The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
Head of State
- English
The President of the Republic is elected by direct universal suffrage for a mandate of five years, renewable one sole time.
... (Art. 42) - French
Le président de la République est élu au suffrage universel direct pour un mandat de cinq ans, renouvelable une seule fois.
... (Art. 42)
Head of State
- English(1) The President shall be elected by the citizen in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution and in accordance with the law enacted by Parliament pursuant to the provisions of this Constitution, making provisions concerning the election of the President.
... (Art. 38)
Head of State
- EnglishOnly a voting citizen who is Cabo Verdean by origin may be elected President of the Republic, and one who does not possess any other nationality, is more than thirty-five years old on the date of application and who, in the three years immediately preceding that date, has had permanent residence within the national territory. (Art. 110)
- PortugueseSó pode ser eleito Presidente da República o cidadão eleitor caboverdiano de origem, que não possua outra nacionalidade, maior de trinta e cinco anos à data da candidatura e que, nos três anos imediatamente anteriores àquela data tenha tido residência permanente no território nacional. (Art. 110)
Head of State
- EnglishThe President is the Head of State and Government and the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces. (Sec. 89)
Head of State
- EnglishThe President of the Republic is the Head of the State. He is the guarantor … of the respect for the Constitution and for the international treaties and agreements.
… (Art. 64) - FrenchLe Président de la République est le Chef de l’Etat. Il est garant … du respect de la Constitution et des traités et accords internationaux.
… (Art. 64)
Head of State
- EnglishA presidential candidate must be an Egyptian born to Egyptian parents, and neither he or his parents or his spouse may have held any other nationality. He must enjoy civil and political rights, must have performed the military service or have been exempted therefrom by law, and shall not be less than forty calendar years of age on the day of commencing candidacy registration. Other requirements for candidacy shall be set out by Law. (Art. 141)
- Arabicيشترط فيمن يترشح رئيسًا للجمهورية أن يكون مصريًا من أبوين مصريين، وألا يكون قد حمل، أو أي من والديه أو زوجه جنسية دولة أخرى، وأن يكون متمتعًا بحقوقه المدنية والسياسية، وأن يكون قد أدى الخدمة العسكرية أو أعفي منها قانونا، وألا تقل سنه يوم فتح باب الترشح عن أربعين سنة ميلادية، ويحدّد القانون شروط التّرشح الأخرى. (المادّة 141)
Head of State
- English
All Gabonese of both sexes, being at least thirty (30) years of age and enjoying their civil and political rights are eligible to the Presidency of the Republic.
Any Gabonese benefitting from another nationality under [the] title of which they [il] exercised political or administrative responsibilities in another country, cannot stand [se porter] as a candidate.
Any person having acquired Gabonese nationality may not present themselves as a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. Only their [sa] descendants, having remained without discontinuity in Gabon can [do so], starting with the fourth generation.
... (Art. 10)8 - French
Sont éligibles à la Présidence de la République, tous les gabonais des deux sexes, âgés de trente (30) ans au moins et jouissant de leurs droits civils et politiques.
Tout Gabonais bénéficiant d'une autre nationalité au titre de laquelle il a exercé des responsabilités politiques ou administratives dans un autre pays, ne peut se porter candidat.
Toute personne ayant acquis la nationalité gabonaise ne peut se présenter comme candidat à la Présidence de la République. Seule sa descendance ayant demeuré sans discontinuité au Gabon le peut, à partir de la quatrième génération.
... (Art. 10)
Head of State
- English
The President of the Republic is the Head of State.
He is elected by universal direct suffrage for a mandate of five years renewable one sole time.
He is the guarantor, by his arbitration, of the regular and continuous functioning of the public powers, of the national independence and of the territorial integrity. He sees to the safeguarding and to the respect for the national sovereignty both in the interior and in the exterior. He is the guarantor of the National Unity.
… (Art. 45) - French
Le Président de la République est le Chef de l’Etat.
Il est élu au suffrage universel direct pour un mandat de cinq ans renouvelable une seule fois.
Il est le garant, par son arbitrage, du fonctionnement régulier des pouvoirs publics, de l'indépendance nationale et de l'intégrité territoriale. Il veille à la sauvegarde et au respect de la souveraineté nationale tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur. Il est le garant de l'Unité nationale.
… (Art. 45)
Head of State
- EnglishThe Crown of Morocco and its constitutional rights are hereditary and are transmitted from father to son through male descendants in direct line and by order of primogeniture of His Majesty The King Mohammed VI, unless the King has designated, in His lifetime, a successor from among His sons, other than His eldest son. When there are no male descendants in direct line, the succession to the Throne is devolved in the closest male collateral line and in the same conditions. (Art. 43)
- Arabicإن عرش المغرب وحقوقه الدستورية تنتقل بالوراثة إلى الولد الذكر الأكبر سنا من ذرية جلالة الملك محمد السادس، ثم إلى ابنه الأكبر سنا وهكذا ما تعاقبوا، ما عدا إذا عين الملك قيد حياته خلفا له ولدا آخر من أبنائه غير الولد الأكبر سنا، فإن لم يكن ولد ذكر من ذرية الملك، فالمُلك ينتقل إلى أقرب أقربائه من جهة الذكور، ثم إلى ابنه طبق الترتيب والشروط السابقة الذكر. (الفصل 43)
Head of State
- EnglishThe President of the Republic shall be the Chief of State and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, shall represent the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe, shall guarantee national independence and the unity of the State and shall ensure the regular workings of the institutions. (Art. 77)
- PortugueseO Presidente da República é o Chefe do Estado e o Comandante Supremo das Forças Armadas, representa a República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe, garante a independência nacional e a unidade do Estado e assegura o regular funcionamento das instituições. (Art. 77)