The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
National Human Rights Bodies
- English…
B. The Congress of the Union and the legislatures of the federative entities within the domain [ámbito] of their respective competencies, will establish organs of protection of the human rights that the Mexican juridical order protects [ampara], those that will take cognizance of complaints [quejas] against the acts or omissions of a nature of administrative provenance of any public authority or servant, with the exception of those of the Judicial Power of the Federation, that violate those rights.
The organs [organismos] to which the previous paragraph refers, shall formulate public recommendations, non-binding, [and] denouncements and complaints [quejas] before the respective authorities. Any public servant is obligated to respond to the recommendations that these organs [organismos] present. When the enacted recommendations are not accepted[,] or complied with[,] by the public authorities or servants, they must substantiate, motivate and make public their refusal [negativa]; additionally, the Chamber of Senators or in its recesses the Permanent Commission, or the legislatures of the federative entities, as it corresponds, may summon [llamar], at the request of these organs [organismos], the public authorities or servants responsible to appear before these legislative organs, to the effect of explaining the motive for the refusal.
These organs [organismos] will not be competent concerning electoral and jurisdictional matters.
The organs [organismo] that the Congress of the Union establishes will be denominated the Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos [National Commission of Human Rights]; it will have autonomy of management and budgetary [autonomy], juridical personality and its own patrimony.
The National Commission of Human Rights will have a Consultative Commission composed of twelve councilors that will be elected by the vote of the two-thirds part of the members present of the Chamber of Senators or, in its recesses, by the Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Union, with the same qualified vote.
The National Commission of Human Rights shall take cognizance of the non-conformities that are presented to it concerning the recommendations, agreements or omission of the equivalent organs [organismos] in the federative entities.
The National Commission of Human Rights may investigate acts that constitute grave violations of human rights, when it so judges [as] appropriate or [when] the Federal Executive, either of the Chambers of the Congress of the Union, the titular [members] of the executive powers of the federative entities or the Legislatures of these require it. (Art. 102) - Spanish…
B. El Congreso de la Unión y las legislaturas de las entidades federativas, en el ámbito de sus respectivas competencias, establecerán organismos de protección de los derechos humanos que ampara el orden jurídico mexicano, los que conocerán de quejas en contra de actos u omisiones de naturaleza administrativa provenientes de cualquier autoridad o servidor público, con excepción de los del Poder Judicial de la Federación, que violen estos derechos.
Los organismos a que se refiere el párrafo anterior, formularán recomendaciones públicas, no vinculatorias, denuncias y quejas ante las autoridades respectivas. Todo servidor público está obligado a responder las recomendaciones que les presenten estos organismos. Cuando las recomendaciones emitidas no sean aceptadas o cumplidas por las autoridades o servidores públicos, éstos deberán fundar, motivar y hacer pública su negativa; además, la Cámara de Senadores o en sus recesos la Comisión Permanente, o las legislaturas de las entidades federativas, según corresponda, podrán llamar, a solicitud de estos organismos, a las autoridades o servidores públicos responsables para que comparezcan ante dichos órganos legislativos, a efecto de que expliquen el motivo de su negativa.
Estos organismos no serán competentes tratándose de asuntos electorales y jurisdiccionales.
El organismo que establezca el Congreso de la Unión se denominará Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos; contará con autonomía de gestión y presupuestaria, personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propios.
La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos tendrá un Consejo Consultivo integrado por diez consejeros que serán elegidos por el voto de las dos terceras partes de los miembros presentes de la Cámara de Senadores o, en sus recesos, por la Comisión Permanente del Congreso de la Unión, con la misma votación calificada.
La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos conocerá de las inconformidades que se presenten en relación con las recomendaciones, acuerdos u omisiones de los organismos equivalentes en las entidades federativas.
La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos podrá investigar hechos que constituyan violaciones graves de derechos humanos, cuando así lo juzgue conveniente o lo pidiere el Ejecutivo Federal, alguna de las Cámaras del Congreso de la Unión, los titulares de los poderes ejecutivos de las entidades federativas o las Legislaturas de éstas. (Art. 102)
National Human Rights Bodies
Antigua and Barbuda
- English1. There shall be an officer of Parliament who shall be known as the Ombudsman who shall not hold any other office of emolument either in the public service or otherwise nor engage in any occupation for reward other than the duties of his office.
4. Parliament may make provision for the functions, powers and duties of the Ombudsman.
… (Sec. 66)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe National Equality Councils shall be comprised, on the basis of a parity approach, of representatives of civil society and the State, and they shall be chaired by those who represent the Executive Branch. The structure, functioning and form of membership of their members shall be governed by the principles of rotation of power, democratic participation, inclusion and pluralism. (Art. 157)
- SpanishLos consejos nacionales de igualdad se integrarán de forma paritaria, por representantes de la sociedad civil y del Estado, y estarán presididos por quien represente a la Función Ejecutiva. La estructura, funcionamiento y forma de integración de sus miembros se regulará de acuerdo con los principios de alternabilidad, participación democrática, inclusión y pluralismo. (Art. 157)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English[The following] are duties and attributions of the Defender of the People:
1. to receive and to investigate denunciations, complaints and claims against violations of the human rights and other acts that this Constitution and the law establish;
2. to request from the authorities at their various levels, including those of the police organs and those of security in general, information for the better exercise of his functions[;] he may not be opposed by any reserve. He may have access to the places where the commission of such acts are denounced. It is also of his competence to act ex officio;
3. to issue [emitir] [a] public censure for acts or behaviors contrary to the human rights;
4. to annually report concerning his management [gestiones] to the Chambers of the Congress;
5. to prepare and to divulge reports on the situation of human rights that, in his opinion, require prompt public attention, and
6. the other duties and attributions that the law establishes. (Art. 279) - SpanishSon deberes y atribuciones del Defensor del Pueblo:
1. recibir e investigar denuncias, quejas y reclamos contra violaciones de los derechos humanos y otros hechos que establecen esta Constitución y la ley.
2. requerir de las autoridades en sus diversos niveles, incluyendo los de los órganos policiales y los de seguridad en general, información para el mejor ejercicio de sus funciones, sin que pueda oponérsele reserva alguna. Podrá acceder a los sitios donde se denuncie la comisión de tales hechos. Es también de su competencia actuar de oficio;
3. emitir censura pública por actos o comportamientos contrarios a los derechos humanos;
4. informar anualmente de sus gestiones a las Cámaras del Congreso;
5. elaborar y divulgar informes sobre la situación de los derechos humanos que, a su juicio, requieran pronta atención pública, y
6. los demás deberes y atribuciones que fije la ley. (Art. 279)
National Human Rights Bodies
Bolivia, Plurinational State of
- EnglishEach year, the Public Defender shall report to the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly and to the Office of Social Control concerning the situation of human rights in the country and on the management of its administration. The Public Defender may be called on at any moment by the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly or the Social Control to provide a report with respect to the exercise of its authority. (Art. 223)
- SpanishLas autoridades y los servidores públicos tienen la obligación de proporcionar a la Defensoría del Pueblo la información que solicite en relación con el ejercicio de sus funciones. En caso de no ser debidamente atendida en su solicitud, la Defensoría interpondrá las acciones correspondientes contra la autoridad, que podrá ser procesada y destituida si se demuestra el incumplimiento. (Art. 223)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Procurator of Human Rights is a commissioner [comisionado] of the Congress of the Republic for the defense of the Human Rights guaranteed by the Constitution. He [or she] will have the faculties to supervise the administration; will exercise the office for a term of five years, and will render an annual report to the plenary of the Congress, with which he [or she] will relate through the Commission of Human Rights. (Art. 274)
- SpanishEl Procurador de los Derechos Humanos es un comisionado del Congreso de la República para la defensa de los Derechos Humanos que la Constitución garantiza. Tendrá facultades de supervisar la administración; ejercerá su cargo por un período de cinco años, y rendirá informe anual al pleno del Congreso, con el que se relacionará a través de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos. (Art. 274)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English(1) Subject to the provisions of this article, the Ombudsman may investigate any action taken by any department of Government or by any other authority to which this article applies, or by the President, Ministers, officers or members of such a department or authority, being action taken in exercise of the administrative functions of that department or authority.
(2) The Ombudsman may investigate any such action as aforesaid in any of the following circumstances, that is to say -
(a) if a complaint in respect of the action is duly made to the Ombudsman by any person or body or persons, whether incorporated or not alleging that the complainant has sustained injustice in consequence of a fault in administration;
(b) if the President, a Minister or a member of the National Assembly requests the Ombudsman to investigate the action on the ground that a person or body of persons specified in the request has or may have sustained such injustice;
(c) in any other circumstances in which the Ombudsman considers that he ought to investigate the action on the ground that some person or body of persons has or may have sustained such injustice.
(3) The Ombudsman shall not investigate under this Subtitle -
(a) any action in respect of which the complainant has or had -
(i) a remedy by way of proceedings in a court; or
(ii) a right of appeal, reference or review to or before an independent and impartial tribunal other than a court; or
(b) any such action, or action taken with respect to any such matter, as is excluded from investigation under article 193:
Provided that the Ombudsman -
(i) may conduct an investigation notwithstanding that the complainant has or had a remedy by way of proceedings in a court if satisfied that in the particular circumstances it is not reasonable to expect him to take or to have taken such proceedings;
(ii) shall not in any case be precluded from conducting an investigation in respect of any matter by reason only that it is open to the complainant to apply to the High Court for redress under article 153(1) (which relates to redress for contraventions of provisions for the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms).
… (Art. 192)
National Human Rights Bodies
Trinidad and Tobago
- English...
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (4) the Ombudsman—
(b) is not in any case precluded from investigating any matter by reason only that it is open to the complainant to apply to the High Court for redress under section 14 (which relates to redress for contravention of the provisions for the protection of fundamental rights). (Sec. 94)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Procurator General of the Nation will exercise the following functions directly:
4. Exhorting the Congress so that it adopts the laws that assure the promotion, exercise, and protection of human rights, and demanding their fulfillment from the competent authorities.
… (Art. 278) - SpanishEl Procurador General de la Nación ejercerá directamente las siguientes funciones:
4. Exhortar al Congreso para que expida las leyes que aseguren la promoción, el ejercicio y la protección de los derechos humanos, y exigir su cumplimiento a las autoridades competentes.
… (Art. 278)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe human person is the supreme end [fin] of society and of the State. All have the obligation to respect it and protect it.
The dignity of the human being is inviolable.
To guarantee the rights and freedoms recognized in this Constitution, the Institution of the National Commissioner of Human Rights is created.
The organization, prerogatives and attributions of the National Commissioner of Human Rights will be the object of a special law. (Art. 59) - SpanishLa persona humana es el fin supremo de la Sociedad y del Estado. Todos tienen la obligación de respetarla y protegerla. La dignidad del ser humano es inviolable. Para garantizar los derechos y libertades reconocidos en esta Constitución, créase la institución del Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos. La organización, prerrogativas y atribuciones del Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos será objeto de una Ley Especial. (Art. 59)