituţiei;
b) se pronunţă asupra constituţionalităţii tratatelor sau altor acorduri internaţionale, la sesizarea unuia dintre preşedinţii celor două Camere, a unui număr de cel puţin 50 de deputaţi sau de cel puţin 25 de senatori;
c) se pronunţă asupra constituţionalităţii regulamentelor Parlamentului, la sesizarea unuia dintre preşedinţii celor două Camere, a unui grup parlamentar sau a unui număr de cel puţin 50 de deputaţi sau de cel puţin 25 de senatori;
d) hotărăşte asupra excepţiilor de neconstituţionalitate privind legile şi ordonanţele, ridicate în faţa instanţelor judecătoreşti sau de arbitraj comercial; excepţia de neconstituţionalitate poate fi ridicată şi direct de Avocatul Poporului;
e) soluţionează conflictele juridice de natură constituţională dintre autorităţile publice, la cererea Preşedintelui României, a unuia dintre preşedinţii celor două Camere, a primului-ministru sau a preşedintelui Consiliului Superior al Magistraturii;
f) veghează la respectarea procedurii pentru alegerea Preşedintelui României şi confirmă rezultatele sufragiului;
g) constată existenţa împrejurărilor care justifică interimatul în exercitarea funcţiei de Preşedinte al României şi comunică cele constatate Parlamentului şi Guvernului;
h) dă aviz consultativ pentru propunerea de suspendare din funcţie a Preşedintelui României;
i) veghează la respectarea procedurii pentru organizarea şi desfăşurarea referendumului şi confirmă rezultatele acestuia;
j) verifică îndeplinirea condiţiilor pentru exercitarea iniţiativei legislative de către cetăţeni;
k) hotărăşte asupra contestaţiilor care au ca obiect constituţionalitatea unui partid politic;
l) îndeplineşte şi alte atribuţii prevăzute de legea organică a Curţii. (Art. 146)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) An appeal shall lie from decisions of the Federal High Court or a High Court to the Court of Appeal as of right in the following cases –
(c) decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to the interpretation or application of this Constitution;
(d) decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings on questions as to whether any of the provisions of Chapter IV of this Constitution has been, is being or is likely to be, contravened in relation to any person;
… (Sec. 241)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe following are functions of the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice:
1. To declare the nullity, in whole or in part, of national laws and other acts of National Assembly with the force of law, which are in conflict with this Constitution.
2. To declare the nullity, in whole or in part, of state Constitutions and laws, municipal ordinances and other acts of the deliberating bodies of the States and Municipalities which are issued by way of direct and immediate implementation of the Constitution and are in conflict with the same.
3. To declare the nullity, in whole or in part, of acts of the National Executive with the force of law, which are in conflict with this Constitution.
4. To declare the nullity, in whole or in part, of acts issued by way of direct and immediate implementation of the Constitution by any other government organ exercising Public Power.
5. To verify, at the request of the President of the Republic or the National Assembly, the constitutionality of international treaties signed by the Republic, prior to ratification of the same.
6. To review in all cases, even ex officio, the constitutionality of decree of the President of the Republic decreeing states of exception.
7. To declare the unconstitutionality of omissions on the part of the municipal, state, national or legislatures, in failing to promulgate rules or measures essential to guaranteeing compliance with the Constitution, or promulgating it in an incomplete manner; and to establish the time limit and, where necessary, guidelines for correcting the deficiencies.
8. To resolve any conflicts existing between different provisions of law, and declare which of the same must prevail.
9. To resolve constitutional controversies arising between any of the organs of Public Power.
10. To review judgments embodying constitutional protective orders or control on the constitutionality of laws or juridical rules, handed down by the courts of the Republic, on the terms established by the pertinent organic law.
11. Any other functions established by this Constitution or by law. (Art. 336) - SpanishSon atribuciones de la Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia:
1. Declarar la nulidad total o parcial de las leyes nacionales y demás actos con rango de ley de los cuerpos legislativos nacionales que colidan con esta Constitución.
2. Declarar la nulidad total o parcial de las Constituciones y leyes estadales, de las ordenanzas municipales y demás actos de los cuerpos deliberantes de los Estados y Municipios dictados en ejecución directa e inmediata de la Constitución y que colidan con ésta.
3. Declarar la nulidad total o parcial de los actos con rango de ley dictados por el Ejecutivo Nacional que colidan con esta Constitución.
4. Declarar la nulidad total o parcial de los actos en ejecución directa e inmediata de esta Constitución, dictados por cualquier otro órgano estatal en ejercicio del Poder Público, cuando colidan con ésta.
5. Verificar, a solicitud del Presidente o Presidenta de la República o de la Asamblea Nacional, la conformidad de la Constitución con los tratados internacionales suscritos por la República antes de su ratificación.
6. Revisar, en todo caso, aun de oficio, la constitucionalidad de los decretos que declaren estados de excepción dictados por el Presidente o Presidenta de la República.
7. Declarar la inconstitucionalidad de las omisiones del legislador o la legisladora nacional, estadal o municipal, cuando haya dejado de dictar las normas o medidas indispensables para garantizar el cumplimiento de la Constitución, o las haya dictado en forma incompleta, y establecer el plazo y, de ser necesario, los lineamientos de su corrección.
8. Resolver las colisiones que existan entre diversas disposiciones legales y declarar cuál de éstas debe prevalecer.
9. Dirimir las controversias constitucionales que se susciten entre cualesquiera de los órganos del Poder Público.
10. Revisar las sentencias de amparo constitucional y de control de constitucionalidad de leyes o normas jurídicas dictadas por los Tribunales de la República, en los términos establecidos por la ley orgánica.
11. Las demás que establezcan esta Constitución y la ley. (Art. 336)
Jurisdiction and Access
- EnglishThe Yang di-Pertuan Agong may refer to the Federal Court for its opinion any question as to the effect of any provision of this Constitution which has arisen or appears to him likely to arise, and the Federal Court shall pronounce in open court its opinion on any question so referred to it. (Art. 130)
- MalayYang di-Pertuan Agong boleh merujukkan kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan untuk pendapatnya apa-apa soal tentang kesan mana-mana peruntukan Perlembagaan ini yang telah berbangkit atau yang tampak padanya mungkin berbangkit, dan Mahkamah Persekutuan hendaklah mengumumkan pendapatnya tentang apa-apa soal yang dirujukkan sedemikian kepadanya itu di dalam mahkamah terbuka. (Perkara 130)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
(1) Judges, in the performance of their function, shall be independent and, in decision making shall be bound by the Constitution, by constitutional law, by international treaty pursuant to Art. 7, paras. 2 and 5, and by law.
(2) If a Court assumes that other generally binding legal regulation, its part, or its individual provisions which concern a pending matter contradicts the Constitution, constitutional law, international treaty pursuant to Art. 7, para. 5 or law, it shall suspend the proceedings and shall submit a proposal for the commence of proceedings according to Art. 125, para. 1. Legal opinion of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic contained in the decision shall be binding for the Court. (Art. 144) - Slovak
(1) Sudcovia sú pri výkone svojej funkcie nezávislí a pri rozhodovaní sú viazaní ústavou, ústavným zákonom, medzinárodnou zmluvou podľa čl. 7 ods. 2 a 5 a zákonom.
(2) Ak sa súd domnieva, ţe iný všeobecne záväzný právny predpis, jeho časť alebo jeho jednotlivé ustanovenie, ktoré sa týka prejednávanej veci, odporuje ústave, ústavnému zákonu, medzinárodnej zmluve podľa čl. 7 ods. 5 alebo zákonu, konanie preruší a podá návrh na začatie konania na základe čl. 125 ods. 1. Právny názor ústavného súdu obsiahnutý v rozhodnutí je pre súd záväzný. (Čl. 144)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) The following are entitled to:
a) Lodge an appeal of unconstitutionality: the President of the Government, the Defender of the People, fifty Members of Congress, fifty Senators, the Executive body of a Autonomous Community and, where applicable, its Assembly.
b) Lodge an individual appeal for protection (recurso de amparo): any individual or body corporate with a legitimate interest, as well as the Defender of the People and the Public Prosecutor's Office.
(2) In all other cases, the organic act shall determine which persons and bodies shall have right of appeal to the Court. (Sec. 162) - Spanish1. Están legitimados:
a) Para interponer el recurso de inconstitucionalidad, el Presidente del Gobierno, el Defensor del Pueblo, 50 Diputados, 50 Senadores, los órganos colegiados ejecutivos de las Comunidades Autónomas y, en su caso, las Asambleas de las mismas.
b) Para interponer el recurso de amparo, toda persona natural o jurídica que invoque un interés legítimo, así como el Defensor del Pueblo y el Ministerio Fiscal.
2. En los demás casos, la ley orgánica determinará las personas y órganos legitimados. (Art. 162)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English(1) The Constitutional Court shall have the following exclusive powers:
(a) Upon request from a member of the Council of Ministers, a committee from either one of the Houses, or ten members of either House of the Federal Parliament, to review draft legislation, and determine its compatibility with the Constitution;
(b) To hear and decide cases as stipulated in Article 86 concerning challenges to the constitutionality of a law passed by the Federal Parliament;
(c) To hear and decide on cases that have been submitted to the Constitutional court resulting from matters stated in Article 109 (2) (c), concerning matters of interpretation of the Constitution not arising out of Court litigation;
(d) To resolve any disputes between the Federal Government and the Federal Member State governments, or among the Federal Member State governments;
(e) To hear and decide cases arising out of disputes between organs of the Federal Government, concerning their respective constitutional powers and duties;
(f) To hear and decide cases arising in terms of Article 92 concerning the impeachment trials of the President.
… (Art. 109C) - Somali(1) Maxkamadda Dastuurku waay yeelaneysaa awoodahan u garrka ah:
(a) Marka uu codsi ka yimaaddo Xubin ka Mid ah Golaha Wasiirada, Guddi ka tirsan aqalada Baarlamaanka midkood, ama toban Xubnood oo ka mid ah Aqalada midkood,in ay Maxkamaddu qiimeyso qoraalka sharci la sameynayo, ayna go’aansato in sharcigaasi waafaqsan yahay Dastuurka;
(b) In Maxkamaddu dhegeysato go’aanna ka gaadho kiis ka soo unkamay sida ku cad Qodobka 86aad,oo la xidhiidha muran ka dhashay sida xeer uu u waafaqsan yahay dastuurka;
(c) In maxkamaddu dhegeysato, go’aanna ka gaadho kiis ka soo unkamay sida ku cad faqradda Qodobeedka 109(2)(c) kaasoo khuseeya in dhinac uu hor keenay maxkamad dood kiis macquul ah, kiiskaana loo gudbiyay Maxkamadda Dastuurka si ay go’aan uga gaadho.)
(d) In ay go’aamiso khilaafyada u dhexeeya dawladda federaalka ah iyo dawlad goboleedyada xubinta ka ah dawladda federaalka ah iyo Dawlad goboleedyada federaalka dhexdooda.
(e) In ay dhegeysato, go’aana ka gaadho Khilaafyada ka dhexeeya waaxaha Dawladda federaalka ah ee la xidhiidha awoodaha dastuuriga ah iyo waajibaadka ay kala leeyihiin; iyo
(f) In ay dhegesato, go’aana ka gaadho Marka la eego Qodobka 92aad (oo la xidhiidha kiisaska denbiyada dastuur ee Madaxweynaha lagu soo oogo ee xil ka qaadista keeni kara
… (Qodobka 109C.)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
The Supreme Constitutional Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate finally on all matters as provided in the ensuing Articles. (Art. 136)4
- Greek
Tο Aνώτατον Συνταγματικόν Δικαστήριον κέκτηται αποκλειστικήν δικαιοδοσίαν να αποφασίζη οριστικώς και αμετακλήτως επί πάντων των αντικειμένων περί ων εν τοις επομένοις άρθροις. (Αρθρον 136)
- Turkish
Yüksek Anayasa Mahkemesi, müteakip Maddelerde gösterilen bütün konularda kesin olarak karar verme hususunda münhasır yargı yetkisine sahiptir. (Madde 136)
Jurisdiction and Access
- English
Every person shall be entitled to apply to the Supreme Court, as provided by Article 1263, in respect of the infringement or imminent infringement, by executive or administrative action, of a fundamental right to which such person is entitled under the provisions of this Chapter4. (Art. 17)
- Sinhala
මේ පරිච්ඡේදයේ විධිවිධාන යටතේ යම් තැනැත්තකුට හිමි වන යම් මූලික අයිතිවාසිකමක් යම් විධායක හෝ පරිපාලනමය ක්රියාවක් මගින් උල්ලංඝනය කර තිබීම හෝ උල්ලංඝනය කිරීමට අත්යාසන්නව තිබීම හෝ සම්බන්ධයෙන් 126 වැනි ව්යවස්ථාවේ විධිවිධාන සලසා ඇති පරිදි ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයට ඉල්ලීමක් කිරීමට ඒ තැනැත්තාට හිමිකම් ඇත්තේ ය. (17 වැනි වගන්තිය)