The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Judicial Protection
- EnglishA constitutional appeal may be lodged against individual general acts or actions performed by state bodies or organizations exercising delegated public powers which violate or deny human or minority rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, if other legal remedies for their protection have already been applied or not specified. (Art. 170)
- Serbian CyrillicУставна жалба се може изјавити против појединачних аката или радњи државних органа или организација којима су поверена јавна овлашћења, а којима се повређују или ускраћују људска или мањинска права и слободе зајемчене Уставом, ако су исцрпљена или нису предвиђена друга правна средства за њихову заштиту. (Члан 170)
Judicial Protection
- English(1) When interpreting the Bill of Rights, a court, tribunal or forum –
(a) must promote the values that underlie an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom;
(b) must consider international law; and
(c) may consider foreign law.
(2) When interpreting any legislation, and when developing the common law or customary law, every court, tribunal or forum must promote the spirit, purport and objects of the Bill of Rights.
(3) The Bill of Rights does not deny the existence of any other rights or freedoms that are recognised or conferred by common law, customary law or legislation, to the extent that they are consistent with the Bill. (Sec. 39)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishCivil rights cases are exclusively the competence of the courts. (Art. 173-1)
- FrenchLes contestations qui ont pour objet les droits civils sont exclusivement du ressort des tribunaux. (Art. 173.1)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishHuman and citizens' rights and freedoms are protected by the court.
Everyone is guaranteed the right to challenge in court the decisions, actions or omission of bodies of state power, bodies of local self-government, officials and officers.
Everyone has the right to appeal for the protection of his or her rights to the Authorised Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to lodge a constitutional complaint to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on grounds defined in this Constitution and under the procedure prescribed by law.
After exhausting all domestic legal remedies, everyone has the right to appeal for the protection of his or her rights and freedoms to the relevant international judicial institutions or to the relevant bodies of international organisations of which Ukraine is a member or participant.
Everyone has the right to protect his or her rights and freedoms from violations and illegal encroachments by any means not prohibited by law. (Art. 55) - UkrainianПрава і свободи людини і громадянина захищаються судом.
Кожному гарантується право на оскарження в суді рішень, дій чи бездіяльності органів державної влади, органів місцевого самоврядування, посадових і службових осіб.
Кожен має право звертатися за захистом своїх прав до Уповноваженого Верховної Ради України з прав людини.
Кожному гарантується право звернутись із конституційною скаргою до Конституційного Суду України з підстав, установлених цією Конституцією, та у порядку, визначеному законом.
Кожен має право після використання всіх національних засобів юридичного захисту звертатися за захистом своїх прав і свобод до відповідних міжнародних судових установ чи до відповідних органів міжнародних організацій, членом або учасником яких є Україна.
Кожен має право будь-якими не забороненими законом засобами захищати свої права і свободи від порушень і протиправних посягань. (Стаття 55)
Judicial Protection
- English(1) When interpreting this Chapter8, a court, tribunal, forum or body—
(a) must give full effect to the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Chapter;
(b) must promote the values and principles that underlie a democratic society based on openness, justice, human dignity, equality and freedom, and in particular, the values and principles set out in section 3;
(c) must take into account international law and all treaties and conventions to which Zimbabwe is a party;
(d) must pay due regard to all the provisions of this Constitution, in particular the principles and objectives set out in Chapter 2; and
(e) may consider relevant foreign law;
in addition to considering all other relevant factors that are to be taken into account in the interpretation of a Constitution.
(2) When interpreting an enactment, and when developing the common law and customary law, every court, tribunal, forum or body must promote and be guided by the spirit and objectives of this Chapter. (Sec. 46)
Judicial Protection
- English
Principles and rights of the jurisdictional function are:
9. The principle of inapplicability by analogy of the criminal law and the norms that restrict rights.
… (Art. 139) - Spanish
Son principios y derechos de la función jurisdiccional:
9. El principio de inaplicabilidad por analogía de la ley penal y de las normas que restrinjan derechos.
… (Art. 139)
Judicial Protection
- English(1) Every person has the right to the observance of the principles of natural justice by any tribunal or other public authority which has the power to make a determination in respect of that person's rights, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law.
(2) Every person whose rights, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law have been affected by a determination of any tribunal or other public authority has the right to apply, in accordance with law, for judicial review of that determination.
… (Bill of Rights Act 1990, Sec. 27)
Judicial Protection
- English
1. Judicial authority shall be exercised on behalf of the Republic of Kazakhstan and, by its purpose, has the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations and the enforcement of the Constitution, laws, other normative legal acts and international treaties of the Republic.
… (Art. 76) - Kazak
1. Сот билiгi Қазақстан Республикасының атынан жүзеге асырылады және өзiне азаматтар мен ұйымдардың құқықтарын, бостандықтары мен заңды мүдделерiн қорғауды, Республиканың Конституциясының, заңдарының, өзге де нормативтiк құқықтық актiлерiнiң, халықаралық шарттарының орындалуын қамтамасыз етудi мақсат етiп қояды.
… (76-бап)
Judicial Protection
- EnglishAny act on the part of the Public Power that violates or encroaches upon the rights guaranteed by this Constitution and by law is null and void, and the public employees ordering or implementing the same shall incur criminal, civil and administrative liability, as applicable in each case, with no defense on grounds of having followed the orders of a superior. (Art. 25)
- SpanishTodo acto dictado en ejercicio del Poder Público que viole o menoscabe los derechos garantizados por esta Constitución y la ley es nulo, y los funcionarios públicos y funcionarias públicas que lo ordenen o ejecuten incurren en responsabilidad penal, civil y administrativa, según los casos, sin que les sirvan de excusa órdenes superiores. (Art. 25)
Judicial Protection
- English
An Act of Parliament may confer on the High Court powers, additional to those conferred by the preceding provisions of this Division, for the purpose of enabling the Court to exercise more effectively the jurisdiction conferred on it by this Division. (Sec. 42)