The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Political Parties
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
- EnglishAll citizens have the right of association for political purposes, through democratic methods of organization, operation and direction. Their governing organs and candidates for offices filled by popular vote, shall be selected by internal elections with participation of their members. No financing of associations for political purposes with State funds shall be permitted. Matters relating to the financing of and private contributions to associations for political purposes shall be regulated by law, as shall the oversight mechanisms to guarantee propriety as to the sources and handling of such funds.
Law shall regulate as well, political and election campaigns, the duration thereof and spending limits with a view pursuing its democratization.
Citizens, on their own initiative, and associations for political purposes, shall be entitled to participate in the electoral process, putting forward candidates. The financing of political advertising and election campaigns shall be regulated by law. The authorities of associations for political purposes shall not enter into contracts with organs in the public sector. (Art. 67) - SpanishTodos los ciudadanos y ciudadanas tienen el derecho de asociarse con fines políticos, mediante métodos democráticos de organización, funcionamiento y dirección. Sus organismos de dirección y sus candidatos o candidatas a cargos de elección popular serán seleccionados o seleccionadas en elecciones internas con la participación de sus integrantes.
No se permitirá el financiamiento de las asociaciones con fines políticos con fondos provenientes del Estado.
La ley regulará lo concerniente al financiamiento y las contribuciones privadas de las organizaciones con fines políticos, y los mecanismos de control que aseguren la pulcritud en el origen y manejo de las mismas. Así mismo regulará las campañas políticas y electorales, su duración y límites de gastos propendiendo a su democratización.
Los ciudadanos y ciudadanas, por iniciativa propia, y las asociaciones con fines políticos, tienen derecho a concurrir a los procesos electorales postulando candidatos y candidatas. El financiamiento de la propaganda política y de las campañas electorales será regulado por la ley. Las direcciones de las asociaciones con fines políticos no podrán contratar con entidades del sector público. (Art. 67)