The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Judicial Protection
Dominican Republic
- English
All persons, in the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests, have the right to obtain effective judicial guardianship,
… (Art. 69) - Spanish
Toda persona, en el ejercicio de sus derechos e intereses legítimos, tiene derecho a obtener la tutela judicial efectiva,
… (Art. 69)
Judicial Protection
Dominican Republic
- EnglishThere shall be a Constitutional Court to guarantee the supremacy of the Constitution, the defense of the constitutional order and the protection of fundamental rights. Its decisions are definitive and irrevocable and constitute binding precedents for the public powers and all the organs of the State. It shall enjoy administrative and budgetary autonomy. (Art. 184)
- SpanishHabrá un Tribunal Constitucional para garantizar la supremacía de la Constitución, la defensa del orden constitucional y la protección de los derechos fundamentales. Sus decisiones son definitivas e irrevocables y constituyen precedentes vinculantes para los poderes públicos y todos los órganos del Estado. Gozará de autonomía administrativa y presupuestaria. (Art. 184)
Judicial Protection
Dominican Republic
- EnglishAll persons have the right to an action of amparo in order to demand before the courts, for themselves or by those who act in their name, immediate protection of their fundamental rights, not protected by habeas corpus, when they are violated or threatened by the action or omission of any public authority or of individuals, in order put into effect the fulfillment of a law or administrative act and in order to guarantee collective and diffuse rights and interests. In accordance with the law, the proceeding is preferential, summary, oral, public, free, and not subject to formalities.
The acts adopted during the States of Exception that violate protected rights that unreasonably cause suspended rights are subject to actions of amparo. (Art. 72) - SpanishToda persona tiene derecho a una acción de amparo para reclamar ante los tribunales, por sí o por quien actúe en su nombre, la protección inmediata de sus derechos fundamentales, no protegidos por el hábeas corpus, cuando resulten vulnerados o amenazados por la acción o la omisión de toda autoridad pública o de particulares, para hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de una ley o acto administrativo, para garantizar los derechos e intereses colectivos y difusos. De conformidad con la ley, el procedimiento es preferente, sumario, oral, público, gratuito y no sujeto a formalidades.
Párrafo.- Los actos adoptados durante los Estados de Excepción que vulneren derechos protegidos que afecten irrazonablemente derechos suspendidos están sujetos a la acción de amparo. (Art. 72)