The Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database is a repository of gender equality related provisions in 194 constitutions from around the world. The Database was updated in partnership with the International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) and with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Japan. Experience its wealth and depth of information by starting your search now.
- EnglishThe Senate is composed of:
1) Two delegates from each province, elected by an electoral college composed of members of the Communal Councils of the considered province, originating from different ethnic communities and elected by distinct ballots;
2) Three persons originating from the Twa ethnicity;
A minimum of 30% of women is assured. The electoral law determines the practical modalities of it, with co-optation the case arising. (Art. 185) - KirundiAbagize Inama nkenguzamateka ni aba:
1° abantu babiri baserukira intara imwe imwe batowe n’abaserukira abandi mu makomine agize iyo ntara bo mu moko adasa kandi badatorewe ku rutonde rumwe;
2° abantu batatu bo mu bwoko bw’abatwa;
Mu bagize Inama Nkenguzamateka hategerezwa kubamwo n’imiburiburi ibice 30% vy’abagore. Ibwirizwa rigenga amatora rirerekana ingene bigenda mukubishira mu ngiro bikenewe hakongerwako kugira ibitigiri bikwire. (Ingingo ya 185) - FrenchLe Sénat est composé de :
1° Deux délégués de chaque province, élus par un collège électoral composé de membres des Conseils communaux de la province considérée, provenant de communautés ethniques différentes et élus par des scrutins distincts;
2° Trois personnes issues de l’ethnie Twa;
Il est assuré un minimum de 30% de femmes. La loi électorale en détermine les modalités pratiques, avec cooptation le cas échéant. (Art. 185)
- English1. A candidate for membership of the National Legislature shall:
a. be a South Sudanese;
b. be at least twenty-one years of age;
c. be of sound mind;
d. be literate; and
e. not have been convicted during the last seven years of an offence involving honesty or moral turpitude.
… (Art. 62)
- EnglishThe Assembly of the Union is the legislative organ of the Union. It votes the laws, including the laws of regulation, adopts the budget and controls the action of the Government. (Art. 72)
- Arabicبرلمان الاتحاد هو هيئة الاتحاد التشريعية. يصوت على القوانين، بما في ذلك قوانين الأنظمة ويعتمد الميزانية ويراقب أعمال الحكومة. (المادة 72)
- FrenchL’Assemblée de l’Union est l’organe législatif de l’Union. Elle vote les lois, y compris les lois de règlement, adopte le budget et contrôle l’action du Gouvernement. (Art. 72)
- English1. There shall be a Parliament of Uganda.
… (Art. 77)
- EnglishThe Parliament is constituted by a single Assembly, called the National Assembly, of which the members carry the title of Deputies. (Art. 44)
- Arabicيتألف البرلمان من مجلس واحد يدعى المجلس الوطني ويحمل أعضاءه لقب نواب. (المادة 44)
- FrenchLe parlement est constitué par une assemblée unique, dite Assemblée nationale, dont les membres portent le titre de députés. (Art. 44)
- English(1) The proceedings of the Senate and the National Assembly are regulated by rules known as Standing Orders, which are made by the Houses individually or jointly on the recommendation of the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders.
(4) Any committee established by or under Standing Orders must reflect, as closely as possible, the political and gender composition of Parliament or of the House to which the Standing Orders apply. (Sec. 139)
- EnglishThe Parliament of Eswatini shall consist of a Senate and a House of Assembly. (Sec. 93)
- EnglishNo one may be a candidate if he is not presented by a political party legally constituted.
The conditions of eligibility, the regime of the ineligibilities and of the incompatibilities are established by an organic law. (Art. 61) - FrenchNul ne peut être candidat s'il n'est présenté par un parti politique légalement constitué.
Les conditions d'éligibilité, le régime des inéligibilités et des incompatibilités sont fixés par une loi organique. (Art. 61)
- EnglishThe Interim National Transitional Council is the supreme power in the State of Libya and shall undertake the works of the supreme sovereignty including legislation and laying down the general policy of the State. The National Transitional Council shall be deemed as the sole legitimate representative of the Libyan people and it shall derive its legitimacy from the Revolution of February 17th. … (Art. 17)
- Arabicالمجلس الوطني الانتقالي المؤقت هو أعلي سلطة في الدولة الليبية، ويباشر أعمال السيادة العليا، بما في ذلك التشريع ووضع السياسة العامة للدولة، وهو الممثل الشرعي الوحيد للشعب الليبي، يستمد شرعيته من ثورة السابع عشر من فبراير. ... (المادّة 17)
- English
The Deputies to the National Assembly are elected for five (5) years by direct universal suffrage.
All Mauritanian citizens enjoying their civil and political rights [and] at least twenty-five (25) years old are eligible to the mandate of Deputy. (Art. 47) - Arabic
ينتخب نواب الجمعية الوطنية لمدة خمس (5) سنوات بالاقتراع المباشر.
يحق لكل مواطن موريتاني متمتع بحقوقه المدنية والسياسية أن ينتخب نائبا إذا كان عمره لا يقل عن خمس وعشرين (25) سنة. (المادّة 47) - French
Les députés à l'Assemblée nationale sont élus pour cinq(5) ans au suffrage universel direct.
Sont éligibles au mandat de député tous les citoyens mauritaniens jouissant de leurs droits civils et politiques âgés de vingt-cinq (25) ans au moins. (Art. 47)