The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
National Human Rights Bodies
- English(1) There shall be a Human Rights Commissions that shall be mandated to:
(a) Promote respect of human rights, and the culture of human rights;
(b) Promote the protection, development, and attainment of human rights; and
(c) Monitor and assess the observance of the conduct of human rights in the Federal Republic of Somalia.
(2) In accordance with the Constitution, the Human Rights Commission shall have powers to perform the following functions:
(a) To investigate and report on the observance of human rights;
(b) To take steps to secure appropriate redress where human rights have been violated;
(c) To carry out research; and
(d) To educate the public and state officials on international standards relating to human rights.
(3) The powers and the activities of the Human Rights Commission shall be stipulated in the Human Rights Commission Act.
… (Art. 111B) - Somali(1) Waa inuu jiraa Guddiga Xuquuqda Aadamiga oo loo xilsaaro:
(a) Horumarinta xushmeynta xuquuqdda aadmigga iyo dhaqanka xuquuqda aadamigga;
(b) Horumarinta ilaalinta, xoojinta iyo adkeynta xuquuqda aadmiga; iyo
(c) Baaritaanka iyo qiimeynta hab dhaqanka xuquuqda aadamiga ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya.
(2) Guddiga Xuquuqdda Aadmiga: Iyadoo la tixraacayo Dastuurka, Guddiga Xuquuqda Aadmiga, wuxuu yeelahanayaa awood uu ku fuliyo hawlahan:
(a) Inay baaritaan ku sameeyaan, warbixina ka soo saaraan sida loogu dhaqmayo xuquuqdda aadmiga;
(b) Inay si ku habboon xal ugu raadiyaan meelaha lagu xad gudbay xuquuqda aadmiga;
(c) Inay cilmi baaris ku sameeyaan; iyo
(d) Inay cilmi wacyi gelin u sameeyaan dadweynaha iyo saraakiisha xukuumadda heerarka caalamiga ah ee ku saabsan xuquuqdda aadmiga.
(3) Awoodaha iyo hawaha ah ee Guddiga waa inuu ku dhignaadaa Sharciyadda Xuquuqda Aadmiga.
… (Qodobka 111Baad.)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe following are the independent Commissions—
(b) the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission;
… (Sec. 232)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English1. The Ombudsman shall be an independent organ in charge of examining and seeking to settle citizens’ complaints against public bodies, certifying the conformity of the acts with the law, preventing and initiating the whole process to remedy injustice.
2. Citizens may present complaints concerning acts or omissions on the part of public bodies to the Ombudsman, who shall undertake a review, without power of decision, and shall forward recommendations to the competent organs as deemed necessary.
3. The Ombudsman shall be appointed by the National Parliament through absolute majority votes of its members for a term of office of four years.
… (Sec. 27) - Tetum1. Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian, nu’udar órgaun independente ida-ne’ebé iha knaar atu haree no buka hatán sidadaun sira-nia problema hasoru podér públiku, hodi haree loloos hahalok sira-ne’e tuir duni lei, no halo prevensaun no hahú prosesu tomak hodi haburas fali justisa.
2. Sidadaun sira bele hato’o sira-nia kesar ba Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian konaba podér públiku sira-nia hahalok eh omisaun, biar la iha kbiit atu hakotu-lia, nia bele hato’o lia-menon ba órgaun kompetente sira.
3. Maioria absoluta hosi Parlamentu Nasionál maka hili Provedór Direitus Umanus no Justisa nian atu hala’o knaar iha tinan haat nia laran.
… (Art. 27) - Portuguese1. O Provedor de Direitos Humanos e Justiça é um órgão independente que tem por função apreciar e procurar satisfazer as queixas dos cidadãos contra os poderes públicos, podendo verificar a conformidade dos actos com a lei, bem como prevenir e iniciar todo o processo para a reparação das injustiças.
2. Os cidadãos podem apresentar queixas por acções ou omissões dos poderes públicos ao Provedor de Direitos Humanos e Justiça, que as apreciará, sem poder decisório, dirigindo aos órgãos competentes as recomendações necessárias.
3. O Provedor de Direitos Humanos e Justiça é eleito pelo Parlamento Nacional, por maioria absoluta dos Deputados, para um mandato de quatro anos.
… (Art. 27)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe essential function of the Defender of the People is to contribute to safeguard the fundamental rights of people and the collective and diffuse interests established in this Constitution and the law, in case of their being violated by officials or organs of the State, by lenders of public or individual services that affect collective and diffuse interests. The law shall regulate that which is related to its organization and functioning. (Art. 191)
- SpanishLa función esencial del Defensor del Pueblo es contribuir a salvaguardar los derechos fundamentales de las personas y los intereses colectivos y difusos establecidos en esta Constitución y las leyes, en caso de que sean violados por funcionarios u órganos del Estado, por prestadores de servicios públicos o particulares que afecten intereses colectivos y difusos. La ley regulará lo relativo a su organización y funcionamiento. (Art. 191)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
(1) The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights shall perform fundamental rights protection activities; his or her procedures may be initiated by anyone.
(2) The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights shall investigate any violations related to fundamental rights that come to his or her knowledge, or have such violations investigated, and shall initiate general or specific measures to remedy them.
(3) The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights and his or her deputies shall be elected for six years with the votes of two thirds of the Members of the National Assembly.
… (The State, Art. 30) - Hungarian
(1) Az alapvető jogok biztosa alapjogvédelmi tevékenységet lát el, eljárását bárki kezdeményezheti.
(2) Az alapvető jogok biztosa az alapvető jogokkal kapcsolatban tudomására jutott visszásságokat kivizsgálja vagy kivizsgáltatja, orvoslásuk érdekében általános vagy egyedi intézkedéseket kezdeményez.
(3) Az alapvető jogok biztosát és helyetteseit az Országgyűlés az országgyűlési képviselők kétharmadának szavazatával hat évre választja.
... (Az Állam, 30. cikk)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishAn office known as the OFFICE OF CITIZEN PROTECTION is established to protect all individuals against any form of abuse by the government. (Art. 207)
- Frenchll est créé un office dénommé OFFICE DE LA PROTECTION DU CITOYEN dont le but est de protéger tout individu contre toutes les formes d'abus de l'Administration Publique. (Art. 207)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe Authorised Human Rights Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine exercises parliamentary control over the observance of constitutional human and citizens' rights and freedoms. (Art. 101)
- UkrainianПарламентський контроль за додержанням конституційних прав і свобод людини і громадянина здійснює Уповноважений Верховної Ради України з прав людини. (Стаття 101)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe People Defender’s Office is charged with the furtherance, defense and oversight of the rights and guarantees established under this Constitution and international treaties on human rights, in addition to defending the legitimate, collective and diffuse interest of the citizens.
The People Defender’s Office shall act under the direction and responsibility of the People Defender, who shall be designated to serve for a single seven-year term. The People Defender must be a Venezuelan national over the age of 30 years, with manifest and proven competence in the field of human rights, and must meet with such requirements as to honesty, ethics and morality as may be established by law. If the People Defender is temporarily or permanently unavailable to serve, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with applicable provisions of law. (Art. 280) - SpanishLa Defensoría del Pueblo tiene a su cargo la promoción, defensa y vigilancia de los derechos y garantías establecidos en esta Constitución y los tratados internacionales sobre derechos humanos, además de los intereses legítimos, colectivos y difusos, de los ciudadanos.
La Defensoría del Pueblo actuará bajo la dirección y responsabilidad del Defensor o Defensora del Pueblo, quien será designado o designada por un único período de siete años.
Para ser Defensor o Defensora del Pueblo se requiere ser venezolano o venezolana, mayor de treinta años, con manifiesta y demostrada competencia en materia de derechos humanos y cumplir con las exigencias de honorabilidad, ética y moral que establezca la ley. Las faltas absolutas y temporales del Defensor o Defensora del Pueblo serán cubiertas de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en la ley. (Art. 280)
National Human Rights Bodies
- English
The following shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Senate:
1-1) election of The Human Rights Commissioner in Kazakhstan for a five-year term and his release from office upon the recommendation of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
… (Art. 55) - Kazak
Сенаттың ерекше қарауына мыналар жатады:
1-1) Қазақстан Республикасы Президентінің ұсынуымен Қазақстан Республикасындағы Адам құқықтары жөніндегі уәкілді бес жыл мерзімге қызметке сайлау және оны қызметінен босату;
... (55-бап)
National Human Rights Bodies
- EnglishThe National Commission of the Rights of Man is a monitoring organ [organe de suivi] of the promotion and of the protection of the rights of man. (Art. 215)
- FrenchLa Commission nationale des droits de l’homme est un organe de suivi de la promotion et de la protection des droits de l’homme. (Art. 215)