The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe State shall guarantee and promote the People’s right to mastery; recognize, respect, protect and guarantee human rights and citizens’ rights; and pursue the goal of a prosperous people and a strong, democratic, equitable and civilized country, in which all people enjoy an abundant, free and happy life and are given conditions for their comprehensive development. (Art. 3)
- VietnameseNhà nước bảo đảm và phát huy quyền làm chủ của Nhân dân; công nhận, tôn trọng, bảo vệ và bảo đảm quyền con người, quyền công dân; thực hiện mục tiêu dân giàu, nước mạnh, dân chủ, công bằng, văn minh, mọi người có cuộc sống ấm no, tự do, hạnh phúc, có điều kiện phát triển toàn diện. (Điều 3)
Obligations of the State
- English1. The practice of bodies operating on the basis of international human rights treaties, which have been ratified by the Republic of Armenia, shall be taken into account when interpreting the provisions of the Constitution on fundamental rights and freedoms.
2. The restrictions of fundamental rights and freedoms may not exceed the restrictions stipulated by the international treaties of the Republic of Armenia. (Art. 81) - Armenian1. Հիմնական իրավունքների և ազատությունների վերաբերյալ Սահմանադրությունում ամրագրված դրույթները մեկնաբանելիս հաշվի է առնվում Հայաստանի Հանրապետության վավերացրած՝ մարդու իրավունքների վերաբերյալ միջազգային պայմանագրերի հիման վրա գործող մարմինների պրակտիկան:
2. Հիմնական իրավունքների և ազատությունների սահմանափակումները չեն կարող գերազանցել Հայաստանի Հանրապետության միջազգային պայմանագրերով սահմանված սահմանափակումները: (Հոդված 81)
Obligations of the State
- English…
2. The State acknowledges and protects universally recognised human rights and freedoms as eternal and supreme human values. While exercising authority, the people and the State shall be bound by these rights and freedoms as directly applicable law. The Constitution shall not deny other universally recognised human rights and freedoms that are not explicitly referred to herein, but that inherently derive from the principles of the Constitution.
… (Art. 4) - Georgian…
2. სახელმწიფო ცნობს და იცავს ადამიანის საყოველთაოდ აღიარებულ უფლებებსა და თავისუფლებებს, როგორც წარუვალ და უზენაეს ადამიანურ ღირებულებებს. ხელისუფლების განხორციელებისას ხალხი და სახელმწიფო შეზღუდული არიან ამ უფლებებითა და თავისუფლებებით, როგორც უშუალოდ მოქმედი სამართლით. კონსტიტუცია არ უარყოფს ადამიანის საყოველთაოდ აღიარებულ უფლებებსა და თავისუფლებებს, რომლებიც აქ არ არის მოხსენიებული, მაგრამ თავისთავად გამომდინარეობს კონსტიტუციის პრინციპებიდან.
… (მუხლი 4)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe fundamental human rights by this Constitution guaranteed to the people of Japan are fruits of the age-old struggle of man to be free; they have survived the many exacting tests for durability and are conferred upon this and future generations in trust, to be held for all time inviolate. (Art. 97)
- Japaneseこの憲法が日本国民に保障する基本的人権は、人類の多年にわたる自由獲得の努力の成果であつて、これらの権利は、過去幾多の試錬に堪へ、現在及び将来の国民に対し、侵すことのできない永久の権利として信託されたものである。(第97条)
Obligations of the State
- English...
B. Lebanon has an Arab identity and belonging. It is a founding active member of the Arab League, committed to its Charter; as it is a founding active member of the United Nations Organization, committed to its Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The State embodies these principles in all sectors and scopes without exception.
C. Lebanon is a democratic parliamentary republic based upon the respect of public freedoms, freedom of opinion and freedom of belief; and of social justice and equality in rights and duties among all citizens, without distinction or preference.
… (Preamble) - Arabic...
ب. لبنان عربي الهوية والانتماء وهو عضو مؤسس وعامل في جامعة الدول العربية وملتزم بميثاقها، كما هو عضو مؤسس وعامل في منظمة الأمم المتحدة وملتزم بميثاقها وبالإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان وتجسّد الدّولة هذه المبادئ في جميع الحقوق والمجالات دون استثناء.
ج. لبنان جمهوريّة ديمقراطيّة برلمانيّة، تقوم على احترام الحرّيات العامّة وفي طليعتها حرّية الرأي والمعتقد، وعلى العدالة الاجتماعية والمساواة في الحقوق والواجبات بين جميع المواطنين دون تمييز أو تفضيل.
... (التّوطئة)
Obligations of the State
- English
The Sultan shall undertake the following functions and powers:
– Preserving the independence of the country and its territorial integrity, protecting its security, safeguarding the rights and liberties of citizens, guaranteeing the rule of law and directing the public policy of the state.
... (Art. 49) - Arabic
يقوم السلطان بالمهام والصلاحيات الآتية:
– المحافظة على استقلال البلاد، ووحدة أراضيها، وحماية أمنها، ورعاية حقوق المواطنين وحرياتهم، وكفالة سيادة القانون، وتوجيه السياسة العامة للدولة.
… (المادّة ٤٩)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishAny assault on individual freedom, on the inviolability of private life or any other rights and public freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution shall be considered a punishable crime by the law. (Art. 54)
- Arabicكل اعتداء على الحرية الشخصية أو على حرمة الحياة الخاصة أو على غيرها من الحقوق والحريات العامة التي يكفلها الدستور يُعد جريمة يعاقب عليها القانون. (المادّة 54)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state governed by rule of law, within the notions of public peace, national solidarity and justice, respecting human rights, loyal to the nationalism of Atatürk, and based on the fundamental tenets set forth in the preamble. (Art. 2)
- TurkishTürkiye Cumhuriyeti, toplumun huzuru, millî dayanışma ve adalet anlayışı içinde, insan haklarına saygılı, Atatürk milliyetçiliğine bağlı, başlangıçta belirtilen temel ilkelere dayanan, demokratik, lâik ve sosyal bir hukuk Devletidir. (Madde 2)
Obligations of the State
- English
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall:
1) guarantee observance of rights and freedoms of citizens,
… (Art. 109) - Uzbek
O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Prezidenti:
1) fuqarolarning huquqlari va erkinliklariga, ... rioya etilishining, ... kafilidir,
... (109-modda)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishI. The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan determines the general rules on the following matters:
1. the use of human and civil constitutional rights and freedoms, State guarantee of these rights and freedoms;
… (Art. 94) - AzerbaijaniI. Azərbaycan Respublikasının Milli Məclisi aşağıdakı məsələlərə dair ümumi qaydalar müəyyən edir:
1) bu Konstitusiyada təsbit edilmiş insan və vətəndaş hüquqlarından və azadlıqlarından istifadə, bu hüquqların və azadlıqların dövlət təminatı;
… (Maddə 94)