The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Electoral Bodies
- English(1) There shall be an Electoral Commission for Malta.
(9) In the exercise of its functions under this Constitution the Electoral Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority. (Art. 60) - Maltese(1) Għandu jkun hemm Kummissjoni Elettorali għal Malta.
(9) Fl-eżerċizzju tal-funzjonijiet tagħha skont din il-Kostituzzjoni l-Kummissjoni Elettorali ma tkunx suġġetta għad-direzzjoni jew kontroll ta’ xi persuna jew awtorità oħra. (Art. 60)
Electoral Bodies
- English
After each election to the Storting, the Storting appoints a National Electoral Committee comprising five members.
... (Art. 72) - Norwegian
Etter hvert stortingsvalg oppnevner Stortinget et riksvalgstyre med fem medlemmer.
... (§ 72)
Electoral Bodies
- English...
(3) It shall be the duty of the Electoral Commission to suspend the election, either in all electoral divisions or in any one or more of such divisions, if it has reasonable ground to believe that illegal or corrupt practices or other offences connected with the elections have been committed or there has been foreign interference and such practices, offences or interference have so extensively prevailed or have been of such nature that they may reasonably be expected to affect the result of the election, in all or in any one or more of the electoral divisions.
... (Art. 56) - Maltese…
(3) Ikun id-dmir tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali li tissospendi l-elezzjoni, jew fid-distretti elettorali kollha jew f’xi wieħed jew iktar minn dawk id-distretti, jekk ikollha raġuni xierqa li temmen li jkunu saru attijiet illegali jew ta’ korruzzjoni jew reati oħra li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-elezzjonijiet jew kien hemm indħil barrani u dawk l-attijiet, reati jew indħil ikunu pprevalew b’mod hekk estensiv jew ikunu ta’ dik ix-xorta li raġonevolment ikunu mistennija li jkollhom effett fuq ir-riżultat tal-elezzjoni, fid- distretti elettorali kollha jew f’xi wieħed jew iktar minnhom.
... (Art. 56)
Electoral Bodies
- English
(9) The Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic shall decide whether Presidential elections have been held in conformity with the Constitution and the law.
… (Art. 101) - Slovak
(9) O ústavnosti alebo zákonnosti volieb prezidenta rozhoduje Ústavný súd Slovenskej republiky.
… (Čl. 101)
Electoral Bodies
- English(1) Scrutiny of elections shall be the responsibility of the Bundestag. It shall also decide whether a Member has lost his seat.
(2) Complaints against such decisions of the Bundestag may be lodged with the Federal Constitutional Court.
(3) Details shall be regulated by a federal law. (Art. 41) - German(1) Die Wahlprüfung ist Sache des Bundestages. Er entscheidet auch, ob ein Abgeordneter des Bundestages die Mitgliedschaft verloren hat.
(2) Gegen die Entscheidung des Bundestages ist die Beschwerde an das Bundesverfassungsgericht zulässig.
(3) Das Nähere regelt ein Bundesgesetz. (Art. 41)
Electoral Bodies
- English…
7. The competence to judge the correctness and validity of electoral procedural acts pertains to the courts. (Art. 113) - Portuguese…
7. O julgamento da regularidade e da validade dos actos de processo eleitoral compete aos tribunais. (Art. 113)
Electoral Bodies
- English…
An independent commission, whose composition and rules of organization and operation shall be set down by statute, shall publicly express an opinion on the Government and Private Members’ Bills defining the constituencies for the election of Members of the National Assembly, or modifying the distribution of the seats of Members of the National Assembly or of Senators. (1958 Constitution, Art. 25) - French…
Une commission indépendante, dont la loi fixe la composition et les règles d'organisation et de fonctionnement, se prononce par un avis public sur les projets de texte et propositions de loi délimitant les circonscriptions pour l'élection des députés ou modifiant la répartition des sièges de députés ou de sénateurs. (Constitution 1958, Art. 25)
Electoral Bodies
- English
The elected Members of the Storting shall be furnished with credentials. The Storting decides whether the credentials are valid.
All those who have put up lists in elections to the Storting may appeal against the Storting’s decision. Specific provisions concerning the right of appeal and grounds for appeal shall be laid down by law. The Supreme Court makes the final decision on appeals.
If the Storting, the Supreme Court or the National Electoral Committee declares the election invalid, the elected Members of the Storting will remain in office until a new election has been finally approved. (Art. 64) - Norwegian
De valgte representantene får tildelt fullmakter. Stortinget avgjør om fullmaktene er lovlige.
Alle som har stilt liste ved stortingsvalget, kan klage på Stortingets avgjørelse. Nærmere bestemmelser om klagerett og klagegrunner fastsettes ved lov. Høyesterett avgjør klagene.
Hvis Stortinget, Høyesterett eller riksvalgstyret kjenner valget ugyldig, blir de valgte representantene sittende i vervet inntil et omvalg er endelig godkjent. (§ 64)
Electoral Bodies
- English
Elections shall be administered by the election commissions, unless otherwise provided in the Constitution.
The system of electoral commissions is headed by the Central Election Commission. The Central Election Commission organizes elections of the President, delegates to the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, members of the House of Representatives and members of the Council of the Republic, deputies of local Councils of Deputies, holds republican referendums, exercises control over the execution of the legislation on elections and referendums, and exercises other powers prescribed by law.
… (Art. 71) - Belarusian
Правядзенне выбараў забяспечваюць выбарчыя камісіі, калі іншае не прадугледжана Канстытуцыяй.
Сістэму выбарчых камісій узначальвае Цэнтральная выбарчая камісія. Цэнтральная выбарчая камісія арганізуе выбары Прэзідэнта, дэлегатаў Усебеларускага народнага сходу, дэпутатаў Палаты прадстаўнікоў і членаў Савета Рэспублікі, дэпутатаў мясцовых Саветаў дэпутатаў, правядзенне рэспубліканскіх рэферэндумаў, ажыццяўляе кантроль за выкананнем заканадаўства аб выбарах і рэферэндуме, а таксама іншыя паўнамоцтвы, устаноўленыя законам.
… (Артыкул 71) - Russian
Проведение выборов обеспечивают избирательные комиссии, если иное не предусмотрено Конституцией.
Систему избирательных комиссий возглавляет Центральная избирательная комиссия. Центральная избирательная комиссия организует выборы Президента, делегатов Всебелорусского народного собрания, депутатов Палаты представителей и членов Совета Республики, депутатов местных Советов депутатов, проведение республиканских референдумов, осуществляет контроль за исполнением законодательства о выборах и референдуме, а также иные полномочия, установленные законом.
… (Статья 71)
Electoral Bodies
- English
Upon the proposal submitted by the Central Electoral Commission, the Constitutional Court rules either on the validation of the mandate of the Member of Parliament, or on invalidation whenever electoral legislation has been infringed. (Art. 62)
- Moldovian
Curtea Constituţională, la propunerea Comisiei Electorale Centrale, hotărăşte validarea mandatului de deputat sau nevalidarea lui în cazul încălcării legislaţiei electorale. (Art. 62)