The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Obligations of the State
- EnglishBy means of the statutory laws, the Congress of the Republic will regulate the following matters:
a. Fundamental rights and duties of persons and the procedures and recourses for their protection;
… (Art. 152) - SpanishMediante las leyes estatutarias, el Congreso de la República regulará las siguientes materias:
a) Derechos y deberes fundamentales de las personas y los procedimientos y recursos para su protección;
… (Art. 152)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe National Assembly and all bodies with legal and regulatory authority shall be obligated to adjust, formally and materially, the laws and other legal standards related to the rights provided for in the Constitution and international treaties and those that are needed to guarantee the dignity of human beings or communities, peoples and nations. In no case shall amending the Constitution, laws, other legal and regulatory frameworks or actions by the government endanger the rights recognized by the Constitution. (Art. 84)
- SpanishLa Asamblea Nacional y todo órgano con potestad normativa tendrá la obligación de adecuar, formal y materialmente, las leyes y demás normas jurídicas a los derechos previstos en la Constitución y los tratados internacionales, y los que sean necesarios para garantizar la dignidad del ser humano o de las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades. En ningún caso, la reforma de la Constitución, las leyes, otras normas jurídicas ni los actos del poder público atentarán contra los derechos que reconoce la Constitución. (Art. 84)
Obligations of the State
… proclaim this Constitution in order to:
Forge a system of governance that promotes concerted effort and broad-based participation in national decision-making in order to develop a viable economy and a harmonious community based on democratic values, social justice, fundamental human rights, and the rule of law;
… (Preamble)
Obligations of the State
- English
The State, in accordance with the law, will be materially [patrimonialmente] responsible for the damages [lesiones] that, as a consequence of the actions or omissions of the public functionaries in the exercise of their offices [cargo], individuals [particulares] suffer in their assets, rights and interests, except in the cases of force majeure. The State will demand the corresponding legal responsibilities of the public functionaries or employees causing the damage.
... (Art. 131) - Spanish
El Estado, de conformidad con la ley, será responsable patrimonialmente de las lesiones que, como consecuencia de las acciones u omisiones de los funcionarios públicos en el ejercicio de su cargo, sufran los particulares en sus bienes, derechos e intereses, salvo los casos de fuerza mayor. El Estado exigirá las responsabilidades legales correspondientes a los funcionarios o empleados públicos causantes de la lesión.
... (Art. 131)
Obligations of the State
- English
It is hereby recognised and declared that in Trinidad and Tobago there have existed and shall continue to exist without discrimination by reason of race, origin, colour, religion or sex, the following fundamental human rights and freedoms,
… (Sec. 4)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe citizens of each province shall be entitled to all rights, privileges, and immunities inherent in the condition of citizen in the other provinces. … (Sec. 8)
- SpanishLos ciudadanos de cada provincia gozan de todos los derechos, privilegios e inmunidades inherentes al título de ciudadano en las demás. … (Art. 8)
Obligations of the State
- English
All persons are equal before the law, without any distinction whatsoever, Brazilians and foreigners residing in the country being ensured of inviolability of the right to life, to liberty, to equality, to security and to property, on the following terms:
XXXV – the law shall not exclude any injury or threat to a right from the consideration of the Judicial Power;
XLI – the law shall punish any discrimination which may attempt against fundamental rights and liberties;
Paragraph 1. The provisions defining fundamental rights and guarantees are immediately applicable.
Paragraph 2. The rights and guarantees expressed in this Constitution do not exclude others deriving from the regime and from the principles adopted by it, or from the international treaties in which the Federative Republic of Brazil is a party.
… (Art. 5) - Portuguese
Todos são iguais perante a lei, sem distinção de qualquer natureza, garantindo-se aos brasileiros e aos estrangeiros residentes no País a inviolabilidade do direito à vida, à liberdade, à igualdade, à segurança e à propriedade, nos termos seguintes:
XXXV - a lei não excluirá da apreciação do Poder Judiciário lesão ou ameaça a direito;
XLI - a lei punirá qualquer discriminação atentatória dos direitos e liberdades fundamentais;
§ 1º - As normas definidoras dos direitos e garantias fundamentais têm aplicação imediata.
§ 2º - Os direitos e garantias expressos nesta Constituição não excluem outros decorrentes do regime e dos princípios por ela adotados, ou dos tratados internacionais em que a República Federativa do Brasil seja parte.
... (Art. 5)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishWhereas every person in Dominica is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms, that is to say, the rights whatever his race, place of origins, political opinions, colour, creed or sex, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest,
… (Sec. 1)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishEcuador’s relations with the international community shall respond to the interests of the Ecuadorian people, to which those persons in charge of these relations and their executors shall be held accountable, and as a result:
7. It demands observance of human rights, especially the rights of migrant persons, and promotes their full enjoyment by complying with the obligations pledged with the signing of international human rights instruments.
… (Art. 416) - SpanishLas relaciones del Ecuador con la comunidad internacional responderán a los intereses del pueblo ecuatoriano, al que le rendirán cuenta sus responsables y ejecutores, y en consecuencia:
7. Exige el respeto de los derechos humanos, en particular de los derechos de las personas migrantes, y propicia su pleno ejercicio mediante el cumplimiento de las obligaciones asumidas con la suscripción de instrumentos internacionales de derechos humanos.
… (Art. 416)
Obligations of the State
- EnglishThe Haitian people proclaim this Constitution:
To guarantee their inalienable and imprescriptible rights to life, to liberty and to the pursuit of happiness; in accordance with their Act of Independence of 1804 and with the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man of 1948.
To implant democracy which implies ideological pluralism and political alternation and to affirm the inviolable rights of the Haitian People.
To establish a governmental regime based on the fundamental liberties and the respect for human rights, the social peace, economic equity, the equity of gender, the concerted action and the participation of all the population in the grand decisions engaging the national life, by an effective decentralization.
… (Preamble) - FrenchLe Peuple Haïtien proclame la présente Constitution:
Pour garantir ses droits inaliénables et imprescriptibles à la vie, à la liberté et à la poursuite du bonheur; conformément à son Acte d’Indépendance de 1804 et à la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme de 1948.
Pour implanter la démocratie qui implique le pluralisme idéologique et l'alternance politique et affirmer les droits inviolables du Peuple Haïtien.
Pour instaurer un régime gouvernemental basé sur les libertés fondamentales et le respect des droits humains, la paix sociale, l'équité économique, la concertation et la participation de toute la population aux grandes décisions engageant la vie nationale, par une décentralisation effective.
… (Préambule)