The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
National Human Rights Bodies
- English...
(2) Aggrieved persons who claim that a fundamental right or freedom guaranteed by this Constitution has been infringed or threatened shall be entitled to approach a competent Court to enforce or protect such a right or freedom, and may approach the Ombudsman to provide them with such legal assistance or advice as they require, and the Ombudsman shall have the discretion in response thereto to provide such legal or other assistance as he or she may consider expedient.
... (Art. 25)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishSubject to Article 190 herein, no derogation from the rights and freedoms enshrined in this Bill shall be made. The Bill of Rights shall be upheld, protected and applied by the Supreme Court and other competent courts; the Human Rights Commission shall monitor its application in accordance with this Constitution and the law. (Art. 10)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) There shall be a National Human Rights Commission of Nepal, consisting of a Chairperson and four other members.
(2) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional Council, appoint the Chairperson and members of the National Human Rights Commission.
… (Art. 248) - Nepali
(१) नेपालमा एक राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोग रहनेछ जसमा अध्यक्ष र अन्य चार जना सदस्य रहनेछन् ।
(२) राष्ट्रपतिले संवैधानिक परिषदको सिफारिसमा राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगका अध्यक्ष र सदस्यको नियुक्ति गर्नेछ ।
… (धारा २४८)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishI. The Public Defender (Defensor del Pueblo) shall oversee the enforcement, promotion, dissemination of and compliance with human rights, both individual and collective, that are established in the Constitution, laws and international instruments. The function of the Public Defender shall extend to the administrative activity of the entire public sector and the activity of private institutions that provide public services.
II. The Public Defender shall also promote the defense of the rights of the nations and rural native indigenous peoples, of urban and intercultural communities, and of Bolivians who are abroad.
III. The Public Defender is an institution with operational, financial and administrative autonomy, in accordance with the law. Its functions shall be governed by the principles of free services, accessibility, swiftness and solidarity. In the exercise of its functions it does not receive instructions from the organs of the State. (Art. 218) - SpanishI. La Defensoría del Pueblo velará por la vigencia, promoción, difusión y cumplimiento de los derechos humanos, individuales y colectivos, que se establecen en la Constitución, las leyes y los instrumentos internacionales. La función de la Defensoría alcanzará a la actividad administrativa de todo el sector público y a la actividad de las instituciones privadas que presten servicios públicos.
II. Corresponderá asimismo a la Defensoría del Pueblo la promoción de la defensa de los derechos de las naciones y pueblos indígena originario campesinos, de las comunidades urbanas e interculturales, y de las bolivianas y los bolivianos en el exterior.
III. La Defensoría del Pueblo es una institución con autonomía funcional, financiera y administrativa, en el marco de la ley. Sus funciones se regirán bajo los principios de gratuidad, accesibilidad, celeridad y solidaridad. En el ejercicio de sus funciones no recibe instrucciones de los órganos del Estado. (Art. 218)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) Everyone can lodge complaint with the ombudsman board (Commission for Complaints from the Public) against alleged maladministration by the Federation, including its activity as a holder of private rights, mainly for alleged violation of human rights, provided that they are affected by such maladministration and in so far as they do not or no longer have recourse to legal remedy. All such complaints must be investigated by the ombudsman board. The complainant shall be informed of the investigation's outcome and what action, if necessary, has been taken.
(2) The ombudsman board is ex officio entitled to investigate its suspicions of maladministration by the Federation including its activity as a holder of private rights, mainly of violations of human rights it assumes.
(3) For the protection and the advancement of human rights it is incumbent on the Ombudsman Board and the commissions appointed by it (Art 148h para 3) in the area of the administration of the Federation including its activity as holder of private rights
1. to visit and inspect the location of deprivation of liberty,
2. to watch and check in advisory manner the conduct of the organs authorized to exert direct administrative power and compulsion as well as
3. to check respectively visit certain institutions and programs for handicapped persons
… (Art. 148a) - German
(1) Jedermann kann sich bei der Volksanwaltschaft wegen behaupteter Missstände in der Verwaltung des Bundes einschließlich dessen Tätigkeit als Träger von Privatrechten, insbesondere wegen einer behaupteten Verletzung in Menschenrechten, beschweren, sofern er von diesen Missständen betroffen ist und soweit ihm ein Rechtsmittel nicht oder nicht mehr zur Verfügung steht. Jede solche Beschwerde ist von der Volksanwaltschaft zu prüfen. Dem Beschwerdeführer sind das Ergebnis der Prüfung sowie die allenfalls getroffenen Veranlassungen mitzuteilen.
(2) Die Volksanwaltschaft ist berechtigt, von ihr vermutete Missstände in der Verwaltung des Bundes einschließlich dessen Tätigkeit als Träger von Privatrechten, insbesondere von ihr vermutete Verletzungen in Menschenrechten, von Amts wegen zu prüfen.
(3) Zum Schutz und zur Förderung der Menschenrechte obliegt es der Volksanwaltschaft und den von ihr eingesetzten Kommissionen (Art. 148h Abs. 3), im Bereich der Verwaltung des Bundes einschließlich dessen Tätigkeit als Träger von Privatrechten
1. den Ort einer Freiheitsentziehung zu besuchen und zu überprüfen,
2. das Verhalten der zur Ausübung unmittelbarer verwaltungsbehördlicher Befehls- und Zwangsgewalt ermächtigten Organe zu beobachten und begleitend zu überprüfen sowie
3. für Menschen mit Behinderungen bestimmte Einrichtungen und Programme zu überprüfen beziehungsweise zu besuchen.
… (Art. 148a)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English… the Procurator for the Defense of Human Rights will be elected by the Legislative Assembly by a qualified majority of the two-thirds part of the Deputies elected.
… (Art. 192) - Spanish… el Procurador para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, serin elegidos por la Asamblea Legislativa, por mayoria calificada de los dos tercios de los Diputados electos.
… (Art. 192)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English1. The Commissioner for Citizens' Rights shall safeguard the freedoms and rights of persons and citizens specified in the Constitution and other normative acts.
2. The scope and mode of work of the Commissioner for Citizens' Rights shall be specified by statute. (Art. 208) - Polish1. Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich stoi na straży wolności i praw człowieka i obywatela określonych w Konstytucji oraz w innych aktach normatywnych.
2. Zakres i sposób działania Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich określa ustawa. (Art. 208)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Office of the Ombudsman monitors the protection of the fundamental rights and guarantees recognized in this Constitution as well as of those which are provided for by international human rights conventions and the law through the non-judicial control of the facts, acts and omissions of public servants and providers of public services and makes sure that they are observed.
The Office of the Ombudsman acts under the direction and responsibility of the Ombudsman who is appointed by the legislative branch for a period of five years during which he/she may neither be suspended nor dismissed, except by a vote of two thirds of the members of the National Assembly on one of the grounds previously determined by law. (Art. 129) - SpanishLa Defensoría del Pueblo velará por la protección de los derechos y las garantías fundamentales consagradas en esta Constitución, así como los previstos en los convenios internacionales de derechos humanos y la Ley, mediante el control no jurisdiccional de los hechos, actos u omisiones de los servidores públicos y de quienes presten servicios públicos, y actuará para que ellos se respeten.
La Defensoría del Pueblo actuará bajo la dirección y responsabilidad del Defensor del Pueblo, quien será nombrado por el Órgano Legislativo para un periodo de cinco años, dentro del cual no podrá ser suspendido ni removido, sino por el voto de dos tercios de los miembros de la Asamblea Nacional, en virtud de causas definidas previamente por la Ley. (Art. 129)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English(1) There shall be an Ombudsman Commission, consisting of a Chief Ombudsman and two Ombudsmen.
(2) The members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Head of State, acting with, and in accordance with, the advice of an Ombudsman Appointments Committee consisting of-
(a) the Prime Minister, who shall be Chairman; and
(b) the Chief Justice; and
(c) the Leader of the Opposition; and
(d) the Chairman of the appropriate Permanent Parliamentary Committee, or, if the Chairman is not a member of the Parliament who is recognized by the Parliament as being generally committed to support the Government in the Parliament, the Deputy Chairman of that Committee; and
(e) the Chairman of the Public Services Commission.
… (Sec. 217)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English1. The following may apply to the Constitutional Court:
10. The Human Rights Defender – concerning the conformity of the normative legal acts listed in Point 1 of Article 168 of the Constitution with the provisions of Chapter 23 of the Constitution;
… (Art. 169) - Armenian1. Սահմանադրական դատարան կարող են դիմել
10) Մարդու իրավունքների պաշտպանը՝ Սահմանադրության 168-րդ հոդվածի 1-ին կետում թվարկված նորմատիվ իրավական ակտերի՝ Սահմանադրության 2-րդ գլխի դրույթներին համապատասխանության հարցերով.
… (Հոդված 169)